Best Restaurants in Laureles in Medellín – Medellin Guru
We look at 20 of the best restaurants in Laureles in Medellín. Laureles is a popular neighborhood for foreigners in Medellín and has many good restaurants.

20 Best Restaurants in Laureles in Medellín – Update 2023

We look at 20 of the best restaurants in Laureles in Medellín. Laureles is a popular neighborhood for foreigners in Medellín and has many good restaurants.Laureles is the name of a barrio and also a comuna. The Laureles barrio is located in the Laureles-Estadio comuna. In this best restaurants article we considered restaurants located in the Laureles-Estadio comuna.I lived in Laureles-Estadio for a year and also visit this area monthly as I have several friends in the area. Over the past eight years I have eaten at well over 70 restaurants in Laureles-Estadio. The following is our list of the 20 best restaurants in Laureles-Estadio, which is updated for 2023. In the past three months, I have been to half of the 20 restaurants in this list.When deciding on the best restaurants, I asked several of my friends living in Laureles-Estadio what are their favorite restaurants in their neighborhood. And with my Colombian wife’s help, we both collaborated to select and order the following list of the 20 best restaurants in Laureles-Estadio:
Huge 1,000 gram Tomahawk steak at Barbaro Cocina Primitiva

Huge 1,000 gram Tomahawk steak at Barbaro Cocina Primitiva

1. Barbaro Cocina Primitiva

Barbaro Cocina Primitiva is a steakhouse with two location in Medellín that is very popular with locals and some foreigners. This restaurant has a very nice ambience and some very good steaks. This is currently my favorite restaurant in Laureles.The concept for Barbaro was born from a passion for the grill and the joy for meat prepared in many ways. This steakhouse adapts their meat cuts to a primitive concept with thick cuts without much manipulation prior to consumption.Also, they use slow cooking techniques, smoked processes and a wide variety of cuts of pork, beef, fish and seafood.In addition, they use a barrel method, which consists in providing a smoked flavor to the natural flavor of meats, by means of a direct exposure of meats with smoke from coal and/or hard wood.  The meat products are suspended in the upper part of the barrel with the heat of the wood in the background.On the menu at Barbaro are over 10 different steak options including four imported steaks with the steak prices ranging from 45,900 to 289,900 pesos.In addition, Barbaro’s huge 1,000-gram imported Tomahawk steak is the most expensive steak I have seen in Medellín with a price of 289,900 pesos.Website: http://barbarococinaprimitiva.com/Address in Laureles: Carrera 76 # 73B-39, second floor, LaurelesHours: Monday to Thursday: Noon to 10 pm, Friday and Saturday: Noon to 11 pm, Sunday: Noon to 9 pm.
Food options at Delirio Exquisito, 3 photos are courtesy of Delirio Exquisito

Food options at Delirio Exquisito, 3 photos are courtesy of Delirio Exquisito

2. Delirio Exquisito

Delirio Exquisito is a popular Mexican-Asian fusion restaurant in Medellín with some very creative food with excellent presentation. This is one of my favorite restaurants in Medellín.This is a trendy restaurant that draws a crowd, particularly on the weekends. And the restaurant name Delirio Exquisito means “Exquisite delirium”. Also, Delirio Exquisito has two locations in Medellín in El Poblado and Laureles.Delirio Exquisito is a Mexican-Asian fusion restaurant with many creative food options on the menu. And this has become one of my favorite restaurants in Medellín. The main courses start at 36,900, the cheapest and the most expensive are 85,900Delierio Exquisito has two restaurants in Medellín and here is the Laureles location:Address: Laureles: Avenida Nutibara # 74B-09Website: https://linktr.ee/delirioHours: Noon to 9:30 pm.
Diavola pizza at Ammazza with Spanish chorizo, smoked bacon, pork ham, roasted peppers and a mix of organic vegetables

Diavola pizza at Ammazza with Spanish chorizo, smoked bacon, pork ham, roasted peppers and a mix of organic vegetables

3. Ammazza Pizzeria & Gin Garden

Ammazza Pizzeria & Gin Garden is a popular chain of three pizzerias in Medellín with excellent brick-oven cooked thin-crust pizzas as well as some good Italian food.“Ammazza” is the name of the pizzeria chain that was chosen due to it translating to ¨amazing¨. And this is reportedly the goal, mission and vision of these three pizzerias.In addition, Ammazza is a pioneer in Colombia in the world of gin & tonics that are popular in Europe but pretty unknown in Colombia. So, the pizza chain has created a gin bar prepared with a range of botanicals.Ammazza is currently my favorite pizzeria in the Medellín area. And if you like thin-crust pizza with high quality ingredients cooked in a brick oven, Ammazza is highly recommended.The pizzas at Ammazza come in one size with eight slices. On the menu at Ammazza are 17 different pizzas with pizza prices ranging from 32,900 to 69,900 pesos.Ammazza has three locations in Medellín and here is their Laureles location:Address: Laureles: Carrera 76 # 73B-39Website: http://ammazza.com.co/Hours: Monday to Wednesday: noon to 9:30 pm, Thursday to Saturday: noon to 11:30 pm, Sunday: noon to 4:30 pm.
Angus T-bone steak at El Correo Carne y Vino

Angus T-bone steak at El Correo Carne y Vino

4. El Correo Carne y Vino y Amada

El Correo Carne y Vino y Amada is a steakhouse chain with three restaurants in Medellín, which are very popular. This restaurant chain has a nice ambience and some very good steaks and also very good desserts.El Correo actually started out as a pastry business. The first dream of the founders was a boutique pastry shop. The idea was to pay tribute to grandmother and her delicious dessert preparations.So, the founders started out with pastries being made at home. And then in 2009, they opened their first pastry point of sale location in Medellín.The second dream of the founders was to offer meat and wines. So, after a few years with the pastry business, they opened the first El Correo Carne y Vino y Amada in October 2012, which offers steaks, wines and desserts.Since the first El Correo steakhouse opened in 2012, it has grown into a chain of three steakhouses in Medellín and one in Montería plus they have plans to open a steakhouse in Pereira. Also, they have an Amada pastry shop in El Tesoro mall.On the menu at Correo Carne y Vino are over 15 different steak options including three imported steaks with the steak prices ranging from 43,900 to 279.900 pesos.El Correo Carne y Vino has three restaurants in Medellín and here is their Laureles address:Address: Laureles – Transversal 39B # 75-6Website: http://elcorreoyamada.com/
Chateaubriand steak with baked potato at La Pampa

Chateaubriand steak with baked potato at La Pampa

5. La Pampa

La Pampa Parrilla Argentina is a popular chain of six Argentinian steakhouses in Medellín, which has some really good steaks, BBQ ribs as well as good gourmet burgers.This chain of steakhouses has grown to six restaurants in Medellín because it’s very popular.I have been to four of the six La Pampa locations in Medellín. And the food and service has been consistently good in my experience.The restaurants all offer a nice atmosphere suitable for any occasion, from a business lunch to a dinner date or a night out with friends or family.On the weekends, these popular steakhouses can get busy. So, I recommend calling for a reservation. Some of the restaurants also have live music on the weekends.On the menu at La Pampa are over 10 different steak options including three imported steaks with the steak prices ranging from 169.500  to 210.600  pesos.The three of the six La Pampa restaurant locations are in Laureles:
  1. Laureles – Primer Parque; +37 4 412 5374
  2. Laureles – Avenida Jardín; +37 4 366 7304
  3. Laureles – Near Segundo Parque; +37 4 366 0706
Website: https://www.lapampa.co/index.html
Food options at Romero

Food options at Romero

Food options at Romero

6. Romero Cocina Artesanal

Romero Cocina Artesanal is a popular chain of four Italian restaurants in Medellín with good Italian food and a sizable menu of options.Romero has a fairly sizable menu with many appetizers, pastas, casseroles, pizzas, salads, house specials and desserts.They have many different types of pasta dishes available on the menu including fettuccine, ravioli, spaghetti and tortellini. The pasta dishes range in price from 32.400 to 59,900 pesos. And you can order 11 different extras/side orders for prices ranging from 25.900 to 54,900 pesos.Romero Concina Artesanal is a popular chain of Italian restaurants in Medellín. So, it has grown over the past several years to four restaurant locations in the Medellín area. The following is the Laureles location:Address: Laureles: Av. Nutibara #74B-17; Tel: +57 412 9905Website: https://www.romerococinartesanal.com.co/Hours: Noon to 10:00 pm or 10:30 pm.
Bolognese Lasagna at Pizzería Olivia

Bolognese Lasagna at Pizzería Olivia

7. Pizzeria Olivia

Pizzeria Olivia is a popular chain of eight pizzerias in Medellín with great brick-oven cooked pizzas as well as good Italian food. As a result of Pizzería Olivia’s popularity they have grown over the past several years to a total of eight restaurants in the Medellín area.I first discovered Pizzeria Olivia several years ago when I was living in Belén. I like pizzas and Italian food. And I particularly like thin-crust pizza and Pizzeria Olivia specializes in brick-oven cooked thin-crust pizza and Italian food.So, I have eaten at this popular pizzeria chain many times and they have a big menu with many options.The pizzas at Pizzeria Olivia come in one size with six slices. On the menu at Pizzeria Olivia are 29 different pizzas with pizza prices ranging from 25.900 to 54.900.Pizzería Olivia currently has eight locations in the Medellín metro area and here is their location in Laureles:Address: Av. 74B #39-46,  Laureles +57 4 250 7785Website: http://pizzeriaolivia.co/Hours: Sunday to Wednesday: noon – 9pm, Thursday to Saturday: noon – 10pm
Imported ribeye steak with grilled vegetables at Voraz

Imported ribeye steak with grilled vegetables at Voraz

8. Voraz Restaurante

Voraz Restaurante is a steakhouse located in Laureles in Medellín. It’s a popular steakhouse with a nice ambience and some good steaks and desserts.This steakhouse is located in Laureles near the second park of Laureles (Segunda Parque de Laureles).On the menu at Voraz are 10 different steak options including four imported steaks with the steak prices ranging from 57.000 to 75.000 pesos.Website: https://www.vorazrestaurante.com.co/Address: Transversal 39B # Circular 74B-41, Laureles, MedellínHours: Noon to 10:30 pm.
Waffle with Nutella and slices of fresh banana, whipped cream and vanilla ice cream, photo courtesy of Crepes & Waffles

Waffle with Nutella and slices of fresh banana, whipped cream and vanilla ice cream, photo courtesy of Crepes & Waffles

9. Crepes & Waffles

Crepes & Waffles is a very popular chain of restaurants in Colombia that specializes in crepes, waffles and ice cream.In Medellín, Crepes & Waffles is so popular the company has grown to a total of 23 restaurants and 10 ice cream shops. And the restaurants are not difficult to find, as over half of them in Medellín are found in malls in the city.The company has grown to over 80 restaurants in nine cities in Colombia and a total of over 100 restaurants in nine countries. In addition, the company is known for primarily hiring women who are the head of a household.Crepes & Waffles has an extensive food menu. Obviously crepes and waffles are the focus. The extensive menu can be seen online (in Spanish). You will find dishes in crepes from 14,900 to 37,900. Their prices are cheap so you will usually see a long line at this restaurant.Crepes & Waffles is a good option for lunch, brunch, dinner or just a dessert. It’s expected to remain a popular restaurant chain due to having some good food.Crepes & Waffles has two locations in Laureles:
  1. Laureles, Unicentro Mall, Carrera 66B # 34A-6, Phone: +57 4 2655199
  2. Laureles, Transversal 39B # 73B-60, Phone: +57 4 4131344
Website: https://crepesywaffles.com/
Food options at Saludpan, photo courtesy of Saladpan

Food options at Saludpan, photo courtesy of Saladpan

10. Saludpan

Saludpan is a very popular restaurant in Laureles in Medellín with variety of organic, gluten free, vegan and vegetarian options on the menu.This popular restaurant is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner from 8 am to 8 pm daily from Monday to Saturday.The food at this restaurant is very tasty and it’s refreshing to see such a large variety of foods available. You don’t have to be vegetarian (or vegan, or gluten-free, or health-conscious) to enjoy the food at this restaurant.Every day Saludpan offers a inexpensive menu del dia that comes with soup, main dish, juice and a small desert. They offer a vegetarian, a chicken and a salmon dish. Also, you can also ask for the main menu and order off their menu.Saludpan offers an excellent range of vegan dishes, with some options for vegetarians and even carnivores. On the menu are 11 vegan dishes that they call “raw platos vivos” for 9,000 to 14,900 pesos. And there are nine sandwiches and crepes on the menu 5,500 to 24,000 pesos and six vegetarian and vegan hamburgers for 8,900 to 18,900 pesos.In addition, there are 11 gluten free dishes on the menu for 12,900 to 24,900 pesos and three dishes with animal protein (chicken or salmon) for 27,900 to 38.000 pesos. Furthermore there are 16 breakfast dishes on the menu for 11.700 to 22.900 pesos.Address: Circular 4A # 70-84, Laureles, MedellínWebsite: https://www.saludpan.com/Hours: Monday to Saturday: 8:00 am to 8 pm; Sunday: closed.
Some of the food options at Caduff Pasta Fresca, photos courtesy of Caduff Pasta Fresca

Some of the food options at Caduff Pasta Fresca, photos courtesy of Caduff Pasta Fresca

11. Caduff Pasta Fresca

Caduff Pasta Fresca is a popular Italian restaurant located in Laureles in Medellín with some very good Italian food with pasta made in this restaurant. Also, the owners of this restaurant are a Swiss couple.Caduff Pasta Fresca makes their own pasta and they use other fresh ingredients. So, the Italian food here is very good. Furthermore, Caduff Pasta Fresca is currently ranked the 9 best Italian restaurant out of 191 Italian restaurants in Medellín listed on TripAdvisor in Medellín.There are several types of pasta dishes available on the menu including fettuccine, linguine, ravioli and penne. And the pasta is fresh and made in the restaurant. Also, you can substitute the pasta in each dish for a different pasta.The pasta dishes range in price from 16,000 to 17,500 pesos. Also, there is meat or chicken lasagna available for 17,000 pesos.Also on the menu are several meat, chicken and fish combination dishes that come with pasta with prices ranging from 17,500 to 23,500 pesos.The warm ambience in this restaurant suits the delicious fresh pasta and the kitchen is open so you can see them preparing your food. The pasta is always fresh as they make the pasta in the restaurant. Also, you can buy the pasta made here to cook at home.Address: Circular 73B # 39B-26, Laureles, MedellínWebsite: https://www.facebook.com/caduffpastafrescarestaurante/Hours: Noon to 9:00 pm.
Bigotes small pepperoni pizza with mushrooms and jalapeños

Bigotes small pepperoni pizza with mushrooms and jalapeños

Bigotes small pepperoni pizza with mushrooms and jalapeños

12. Bigotes

Bigotes is a popular chain of three pizzerias that specializes in German-style pizza. German-style pizza is characterized by semi-thick crust and natural and artisanal ingredients including German ham and German bacon, which is made by the pizzeria chain.A German expat named Jens owns the Bigotes pizzeria chain. He opened his first pizzeria in the Carlos E. Restrepo neighborhood over five years ago in July 2013.Bigote is Spanish for mustache and the name of the pizzeria comes from the German owner who has a white mustache that twists on both ends.The German expat owner Jens is an engineer who first arrived in Medellín in 2010. He was looking to escape an economic crisis in Europe at the time. He moved from Tenerife, Spain, where he lived and managed five pizzerias with his brother.The ingredients of the pizzas at Bigotes are all natural. In addition, they grow their own tomatoes, make their own sauces and smoke their own meats.The pizzas at Bigotes come in three sizes: small with four slices, medium with six slices and large with eight slices. On the menu at Bigotes are 27 different pizzas.The small pizzas at Bigotes range in price from 25.000  to 30,000 pesos. The medium pizzas range in price from 43,000 to 55,000 pesos. And the large pizzas range in price from 66,000 to 84,000 pesos.Bigotes has three locations in the Medellín metro area and here is the location of Laureles-Estadio.Address: Transversal 39B # 77 – 56Website: https://www.facebook.com/BigoteS-207691646100038/Hours: Monday to Sunday: noon to 11:30 pm.
The Chef Burger Mexican burger, photo courtesy of Chef

The Chef Burger Mexican burger, photo courtesy of Chef

13. Chef Burger 

Chef Burger is a popular chain with 11 gourmet burger restaurants in Medellín with really good American style burgers.  They also use the slogan “The Best Burger in Town” but that’s debatable as Medellín has many other good burger places.Chef Burger was originally the dream of four enterprising friends that started in August 2011 with its first gourmet burger restaurant in El Poblado.This gourmet burger restaurant has been so popular that it has grown over the past six years to where it now has 11 restaurants in Medellín plus two in Bogotá and two in Cali. So, Chef Burger now has a total of 15 restaurants in Colombia. In addition, it has a food truck to enable Chef Burger to bring its gourmet burgers to some events.The above photo is the Mexican burger at Chef Burger with beef grilled to order with lettuce, tomato, guacamole, cheese, onions and jalapeños with chili with meat and pico de gallo, photo is courtesy of Chef Burger.On the menu at Chef Burger are 17 different burgers with prices ranging from 31.400 to 39.400 pesos.Chef Burger currently has 11 locations in the Medellín metro area and here is their Laureles location:Address: Circular 76 # 39 -07, +57 4 448 2378 ext. 102Website: http://chefburger.co/
Café Cliché: A Popular French Café in Laureles

Café Cliché: A Popular French Café in Laureles

14. Café Cliché

Café Cliché is a popular French Café in Laureles in Medellín that is French-owned and is a popular place to hang out with a varied menu with good food.This restaurant has a French chef and has a variety of spaces to hang out including cozy corners for couples and an eclectic décor. In this restaurant you will find a relaxed atmosphere and ample space that will make you feel at home. You will be able to taste simple, fresh French and traditional dishes made of homemade and traditional cuisine.Café Cliché has a popular menu del dia lunch special every Tuesday to Saturday until 3 pm, which includes a soup or salad, a meal and a drink for only 19, 500 pesos. The menu del dia option changes each day.Starting at 5 pm, there is a menu with about 10 different main dish options for 16,900 to 42,900 pesos. In addition, there are 13 different appetizers on the menu for 9,900 to 40.900 pesos. Finally, there are three different desserts available between 9.500 to 11.500.Address: Carrera 77 #39b-45, LaurelesWebsite: https://www.cafeclichemedellin.com/Hours: Monday to Sunday: noon to 8:30 pm, kitchen closes at 8 pm.
Burger at Barbacoa Burger & Beer, photo courtesy of Barbacoa

Burger at Barbacoa Burger & Beer, photo courtesy of Barbacoa

15. Barbacoa Burger & Beer

Update: This restaurant closed its headquarters in Laureles, but you can find it in neighborhoods like Envigado and Manila.Barbacoa Burger & Beer is a popular chain with four gourmet burger restaurants in the Medellín metro area with really good American style burgers.This gourmet burger restaurant is quite popular. So, it has grown over the past several years to where it now has four restaurants in the Medellín metro area. Note the above photo is courtesy of Barbacoa.Barbacoa specializes in gourmet style burgers. And they have a selection of 17 different burgers on the menu ranging in price from 28.400 to 41.200 pesos.Website: http://www.barbacoabnb.com/Address: Manila Carrera 43 E 11A – 21Hours Noon to 11:30 pm or midnight all days
Classic burger at Grill Station Burger, photo courtesy of Grill Station Burger

Classic burger at Grill Station Burger, photo courtesy of Grill Station Burger

16. Grill Station Burger

Grill Station Burger is a popular chain of four gourmet burger restaurants in the Medellín metro area with very good American style burgers.Something unique about Grill Station Burger is that they only use Brangus beef in their burgers except for the chicken and veggie burger and one burger that uses Black Angus beef. And the burgers and nice and juicy.Grill Station Burger has 16 different burgers on the menu priced from 19,900 to 41,500 pesos.Website: https://the-grill-station-burger.cluvi.co/There are four Grill Station Burger addresses in the Medellín metro area and here is their Laureles lcoation:Address: Laureles, 2ndPark: Circular 76 # 73B-17; phone: +57 (4) 412 8021Hours: Monday to Sunday: noon to 9:00 pm.
Seafood dishes at Lo Exquisito del Mar

Seafood dishes at Lo Exquisito del Mar

17. Lo Exquisito del Mar

Lo Exquisito del Mar is a popular seafood restaurant in Medellín with very good seafood. This restaurant cooks its food using methods of the Urabá region of Antioquia.Lo Exquisito del Mar (Spanish for “The Exquisite of the Sea”) is typically filled with Colombians who know it has good seafood.Also, this is a hidden gem on a quiet street near the soccer stadium in Estadio. And eating here feels like an authentic Colombian experience.The main dishes on the menu are all seafood dishes. There are over 45 seafood dishes on the menu with prices ranging from 18.500 to 190,000 pesos.Website: https://www.loexquisitodelmar.com/Address: Calle 49B # 68-56 in Suramericana near the stadium in EstadioHours: Monday to Saturday: 11 am to 8 pm, Sunday: 11 am to 6 pm.
Chilaquiles: a small restaurant in Laureles-Estadio with good Mexican food

Chilaquiles: a small restaurant in Laureles-Estadio with good Mexican food

18. Chilaquiles

Chilaquiles is a small Mexican restaurant located in Laureles-Estadio with good Mexican food owned by a chef who studied moles or salsas in Mexico.Chilaquiles is owned by Juan Gonzálo, a Colombian chef who studied moles and salsas for years in Mexico and in the US. Before the pandemic he also ran a Mexican place in El Poblado.This is a small, hidden gem restaurant with only a couple of tables under a covered porch area. But it’s a popular local restaurant and a few foreigners have discovered this restaurant, as it has good Mexican food.Chilaquiles has a relatively small menu. Chilaquiles is a Mexican restaurant with traditional Mexican food options on the menu including burritos, tacos and quesadillas and make your own taco dishes for 18,000 to 80,200 pesos.Website: https://www.facebook.com/RESTAURANTECHILAQUILES/Address: Calle 48 # 78A-5 in Laureles-Estadio near the Floresta Metro station
Pepperoni pizza with mushrooms at Opera

Pepperoni pizza with mushrooms at Opera

19. Opera Pizzeria & Restaurante

Opera Pizzeria & Restaurante is a popular pizzeria located in Laureles in Medellín with very good brick-oven cooked thin-crust pizzas as well as some good Italian food.I have been to Opera many times over the past several years with friends that live in Laureles and I like the thin-crust pizzas at this pizzeria.This is a pizzeria that specializes in made-to-order pizzas with reasonable prices. And this pizzeria is owned by Italians. So, the pizza is Italian-style. Also, this pizzeria is popular with locals in Laureles. This pizzeria also has some good Italian food.The pizzas at Opera come in one size with six slices. On the menu at Opera are 22 different pizzas with pizza prices ranging from 24.000 to 43,000 pesos.Website: https://linktr.ee/operapizzeria?utm_source=linktree_admin_shareAddress: Calle 42 # 70-22, Laureles, MedellínHours: Tuesday to Thursday: Noon to 10 pm, Friday and Saturday: Noon to 11 pm, Sunday and Holidays: Noon to 10 pm, Monday: closed.
Food at Mondongo's, photo courtesy of Mondongo's

Food at Mondongo’s, photo courtesy of Mondongo’s

20. Mondongo’s

Mondongo’s is a very popular Colombian restaurant with two locations in Medellín. This restaurant serves good comida típica – traditional Colombian dishes.Mondongo’s is very popular with local Colombians and some tourists. And the restaurants have a relaxed atmosphere. In addition, this restaurant chain is named after Mondongo soup, which is a traditional Paisa dish.Mondongo soup is made from diced tripe (the stomach of a cow), which is slow-cooked with chicken or beef stock, cilantro, and many vegetables such as peas, carrots and onions. Mondongo a hearty dish and is sometimes the soup course in a traditional almuerzo (lunch) meal in Colombia.In addition, you can find some of the 16 traditional Colombian dishes we previously looked at on the menu at Mondongo’s.This restaurant chain specializes in comida típica – traditional Colombian dishes. On the menu you’ll find 13 traditional Colombian dishes including Bandeja Paisa, Mondongo soup and several more. Prices for Colombian dishes range from 30,000 to 54,000 pesos.The Mondongo soup is priced at 45.400 And the Bandeja Paisa, which is called Típica Antioqueño is priced at 48.600  pesos.Mondongo’s has two restaurant locations in the Medellín area and here is the Laureles location:Address: Laureles – Carrera 70 # Circular 3-43, Telephone: +57 4 411 3434Website: https://mondongos.com.co/Hours: 11:30 am to 10 pm.

The Best of Medellín

Besides this article about the best restaurants in Laureles, Medellin Guru has several more articles about the best restaurants and coffee shops in Medellín and the Aburrá Valley:
  1. 20 Best Restaurants in Laureles in Medellín
  2. 16 Best Restaurants in Envigado, Colombia
  3. 31 Best Restaurants in Sabaneta, Colombia
  4. 15 Best Pizza Places in Medellín: The Best Pizzerias in the City
  5. 12 Best Burgers in Medellín: Best Burger Places in the Aburrá Valley
  6. 12 Best Steakhouses in Medellín and the Aburrá Valley
  7. 12 Best Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurants in El Poblado
  8. 13 Best Mexican Restaurants in Medellín and the Aburrá Valley
  9. 8 Best Colombian Restaurants in Medellín and the Aburrá Valley
  10. 9 Best Italian Restaurants in Medellín and the Aburrá Valley
  11. 8 Best Places for Brunch in El Poblado
  12. 5 Best Independent Coffee Shops in El Poblado
  13. 8 Top Coffee Shops in Laureles
  14. 5 Best Nano/Micro Breweries in Medellín
Also, we have several additional best of Medellín articles:

The Bottom Line: 20 Best Restaurants in Laureles

In our list of the 20 best restaurants in Laureles we included four steakhouses, three gourmet burger restaurants, three pizzerias, three Italian restaurants, one Mexican restaurant, one seafood restaurant, one French café, one fusion restaurant, one Colombian restaurant plus one crepes and waffles restaurant.In addition, we have more detailed reviews of each of these restaurants including the food and drink menus, which you can see by clicking on the heading for any restaurant.We previously looked at the best restaurants in Sabaneta and we looked at the best restaurants in Envigado. In addition, we plan to provide lists of the best restaurants in other neighborhoods in the Medellín area once we review more restaurants in other neighborhoods.What is your favorite restaurant in Laureles? Did we miss any good restaurants in Laureles? We are happy to add to this list of the best restaurants in Laureles.Sign up for the Free Medellin Guru Newsletter – You can see all of the previous Medellin Guru weekly email newsletters and sign up here.Editors note: updated on August 6, 2019 to add Carduff Pasta Fresca to this list of best restaurants in Laureles.Editors note: updated on January 26, 2019 to add Café Cliche to this list of best restaurants in Laureles.Editors note: updated on January 31, 2019 to add Saladpan to this list of best restaurants in Laureles.Editors note: updated on February 8, 2021 to add Chilaquiles to this list of best restaurants in Laureles.Editors note: updated on January 19, 2022 to reorder list.Editors note: updated on June 14, 2023 with the  restaurant prices and the closure of the Barbacoa headquarters in Laureles.
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17 thoughts on “20 Best Restaurants in Laureles in Medellín – Update 2023”

    1. Bob Johnston August 25, 2023

      Pacho Parrilla restaurant Belen Los Alpes Calle 30

      • Andrea Rendon September 4, 2023

        Hi Bob, Thanks. We plan to look at new restaurants in the future for more articles. Thank you for your recommendation!

    2. Olivia, Voraz, and Crepes & Waffles are old favorites, I shall have to try some of the others whenever I can FINALLY return for my next visit con Mi Amorcita. Luckily I got in nearly a week’s visit a year ago in early February 2020 before the sky fell in, but since then we’ve sadly been internet only. In this neighborhood I also love La Causa, which another commenter also mentioned, and before they closed a couple years ago, I absolutely LOVED Chicago’s Pizza, which as far as I could tell was the ONLY place in town to find a classic Chicago Deep Dish pizza, excellently done. Their other original smaller location across town apparently also closed. While I note that you prefer thin crust, have you, or any readers, ever encountered another place in the Medellin general area that has Chicago style deep dish, or even other non – Chicago style thick crusts pies, like for instance what New Yorkers call a “Sicillian” pie? The pics of the Bigotes pies look like an interesting middle ground style, I shall have to try them on the next visit.

      • Saludpan is the best! Italian food in Medellin is not great and definitely not authentic (just look at the ingredients they put on pizza! Too much substandard Italian food on the list.

        • Andrea Rendon September 4, 2023

          Hi Jo, we want to provide options for all tastes and explore new restaurants. We would appreciate it if you could recommend one for Italian food.

    3. I enjoyed Pizza a la Leña, Tratorria Donna Nona, Café Cliché, Naan, La Causa, and Sushi Market. Hope you’ll check these places out for possible inclusion in a future version of the article.

      Some of your recommendations I did not like Chef Burger because the burger slides out the back of the bun and Opera Pizzeria. I thought it was just an average pizza.

      Some of your other places I haven’t tried yet and agree in general it is a very good list.

    4. John Pazera May 16, 2019

      Hi Jeff,
      Great post. We have been to most of these restaurants a few times each and agree they are great and consistent!

      A few that we also like are La Causa and Puerta Inka for great Peruvian food outside of Lima!

      Taco house, Smash Avocado, and Pane e Pomodoro!

      • geoffrey May 17, 2019

        I went to Puerto Inka and asked if for the Palta Rellena. They never heard of it. It’s one of the most succulent and popular seafood avocado land mark dishes in Lima.

        • geoffrey May 17, 2019

          P.S. I asked three waiters and they never heard of it but the management would have known.

      • Thank John for adding some Peruvian options
        Going to try BarBaro Cocina and the Pizza/gin&tonic place next week

        • Has anyone tried Caduff Pasta Fresca? TripAdvisor gives it pretty good reviews

    5. Thanks for the helpful article. I need to try several of these restaurants. Hope to see a similar article about the best restaurants in Envigado.

      • Hi Tom, thanks. Yes, we plan to look at the best restaurants in Envigado in the near future.

    6. Amanda May 12, 2019

      Thanks, this is a helpful list. I have been to several of these and agree they are good restaurants. I need to try the rest.

    7. Geoffrey May 12, 2019

      I live in Laureles and must say I’m glad to be nudged in the direction of some of the spots listed here. I do tend to fall back on my old reliable haunts a bit too often. I became a regular at La Pampa three years ago because of the off the menu half portion Baby Beef with a double portion of chimichurri sauce and baked spud. A good old fashioned baked potato isn’t all that easy to find and I have chased after the Argie chimichurri sauce ever since my visits there. The staff know me and I always feel particularly welcome so like I say, I tend to miss out on other places. El Correo and Barbaro Cocina are on my list now. I’ve been intending to go for some time. I like the pizza at Pane e Pomodoro behind the Esso/Mobil gas station at Primer Parque so just seem to go on auto-pilot sleep walking mode whenever I want a pizza pie. Ammazza sounds even better. I’ll be sure to stop in.

      • Correction for your review on Chilaquiles restaurant – you say he studied “moles and salsas” but mole IS a type of salsa. They’re not different things. It originates from the Nahuatl word molli or mulli which means salsa. It now generally refers to a specific salsa in Oaxaca (here in Oaxaca simply called mole although perhaps outside called mole oaxaqueño?) or Puebla (mole poblano). Here in Mexico nobody really refers to anything simply as salsa. It is referred to as mole or salsa verde or salsa de chile de árbol o guacamole o pico de gallo o salsa roja… cheers!

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