How to obtain a colombia resident visa
Colombia's resident visa is intended for foreigners who wish to live full-time in Colombia. We provide 2024 updates to the resident visa rules.

How to Obtain a Colombia Resident Visa – 2024 Update

The Colombia resident visa is intended for foreigners who wish to live full-time in Colombia. We provide 2024 updates to the Colombia resident visa rules.

Colombia changed its Colombian visa rules in mid-2022, which went into effect on October 21, 2022. 

The cost for the current R visa is $454 USD, which is higher than the previous RE visa, which was $435 USD. So, the current Colombia resident visa cost is somewhat higher than the previous.

The Resident (R) Colombian Visa

Resident visas have had several changes with the latest Resolution 5477 of 2022.
There are four categories for the Resident visa in Colombia:

The previous RE visa rules, according to Resolution 6045 in late 2017, required two years for holders of an M category 1 visa (marriage visa) before becoming eligible for an R visa. Now, with the current Resolution 5477 it’s three years. 

Time in Colombia Required With a Resident Visa

Similar to the previous RE visa, if you leave Colombia for a period of more than two consecutive years with an R visa without returning to Colombia, the R visa expires and is no longer valid. 

In addition, you are permitted to work in Colombia with a Resident (R) visa, excluding pensioners. 

Has the visa process changed in Colombia due to the new Resolution 5477?

According to ExpatGroup, the visa agency we partnered with, tells us that with the new resolution, the government has introduced new application requirements, in addition to having eliminated some visas, such as the M student visa, and changed the category, for example, the R type visa for larger investment is now M type category. 

The visa agency we partnered with has helped many foreigners obtain visas during the pandemic including retirement visasmarriage visasstudent visasinvestment visas and resident visas.

Applying for a visa
Applying for a Colombia resident visa

How to Apply for a Colombia Resident Visa

You can apply for a Colombia resident visa online. In addition, you can obtain Colombian visas at Colombian consulates around the world. In the U.S., Colombia has consulates located in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, Orlando, Newark, New York, San Francisco, and Washington DC.

The Colombian visa process is fairly easy as it’s done online. You can apply for a Colombia visa online here. This application will require scans of all required documents in PDF files plus the photo in jpg format. In addition, a detailed guide for applying online is found here.

Visas in Colombia are issued by the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. Since the coronavirus, all visas are issued electronically, so you do not have to travel to Bogota for the stamp.

I successfully obtained three Colombian visas that I applied for my own in the past that were good for a total of five years. But the biggest challenge with doing a Colombian visa yourself is not benefiting from the experiences of a visa agency, which has processed hundreds of visas and knows exactly what is needed for each type of visa.

Also, another big benefit of using a visa agency is that they help you gather all the information and documents necessary for the visa application. The cost of the service includes immigration advice, visa application, visa registration, and application for a foreigner identification card.

So, for my latest visa received in 2018, a Colombia resident visa, I used a visa agency. And I found the experience painless and now highly recommend using a visa service over doing a Colombia visa application yourself. The bottom line is with a visa agency you are less likely to run into problems, and you can avoid a trip to Bogotá.

Medellin Guru Visa Service

The visa agency we partnered with has helped 1.377 Medellin Guru reader

Documents Required for a Colombia Resident Visa

Documents required for R resident visa are as follows:

  • Photo

    Passport-style face photo with a white background, 3 cm width X 4 cm height, maximum 300 kb jpg file size for online application.

  • Passport

    Photocopy of the first page of your passport with a minimum validity of 6 months where your personal data is displayed.

  • Passport stamp

    Photocopy of the page of your passport with the last stamp of entry or departure of Colombia is located.

  • Visa

    Photocopies of your previous M visa(s) if applying based on length of time holding these visas. In addition, you need a certificate accrediting occupation or source of income.

  • Migratory Movements

    Migratory Movement Certificate issued by Colombia Migration, dated within three months of the visa application.

1. For Accumulated time:

  • Accumulated Time

    For foreigners who have remained in the national territory as holders of valid Migrant (M) visas, accumulating the times indicated below:

Length of stay
Length of stay
  • Letter

    Letter of application that demonstrates the income of support and proves that it still maintains the conditions that gave the previous visas.

  • Colombian ID

    Copy of the cedula de extranjeria

  • For married or permanent partners

    a). Letter of intent from the Colombian citizen stating that is still in the relationship and requesting the visa. b) copy of the cedula ciudadania. c) A special power of attorney issued by a notary so that the foreigner can request the visa.

Please be aware that in order to accumulate time toward an R visa, each new visa must be issued before the expiration of the current one. For example, suppose your current visa is valid until May 25. In that case, your next visa must be issued before this date, the same day or, at the maximum, the day after, to continue accruing time toward residency.

2. Special Resident for Peace:

  • Certification

    Certification issued by the Office of the High Commissioner for Peace, stating having belonged to the FARC-EP, and having completed the process of laying down arms and transition to legality.

  • Permit to Stay

    Demonstrate that is in the country in good standing or enclose a valid Permit to Stay issued by Migration Colombia.

3. Citizen Renunciation:

  • Colombian Nationality Renunciation Certificate

    Copy of the certificate of renunciation of Colombian nationality.

  • Application Letter

    Letter of application for a Permanent Resident (R) visa explaining the means of subsistence you have abroad to stay in the country.

4. Temporary protection for Venezuelan Migrants:

  • Accumulated Time

    Be a holder of PPT, PEP, or both valid for five years.

  • PPT - PEP

    Have a valid Temporary Protection Permit.

Medellin Guru Insurance Service

Medellin Guru partnered with an insurance agent to offer Colombian insurance services to foreigners including health insurance, auto insurance, homeowners’ insurance, travel insurance and life insurance.​

How to Get the Migratory Movement Certificate (Certificado de Movimiento Migratorio)

You can get the Migratory Movement Certificate (Certificado de Movimiento Migratorio) at any Migración Colombia office. The cost currently for 2024 is $75,000 COP.

I submitted online and went to the Migración Colombia office in Medellín. I needed an enlarged copy of my cedula (both sides) and paid with a credit card. The processing time is three business days. I submitted and paid on a Thursday, and the Migratory Movement Certificate was ready on Tuesday.

Using a Visa Agency for a Colombia Retirement Visa

Whether you are in Colombia or abroad and want to save yourself the hassle of applying for a visa., you can use a visa agency to obtain a Colombia resident visa. A visa agency can handle the whole online application.

Medellin Guru has partnered with what we believe is the best visa agency in Medellín to offer Colombia visa services. Features of this service include:

  • Online chat – get visa questions answered fast.
  • Online quotes – get immediate visa quotes.
  • Bilingual team
  • Office in El Poblado in Medellín.
  • Competitive price compared to other visa services.
medellin guru visa service

Successfully Aproved Visas

after launching our partnership with expatgroup.co


Through this service we have helped

Medellin Guru readers with their immigration processes

Digital Nomad






Permanent Partner

















American Passports Renewed
Tourism Stamp Extension

In addition, many more visas are in process – short, medium or longer term, depending on client needs.

We reviewed all the Colombia visa agency services in Medellín and found one agency that offers a more efficient visa service with more features and more comprehensive communications including online chat, WhatsApp, video call, email and phone plus a low price and a convenient office in El Poblado.

Our visa partnership is an affiliate relationship (like the Amazon affiliate program). If you use our visa partner, Medellin Guru receives a small commission and you support the website. This is at no additional cost to you. The price remains the same, whether you use a button or affiliate link on this website or not.

Furthermore, the partner visa agency offers visa services anywhere in Colombia. So, if you are located in another city in Colombia, you can use this service.

My Experience Obtaining a Resident Visa

I previously had two Colombian student visas and a Colombian marriage visa. And I applied for all three visas myself and traveled to Bogotá to get the visas in my passport.

In early September 2018, I became eligible for a resident visa after having an old TP-10 marriage visa for three years. But instead of applying for my own resident visa, I decided to use a visa agency to avoid a trip to Bogotá.

I met with the visa agency and they provided a list of required documents. I gathered the documents including the Certificado de Movimiento Migratorio and provided the documents to the visa agency a week later.

After another week, the visa agency heard back from the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. They wanted more documentation about my income. So, I provided additional documentation and my visa was approved three days later. So, I paid for the visa at a Servibanca ATM machine and received the electronic visa the same day.

The visa agency couriered by passport to Bogotá to get the visa physically in my passport. And a week later I had my passport in my hands with the visa. In addition, visa agency provided documents that I would need to apply for a new cedula. Note there is no longer a need to get the visa stamped in your passport, due to the pandemic, the electronic visa you receive works.

Overall this was a painless process and the visa agency was very professional. From the time I initially provided documents to the visa agency to getting my passport back with the resident visa was only 2.5 weeks.

New entrance to Migracion Colombia in Medellín, on Calle 19A
New entrance to Migracion Colombia in Medellín, on Calle 19A

Getting a Colombian Cedula

After you have successfully received your Colombia student visa, you have a maximum of 15 calendar days to register your visa with Migración Colombia to get a Cedula de Extranjeria (Colombian ID for foreigners). Or if you received your visa at a consulate, you will have 15 calendar days after you arrive in Colombia to register your visa.

Due to being photographed and fingerprinted this must be done in-person at a Migración Colombia office. 

Especially relevant, it is very important to register your Colombian resident visa within the allotted time frame. If not, you will be liable for a big fine of up to seven times the minimum monthly salary in Colombia. The minimum salary in Colombia is $1,300,000 COP per month in 2024. So, the fine is up to 9,100,000 COP pesos in 2024.

To register your visa and apply for a cedula this must be done at one of the Migración Colombia offices. You can find Migración Colombia offices in major cities in Colombia.

  • Barranquilla – Carrera 42 # 54-77, Barrio El Recreo
  • Bogotá – Calle 100 #11B-27
  • Cali – Avenida 3 norte # 50N-20
  • Cartagena – Carrera 20 B # 29-18, Barrio pie de la Popa
  • Medellín – Calle 19 #80A-40, Barrio Belén (the entrance is on the other side of the building on Calle 19A)

A complete list of the Migración Colombia offices is found here. In addition, we have a guide to applying for a Cedula Extranjeria in Colombia.  

Validity of the Colombian Resident Visa

According to Resolution 5477, the Resident visa is valid for five years, so holders of this visa must transfer their visa every five years in order to maintain their validity and legality in the country.

Requirements for visa transfer

  • Comply with the general visa requirements
  • Attach a copy of the visa Migratory Movements
  • Copy of the foreigner’s identification card
  • Documents proving that the conditions that granted the visa are maintained.

This visa transfer for a R visa can be done by a visa agency and the visa agency Medellin Guru partnered with offers this visa transfer service.

Dual citizenship is possible
Dual citizenship is possible

Dual Citizenship

After having an R resident visa for five years (or three years if married to a Colombian – see our Marriage Visa article) you can apply to become a citizen of Colombia. And you won’t have to give up your existing citizenship. Colombia permits dual-citizenship, as does the U.S. and many other countries.

And if you already have a R visa when you get married to a Colombian, you need to wait two years after being married to be eligible to apply to become a citizen of Colombia.

But if planning to become a citizen when you have the R visa and you are out of the country for more than a year then you reportedly aren’t eligible for citizenship.

Once you become a dual citizen with Colombian citizenship, you will no longer need to deal with visas anymore. Also, you will be able to travel to a few countries as a Colombian citizen without a visa such as Russia, which require a visa for U.S. citizens.

Also, if you have Colombian citizenship, this benefits you with the Mercosur trade block. Nationals of Member States (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) and Associated States (Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru) do not need a passport or visa to travel around the region, with only a national identity card required. 

In addition, the Mercosur Agreement grants the right to residence and work for citizens with no requirement other than nationality. Citizens of the Member States and Associated States that are part of the agreement enjoy a facilitated procedure for applying for a residence visa, as long as they have a valid passport, birth certificate and a negative certificate of criminal record.

To become a citizen, Colombia requires a citizenship test, just like the U.S. does. You will be required to pass a test related to Colombian history, geography and the constitution. Also, a basic Spanish oral test is required. Those who have a bachelor’s degree from a Colombian university or are over 65 years old are exempt from these tests.

Furthermore, a complete list of the requirements for Colombian citizenship is found on the Cancillería website here.

Medellin Guru's Comprehensive Visa and Passport Series

The Colombian visa changes that went into effect in October 2022 were significant. So, on the Medellin Guru site, we have a comprehensive series of visa articles that are kept up-to-date and should answer most visa questions. These articles include:

We have looked in detail at the nine most popular Colombian visas used by foreigners:

  1. Digital Nomad Visa
  2. Retirement visa
  3. Marriage visa
  4. Investment visa
  5. Business Visa
  6. Resident visa
  7. Work visa
  8. Student visa
  9. Visitor visa

Also, we have looked in detail at three additional Colombian visas, which are less popular for foreigners:

In addition, we have a guide to Colombia tourist visas and how to extend a tourist visa. Also, we have a guide to renewing U.S. passports in Colombia and a guide to obtaining a Colombian passport.

Furthermore, we provide information about travel insurance that meets the insurance requirement for Colombian visas. And we have a guide to how apply for a cedula extranjeria in Colombia and a guide to using notaries in Medellín and Colombia. Finally, Medellin Guru has partnered with a visa agency to offer Colombia visa services.

All of our Colombia visa articles are up to date (2023) and constantly receive updates in 2024.

Obtaining a Colombia visa
Obtaining a Colombia resident Visa

The Bottom Line: Obtaining a Colombia Resident Visa

Colombia’s resident visa is relatively easy to get with few documents needed. But the resident visa requires several years with the Migrant (M) visa.

The visa agency we partnered with has helped many Medellin Guru readers obtain resident visas. Click on the button below to go to the visa agency’s page, where you can obtain a quote.

Colombia’s visa costs are lower than in many other Latin American countries. The Colombian visa process is also streamlined, with online applications, and relatively fast.

Medellin Guru Visa Service

The visa agency we partnered with has helped 1.377 Medellin Guru reader

Editors note: Updated on February 22, 2023 with updated information regarding new visa rules. 

Editors note: updated on June 29, 2023, with new images.

Editor’s note: updated on April 30th with the 2024 minimum colombia wage amount.

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141 thoughts on “How to Obtain a Colombia Resident Visa – 2024 Update”

    1. Louis Jordy October 1, 2021

      Hello Jeff,
      My name is Louis and I found your news letter while I was still living in Texas. I have found it to be very informative.
      I haven’t subscribed because you have stated that you have been hacked. I don’t have a problem paying your very small cost, just not with my card and not over the net. Give me another way to pay and I will join right up.

      Now to the reason I am emailing you.
      I have been here in Santa Marta now for 4 months. My (Colombian wife) of 15 years finally quit work and we are retiring here.
      Her son is filing my marriage visa paperwork for me at I think I read 283 u.s. dollars per filing, twice now. What I am being told is that the Colombian government wants a copy of the passport I had at the time my wife filed our marriage with the Colombian government(15 years ago). U.S. passports only being valid for 10 years, I destroyed it. They have the number of that passport, however they say they will not approve my paperwork without it.
      Do you know if this is correct or perhaps my wife’s son is doing something wrong?

      Thanks for any and all help you can offer.
      P.S. I don’t have and will not download “WhatsApp”

      Thanks again

    2. Hi Jeff. First of all, thanks a lot for your post and comments. Could you please clarify the following “While you have the R visa and you are out of the country for more than a continuous year then you aren’t eligible for citizenship. So, if you plan to become a citizen based on having an R visa you can’t leave Colombia for more than a year at a time”. Do I understand correctly that if I am out of the country all I need is to visit it every 11 months just to reset the time of absence? According to this article https://nomadcapitalist.com/second-passport/colombia/ “There is no in-country presence requirement in order to maintain your second residency or work toward your second passport” and “Personal income tax only needs to be paid after five years of actually having lived in the country”. Can you conform that please?

      • Yes, if I am out of the country all I need is to visit it every 11 months just to reset the time of absence.

        And that article saying “Personal income tax only needs to be paid after five years of actually having lived in the country” is totally out of date, as that changed years ago. You become a tax resident after being in Colombia for more than 183 days in a year. See: https://medellinguru.com/income-taxes/

        • And what is incredible (or, perhaps, only too credible) is that the article was supposed to have been updated on May 7 2021. Just reconfirms that you cannot trust a lot of these websites – Medellin Guru being one of the few you can.,

    3. Luc Hebert June 13, 2021

      hi i want to expat to colombia,i am from canada,can you tell me step by step the paper i need? and those papers can i get them from my home or i should go to colombia to ask papers?

      second thing i dont fit in those categories
      Retirement visa
      Marriage visa
      Investment visa
      Resident visa
      Work visa
      Student visa
      Visitor visa

      visitor visa is good for max 6 months but i want to live in colombia forever,i dont have enough money for invest,not retired yet,will not study,work i dont know theres no lot of jobs in colombia,i only got 2000$ saved and my spanish is not excellent,last option i got is marry a colombian girl,that is very possible
      thanks in advance for the step by step procedures

    4. Anthony March 27, 2021

      Hi Jeff,

      I have a question in regard to what “uninterruptedly” means. If I currently have an M visa to work in Colombia, but I get a new job and apply for another visa, I imagine I would need to cancel the first. Does this count as an interruption in the time I have held an M visa?

      Thanks for all your help.

      PS : These articles are very helpful. Thank you

    5. To obtain a residents visa by continuously holding a M visa. Can you do this if you change category of M visa? Say 2 years for one M visa and 3 years for another?

    6. Hi,
      Thanks for all the useful information on this page, but I was hoping someone might be able to help with a specific question. I’ve had a business owner’s visa for 3 years (expires in June), but I mainly work for one company so to avoid the paperwork and costs associated with maintaining the business, it’d make more sense to get a standard working visa as their employee. My question is, given that my goal is residency, will the three years i’ve already accumuated towards it be lost if I change to a different visa type, or would I still be eligible for residency in 2 years? I’ve been in touch with the cancilleria and they were a bit vague and unhelpful, apparently they ‘prefer’ five years with one type of visa but whether you qualify or not for the residency visa is up to the discretion of the person processing it, so it could be a risk. Many thanks in advance for any advice…

    7. Hey Jeff. First, I want to thank you for helping me to get both a migrant visa (2018) and now a resident visa which was granted to me in mid January 2021. So here’s my issue. I got the electronic resident visa and went to Belen and got my updated cedula extranjeria. But the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores has put off getting visas stamped into passports in Bogotá because of Covid. So I am asking to myself: What happens if I leave the country with just the new Migración Colombia stamp but not the Visa R stamp. I don’t feel that carrying a paper copy of the electronic visa is going to be accepted at passport control when I attempt to reenter Colombia. Basically I’d like to know when can I get the visa R stamped into my passport. Any idea when the Ministerio in Bogotá is going to reopen? Thanks.

      • Yes, the electronic paper copy of the visa will be accepted.

    8. Tom Mclaughlin December 28, 2020

      Can you do smoe things from Canada ? THS

    9. So you make your investment by purchasing at least 190k of real estate, then you apply for the visa?

      How long can you stay in the country before you need the visa?

    10. Am interested in your services

      I need to renew my 5 yr visa early in July 2021 when should we begin

      Where are you located and do I need an apt

      I live in Cartagena

      I await your reply

      • The visa agency we partnered with is located in Medellín but offers services remotely throughout Colombia.

        The visa agency can answer your questions – click on this link to contact the agency – https://expatgroup.co/english/visasincolombia/ and there is a chat at the bottom right of the visa agency’s page during business hours.

    11. Hi Jeff,
      I have some stamps coming in and out of Colombia, however during 2017 I registered for the eletronic service which doesn’t require stamps and reads your passport electronically. What do you recommend in this case given the Migracion Colombia is closed and not able to get the certificate?

      Also, if I am applying after having the TP10 visa for 3 years do I still need to show travel in and out of Colombia? Or is this only for those applying after 5 years of continuous visa in Colombia?


    12. Douglas August 11, 2020

      From R visa after M visa for years – Does the notorized letter from your spouse need to be notorized in Colombia? Or can it be a letter written and notorized outside of Colombia?

      • Depends where applying. If applying outside of Colombia, a letter notarized in the U.S. may work or notary at the consulate. Need to ask at the consulate.

      • Dylan Quint August 11, 2020

        It needs to be notarized at the Colombian consulate or embassy.

    13. Dylan Q May 8, 2020

      Hi Jeff,
      Thank you for keeping this article up to date with all the recent changes. I have a quick question, I have been unable to travel to Colombia since late last year and I have been trying to get back but have been delayed because of the pandemic. I have an R Visa and my question is on the time out of the country. If i travel to Colombia for a few weeks at a time every six months, will this satisfy the time in country requirement? My wife just got her US green card and we need to stay here until she naturalizes. I don’t want to lose my R Visa because I have plans to split time in the future. Does Migracion count total days out of country in the Movement Report, or just coming back a few times a year satisfies the requirement.

      • The above article answers your question.

        “If you leave Colombia for a period of more than two years consecutively with an R visa without returning to Colombia, the R visa expires and is no longer valid.

        However, if you are planning to become a naturalized Colombian citizen the restriction is different. While you have the R visa and you are out of the country for more than a continuous year then you aren’t eligible for citizenship. So, if you plan to become a citizen based on having an R visa you can’t leave Colombia for more than a year at a time.”

    14. Norman April 8, 2020


      I have a TP10 Visa and am intending to apply for a Resident visa when it is due to expire later this year. You mention that the rules have now changed to require an international health insurance certificate. The only health insurance I have is a prepagada with Colmedica and it doesn’t mention a limit. It gives me limited cover when I am not in Colombia but it cannot be described as an international policy. Are you saying that is not sufficient? It covers me in Colombia and surely that is what they want?

      • Best to ask the visa agency we partnered with, click on the blue “Use the Medellin Guru Visa Service” button in the article and the page that shows up there is a chat at the bottom right available during business hours.

        • Norman April 9, 2020

          I am trying to contact them but, in the meantime, are you saying that R visas are in future only going to be for one year as I know of no health insurance that is issued for more than one year at a time? So they will have to be applied for every year?

          • You will need to ask the visa agency about this. It’s a new requirement. Also, if you have a cedula you are eligible for Colombian EPS health insurance and this may meet the requirement.

            • Norman April 9, 2020

              Thanks. I do have a cedula and am registered with my local EPS. I will report back when I have heard from the visa company. It would seem to be ridiculous if the new change meant that R visas had to be renewed annually.

    15. If I have a Migrante (M) visa, and I have a child born in Colombia, will the child be Colombian by birth? I have read that M or R qualifies, but then for citizenship only R qualifies. Anyone know about this?

    16. Hey Jeff, thanks for the useful info! I have a question. Did they make you go for an interview about your marriage? I was thinking that maybe I don’t want to use a visa service if I will have to go to Bogota anyways for an interview like I did with my M-1 visa. Thanks!

      • No interview for my resident visa, I have heard there are almost never interviews for resident visas.

    17. Jeff:

      Many thanks!!

    18. Scott Burger February 27, 2020


      I have a question regarding income requirements for the R visa. How much per month does the government like to see when applying? The reason that I ask is that I have my M1 visa for a few months. I am looking to form an SAS company and pay myself a salary from that.

    19. Kevin Mc Guire February 24, 2020

      I have one question the investment in a property does the amount have to be a property partially paid by a mortgage loan or have the funds to be provided by the purchaser?

      All the best


      • Funds have to be provided by the purchaser and properly transferred to Colombia with a communication issued by the Department of International Exchange of the Bank of the Republic that records the direct foreign investment in your name. In addition, it is nearly impossible for foreigners to get mortgages in Colombia.

    20. I married a Colombian in 2007, she is now a US Citizen. We now have two children (both born in the US) and are thinking of moving to Colombia. What process should I follow?

    21. excuse me, why would a foreign country care about validity of Colombian visa?

      Only airline agent on a return or one-way flight to Colombia would be concerned, and they asked for cedula (at PTY)

      “Foreigners who have received a new cedula with an expired R visa have reported problems traveling internationally, as in foreign countries they don’t know that a Colombian R visa is valid indefinitely, even though the R visa stamp in a passport is only good for five years.”

      • It happened to several clients of the visa agency we partnered with, reported trouble when checking in with airline in the U.S. and not seeing a valid visa and wanting to see a return ticket.

    22. Scott Burger November 3, 2019

      Hi Medellin Guru”

      Many thanks for your guidance on getting the M-1 visa and the cedula de extanjeria. I had my appointment at the Cartagena Migracion Colombia office on 28Oct2019 to register my visa and start the process for my cedula. I was able to pick it up on 31Oct2018 at the Cartagena Office.

      Once again, many thanks for your help!!

    23. Excellent post, thanks for the information.

      “In addition, you need a certificate accrediting occupation or source of income.”

      How does one go about getting this certificate? And what if they work online? Thanks!

      • We recommend asking the visa agency we partnered with. Click on the blue “Use the Medellin Guru Visa Service” button in the article above and it will bring up a page where there is a chat at the bottom right of the page where you can ask questions.

    24. Pierre Luc Garon July 31, 2019

      Thank you for the very detailed information!

      I’m looking to apply for a resident visa to raise my future baby in Colombia with my colombian girlfriend. She will come into this world at the end of November and my 180 days yearly allowance will run out about a month before the birth. Can I apply for a yet-to-be-born child? Do I have any other options?

      • No, you can’t apply for a resident visa for a yet-to-be-born child. You need a Colombian birth certificate for the child, as it says in the article. See our visa guide for other visa options – https://medellinguru.com/colombia-visa-guide/. Perhaps an option would be to get a student visa for studying Spanish?

    25. Richard June 30, 2019

      Hi Jeff, I am considering Colombia to live, work, and partially retire. I currently collect 900$ a month guaranteed which can only increase. I have a decent savings account to work with and I can also apply to the VA through a program called the Foreign Medical Care (FMC) for medical needs. My goal is to be able to work and live in Colombia and prefer to maintain a job in Colorado via a cell phone and computer pert time, along with my monthly disability, and savings. Is this possible? Comfortable? How does Colombia treat my Tax free disability income? Other income from working in Colorado? Am I taxed? Am I taxed or penalized?

      Medellin looks like an awesome place to start and planning a trip in OCT. I would like to find excellent year round weather, great people, slower pace, Healthy, clean, a fair cost of living, without a tax burden. I want to live happy, healthy, and enjoy my time.

      Any direction or advice you have is greatly appreciated.

      Thank you for your time!

    26. William June 21, 2019

      Hey Jeff!
      I’m married to colombia national and hold tp 10 for one and half year. unfortunately , my wife was sick and passed on. Please , i want to find out whether i’m qualify for RE when my tp 10 expires?

      • Unfortunately it is possible that a TP-10 visa is not longer valid if your wife passes on. I recommend checking with the visa agency we partnered with by clicking on the blue “Use the Medellin Guru visa service” button in the article. This will bring up a page where you can chat directly with the visa agency using the chat at the bottom right of the screen.

    27. Hi Jeff, thanks for the great article! I have a question for you. Let’s say for example that you invest in a company and receive the Migrante category 6 visa. According to your article you will receive the R visa category 4 if you maintain the M visa for 5 years uninterrupted and continuously. If you would then like to naturalize and become a Colombian citizen, the clock to becoming eligible for the citizenship will start once you receive your Resident visa. I would like to know how long you will need to be in the country per year once receiving the Residente visa to maintain a cumulative domicile for naturalization purposes? Thanks again!

      • Good question. I will find out the answer and update the article.

      • The article is updated. If you leave the country for more than 1 year at a time when you have an R visa you lose eligibility to naturalize to become a Colombian citizen.

    28. Pedro May 22, 2019

      Tried it today twice. Nobody answered

    29. Pedro May 22, 2019

      But is it correct that that it is only necessary for a lost Passport when replacing the visa ?

      • I recommend clicking on the blue “Use the Medellin Guru Visa Service” button in the article. This will bring up a screen with a chat box at the bottom where you can ask questions directly to a visa agency.

    30. Pedro May 22, 2019

      Thanks Jeff, that is what I understand. Not sure if I can do this in Washington DC where I am at the moment as they keep bankers hour, don’t answer their phones, and don’t have much on the internet. It its my understanding that I do need passport fotos and my passport with the visa inside but there is some confusion with regard to some document with regard to why movements from Colombia ????? Cost ?
      Thanks in advance.

      • The document showing movements in Colombia is known as the Migratory Movement Certificate (Certificado de Movimiento Migratorio), which is covered in the article above. Cost is 90,000 pesos.

    31. Pedro May 22, 2019

      Hi Jeff, Can you explain the “visa transfer procedure” you mentioned in renewing one’s Resident Visa. How far in advance should this be done and again does it require renewing one’s Cedula

      • Hi Pedro, I plan to find out and update the article. The resident visa is valid indefinitely but the visa stamped in your passport is only good for 5 years and your cedula is only good for 5 years. Since your visa in your passport and cedula expire, they will need to be renewed but I understand it’s not like applying for the resident visa the first time.

      • The article is updated. I asked a visa agency about this, as this isn’t clear. The “R” visa is supposed to be valid indefinitely but the “R” visa stamp in your passport is only good for five years. The visa agency said there is no need to apply for a new R visa at the end of five years.

        Instead, the visa agency said the process to renew is done at Migracion and is essentially like getting a new cedula.

    32. Jeff, there was extensive documentation and filings involved for bringing the money into Colombia required to build our house including verification of funds, contract filings, documentation of use of funds, filings with departmental authorities, etc. The banks here in Colombia are not allowed to accept funds transfers large enough to build a house without legal documentation. Given the complexity involved with documenting our investment, I will probably go the spousal filing route for my residency visa. Thanks for the response.

    33. Ray Granvold May 20, 2019

      Hello Jeff, I am a US citizen in process of retiring in Colombia near Medellin. I am married to a Colombian citizen and am currently living in Colombia on a spousal visa that expires in August 2019. We have built a house near El Retiro that has a value in excess of the 650 times the minimum wage requirement (cost to build, plus cost of lot in excess of 715 millions pesos). My question is how do I obtain a record of foreign investment? The funds to build the house were transferred from the US to a Bancolomnbia account in my wife’s name over the course of a year as we built the house. Any suggestions?

      • You would have needed to bring the money into Colombia correctly for the money to count for an investment for a resident visa. Doesn’t sound like you did bring it in correctly but if you are married to a Colombian you can qualify for the resident visa due to your marriage after 3 years with an old TP marriage visa or after 2 years with a new M marriage visa.

        If you have more questions click on the blue “Use the Medellin Guru Visa Service” button in the article and this will bring up a page with a chat box at the bottom right where you can chat directly with a visa agency.

    34. Hi Jeff, strange question but can an individual who renounced his Colombian citizenship acquire a residency visa in Colombia under his new citizenship?

      • Hi Chris, #1 in this article under categories of resident visa is “Returning Colombian – In some cases, Colombians living in other countries were required to renounce their Colombian citizenship when becoming citizens of their adopted countries.” So, a returning Colombian who renounced citizenship when going to another country is eligible for a resident visa. For more details you can ask a visa agency direction by clicking on the blue “Use the Medellin Guru visa service” button. On the screen that comes up there is a chat button on the bottom right.

    35. Basil Abraham April 22, 2019

      Hello me and my family just got our new 3 year Colombian Migrant Visa . Earlier for 2 years we had the Temporal visa . My question is that if me and my family were to leave Colombia permanently do we have to cancel the Colombian Visa so we can still keep it possibly wanting to return maybe say after a year or so ?

      • With any migrant visa, if you leave Colombia for more than six months in a row without returning to Colombia your visa loses its validity. But to keep it you just need to return to Colombia for a day before six months is up.

    36. geoffrey April 13, 2019

      Remember to take a credit or debit card to Migracion to pay for your Cedula. When I tried to pay cash in January of 2018 they said they do not accept cash.

    37. William April 13, 2019

      Thanks for the helpful and up to date resident visa article, as early next year I will need to get a resident visa.

    38. Hi Jeff – I am U.S. citizen and father of 3 Colombian citizens (minors) and 1 U.S. non-Colombian citizen (minor). I plan to move to Colombia in the next 2-3 years. If I apply for a Colombian Resident VISA based on being the father of Colombian citizens, could I live in the U.S. and visit Colombian and maintain my resident VISA and apply for citizenship at the end of the 2 year period? Also, would my non-Colombian citizen son qualify for the resident VISA based on my application?

      • Hi Eric, I recommend clicking on the “Use the Medellin Guru Visa Service” button and chatting with the visa company during business hours using the chat at the bottom right. You could get a resident visa, which you can maintain as long as you don’t exceed 2 years continuous outside of Colombia at any time but not sure about residency requirements for citizenship. And your non-Colombian son would not qualify for a resident visa – only a beneficiary visa – https://medellinguru.com/beneficiary-visa/

    39. Yes Jeff, as Simon inquired above, please outline the procedure and costs for the “visa transfer procedure” since many of us have been here for years. Thank you. You have been very helpful.

      • Hi Peter, since mid-2018, new government rules stipulate that a resident visa is now indefinite; in other words, there is no need to renew after the 5 years have expired. The only thing you have to do is renew your cédula. The Migración Colombia office in Medellín told me a visa transfer procedure – known as a traspaso – is only necessary when your passport expires, or gets lost, or if your personal details change (name, sex, etc.) Even then, there is no obligation to apply for a transfer, simply make sure you have your old passport with you when entering and leaving the country.

        • Simon, thanks for your quick response. Very helpful and certainly good news. I hope this applies to the old RE resident visas. I have been here since 1999 and have had numerous business visas which were always a pain to renew.

        • Simon, you have been very helpful and my RE TITULAR Visa is about to expire in January as well as my Cedula Ext. Correct me if I am wrong but I do not need to do anything with respect to the Visa. However, what must i do or need to renew the Cedula Ext. ? Do I need a “trespass” for any reason ?

    40. simon westbrook February 6, 2019

      Hi Jeff, great overview, best I’ve found, thanks! So my five-year RE visa is coming to end, I’d like to renew but I don’t want to apply for citizenship. So am I correct in saying that basically I have the option – either another five years OR citizenship? You mentioned in your overview a “visa transfer procedure”. Is that also an online application through tramitesmre.cancilleria.gov.co?

    41. Thanks Jeff for the very quick reply. Keep up the great work with the site, real fountain of information!

    42. Hi Jeff, thanks for the site, lots of valuable information. I’m just trying to clarify something – I moved here with my Colombian wife and two boys, who are also Colombian nationals. Can I apply immediately for the (R) Resident visa as the father of two nationals, or do I first need to apply for a M and then wait a number of years before applying for residency.

      • You should be able to apply for a R visa since you are the father of two Colombian nationals.

    43. Jeff, do R visa holders on the basis of being a parent to a Colombian minor also have an accelerated time frame to citizenship after holding the R visa for two years?

      • No, the accelerated timeframe to citizenship is only if you are married to a Colombian.

    44. Hey jeff, i put an application and paid online for cert de movimientos de migracion and I received an email saying that i need to go in and pick it up ((sux cause i have to travel from usa to bogota just for this one piece of paper- i thought they might email it) They failed to include an address where to pick it up in bogota. Do you have any idea where? Ryan.. )

      • At the Migracion office in Bogotá at Calle 100 #11B-27.

        • Thanks for the info jeff. I’m applying for a resident visa i have 3years with my wife. What exactly does my spouse need to write in the letter? Thanks

          • Hi Ryan, I used a visa agency for my resident visa and the agency provided the letter for my wife that I didn’t really take much of a look at. So, sorry can’t help with the letter contents.

    45. He jeff im applying for a resident visa i have 3years with my wife. What exactly does my spouse need to write in the letter? Thanks ryan…

    46. Thank you for your comprehensive posts. I currently have a TP10 visa. I understand that this does not qualify me for the 2 year time period as an M visa would. As I am sure you know, they used to issue TP-10 visas one or two days short of 3-years time period. Meaning, when my TP10 expires I will literally be 2 days short of the 3 year period… Does this mean that I will have to apply for an M visa since I will technically be 2 days short of the 3 years required under the TP10?

      If I do have to get the M visa, do I have to start the 2 year period all over again before I can apply for the RE?


      • Hi Bridget, thanks. My TP-10 visa was short of 3 years by a few days and I was still able to get a resident (R) visa. I used the InterCol visa agency. I recommend them as they were helpful and I avoided a trip to Bogotá: http://inter-col.com/en/

    47. Hello Jeff,

      First of all thanks for your wonderful website and articles, I have a question :
      In resolution number 6045 article 21 # 3, what do they mean by “ha permanecido en el territorio nacional de forma continua e ininterrumpida por dos (2) años * in order to get a R visa
      What if someone travel out of the country for a short period of time?

      Thanks for your time in advance

      • Traveling out of the country for short trips shouldn’t be an issue. I had a TP-10 visa (the old marriage visa) and traveled several times out of the country for short trips (none longer than 10 days) and didn’t have a problem getting an R visa after 3 years. I needed 3 years with the old TP-10 visa to get an R visa.

    48. Jimmy Johns October 4, 2018

      Thank you for all the information. Please tell how soon can the person apply for a visa and cedula de extranjeria renewal in Bogota? What are the benefit or advantages of getting a resident visa in Colombia? are you a resident?
      Thank you.

      • Hi Jimmy, the benefit of a resident visa is that it is good for 5 years compared to a Migrant visa that is good for 3 years. In addition, with a resident visa you can work in Colombia. Also after 5 years with a resident visa you become eligible to apply to become a Colombian citizen with no more visas needed.

        The above article has all the different requirements to get a resident visa. For example, with an investment of over 650 times the minimum monthly wage in Colombia you are eligible after you make the investment. Another way is first having 5 years with a Migrant visa or 2 years with a marriage Migrant visa.

        Once you have the visa you can apply for a cedula – here’s our article about applying for a cedula – https://medellinguru.com/cedula/.

    49. Hi
      Is there any way to get my visas and cedula without having to go to Colombia? My wife is living there still but I didn’t get time to do it after we got married. Cheers

      • You can get a visa at any Colombian consulate worldwide. You can only get a cedula at a Migración Colombia office in Colombia.

    50. I was under impression that the investment visa was only $90,000. The newsletter states:

      Investment of over 650 times the minimum monthly wage in Colombia. The minimum wage in 2018 in Colombia is 781,242 pesos per month. So, 650 times this is 507,807,300 pesos or $159,839 at the exchange rate of 3,000 pesos to the USD.

      If you are receiving the R visa due to investment then you must provide a communication issued by the Department of International Exchange of the Bank of the Republic that records the direct foreign investment in your name with an amount greater than 650 times than minimum monthly wage.

      So, is $90,000 no longer a sufficient investment? ??

      Wayne Besen
      Washington, DC

      • There is a separate investment visa with a lower investment requirement that is a shorter duration Migrant visa that is good for 3 years, see: https://medellinguru.com/investment-visa/. You would need a Migrant visa for 5 years before qualifying for a resident visa.

        The bigger investment (650 times the minimum wage) is to qualify for a resident investor visa. So, with a bigger investment you can qualify immediately for a resident visa and bypass the need for 5 years with a Migrant visa first.

    51. Hi Jeff, thanks for this resource. I’m having trouble finding an answer on visas though. I have a remote job in the US and would like to see how the digital nomad life suits me in Medellin. It’s my understanding that I will not legally be able to work in Medellin under a tourist visa. Correct me if I’m wrong. So to ensure a legal working situation I was considering a Migrant visa as a student taking 10 hours of Spanish classes per week. Am I legally permitted to work a remote/Internet based job under the Migrant student visa?

      Thanks so much!

    52. Bernard August 9, 2018

      Hi Jeff, great write up thank you very much. I have two things I am hoping you can help me with:

      1.) “Migratory Movement Certificate issued by Colombia Migration, dated within three months of the visa application” – What is this and what is it called in Spanish? How/where in Medellín does one obtain this document and what are the pre-requisites? Just my passport?

      2.) I used an agency 3 years ago for my TP-10 and the cost was pretty high so decided to do the R visa myself over the cancilleria.gov.co website. The agency was able to courier things between Medellín and Bogotá and my passport with TP-10 showed up at my apartment a few weeks later without me leaving the city. How can I facilitate my passport there and back now that I am not using an agency?

      Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

      • Hi Bernard, the Migratory Movement Certificate can be received at any Migración Colombia office – there is a list of offices in the above article under cedulas. In Spanish this is the Certificación de Movimientos Migratorios. And most visa agencies still offer a service to courier your passport to Bogotá for your visa even if you don’t use their visa service. You will have to contact the visa agencies in the article to find out courier service cost. But I’m sure it’s cheaper than flying there yourself.

    53. Hi Jeff, thanks for all the great information. I have learned so much about my upcoming trip to Medellin and perhaps retirement plans there in a few years. I am curious as to Category 5 requirement for the R Visa. What constitutes an investment in Colombia? Would purchasing a house or apartment above the required amount be considered an investment?

      • Yes, purchasing a house or apartment would qualify.

    54. Hi Sir Jeff,
      Im a Filipina i have my boyfriend colombian national, were planning to get married in colombia this year, after marriage i will apply for my tp 10 visa for 3 years, is it possible for me to travel to any different country like europe with having a process for tp 10 visa with me???or should i wait for my citizenship in order for me to travel?? Any possible answer for me please thank you..

      • Hi Vanna, there is no more TP-10 visa – the marriage visa is now a Migrant (M) visa of category 1 (an M-1 visa). – see: https://medellinguru.com/marriage-visa/. Your travel to Europe without a visa depends on your citizenship, not your Colombia visa.

    55. Jeff, thanks for providing an updated review of the process. Very helpful.

      My wife and I will be renewing our visas this July. We plan to now both apply under the Resident Investor’s Visa. Our investment is in excess of the 650 times the minimum wage amount, however I have not read anywhere if we could both qualify using the same investment. Splitting the investment amount between the two of us would not be enough of an investment.

    56. Brock Canner May 7, 2018

      Jeff was wondering did the price go up for residence. I thought it was $750 or there abouts. I receive this from Lief. I am retired.
      You can qualify for the pensionado visa in Colombia right now with as little as US$832 a month. If you’re not retired and are looking for options for full-time or backup residency as part of your Plan B, you can invest as little as US$27,700 in the country and qualify for an investment residency visa.

    57. Hi,

      Thank you for this great article. I see that after obtaining the residency visa you need to hold it for five year (and not leaving the country for more than a year) to be eligible to apply for Colombian nationality which seems quite a long process. Is there any way to reduce this 5 year period? Also, do you recommend any lawyer to get advice on this please? Thank you!

      • Hi Sara, thanks. There is no way to shorten the process. But for a marriage visa before the resident visa the time to hold the resident visa before being eligible for citizenship is two years. There is a list of law firms in Medellín in the article that also offer visa services including Langon Colombia, JDG Law Advisors and Colombia Legal Partners.

      • dimitri July 30, 2018

        (message to Sarah)
        If you have an on-line income of about 1,000USD I recommend you stay away from the big cities – as Colombia is no longer a ‘cheap’ country. In fact, prices here are now more expensive than many parts of Europe, but the local salaries are still very low. I am in Santa Marta, and rents are much cheaper here – because work opportunities are very limited in the city. In Santa Marta it’s still easy to find low cost accommodation. (Also I might be able to help you).

    58. With due respect señor, tengo una pregunta sobre mi visa de residente colombia.
      i have tp 10 visa and it is expiring in 30 august 2018. my question is that i will apply resident visa colombia in 30july 2018. but i have been travelled to Pakistan twice more than 5 months , would it affect on my residency visa . because i can not understand the word interrupted and continuous , please explain dear sir …

      • Hi Hasan, interrupted and continuous means that you hold the visa without losing it. You lose validity of a TP-10 visa if you remain outside of Colombia for more than 180 consecutive days without entering Colombia. So as long as you didn’t leave for more than 180 consecutive days your TP-10 visa is still valid.

    59. Thanks for the useful info. I’d like to ask about renewing a resident visa. I received an RE visa after holding a TP-10 visa for more than three years. However, my wife and I have now separated. Does this mean I won’t be able to renew my resident visa once it expires?

      • Hi Scott, my understanding is you can renew a resident visa even after a divorce. A visa agency told me this earlier this year.

        • Thanks! That’s good to know.

        • Hi I’ve got a question similar to this.. if someone has a 5 year RE visa on the basis that they are in a domestic relationship but the relationship finishes two years into the 5 year RE, does this mean that the visa is over?

          • Hi Laura, I was told by a visa agency recently that you don’t lose an RE or R visa if a domestic relationship ends or a marriage ends in divorce. Also, if you click on the blue “Use the Medellin Guru Visa Service” button in this article you can chat directly with a visa agency on the bottom right of the page.

    60. Hi Jeff, I am Venezuelan but I am reviewing the possibility of moving to medellin, am looking for a nice place that allows me to get a decent life on 1100 usd living as a single woman, I have online work opportunity and Venezuela is sort of hell so am looking for a place I can keep a good live quality but isnt too expensive, I may look for work but I am counting on this online job what visa should I apply for, I have no family in Colombia, what do you recommend?

    61. Edward Prasad December 11, 2017

      Hi Jeff,
      I have a TP-10 visa that will expire on Sept 2018. I am presently in Colombia. My wife is Colombian and I am Canadian.
      I own a 30 foot cabin Cruiser that was shipped from Canada to Colombia.
      I was given a permission for the boat up to Sept 2017.
      My questions:
      How do I get the permission for the boat up to Sept 2018 and
      Do I have to nationalize the boat if and when I get the residency.

      thank you


    62. geoffrey December 7, 2017

      “The cost of a RE resident visa is currently $435” Is that COP, USD?

    63. Sandra Goetz Sellers December 7, 2017

      Thanks for all your articles and information. Have you covered the updated Retirement Visas? Will that be an article in the near future? Thanks again! Sandra

      • Hi Sandra, yes we covered the updated retirement visa here: https://medellinguru.com/retirement-visa/. And we plan to keep all the visa articles up-to-date on this website as new details emerge once Colombia starts offering these new visas in mid-December.

        For example, Colombia hasn’t yet disclosed the new visa prices and we plan to update the visa articles with new visa prices once they are available.

        • Sandra Goetz Sellers December 7, 2017

          Thanks, I searched your archived articles and read about retirement visas. I’m waiting for the final updates from Colombia before I start the paperwork. I’ll be watching out for your updates. Sandra

    64. Brock Canner December 6, 2017

      Thanks Jeff will wait for the 15th to see if there re any changes. Then will speak with Juan Dario. very good post. What a long process, do you see them streamlining it??

      • Hi Brock, it’s not a long process to apply for a visa. You apply online and receive approval about a week later and go to get the visa in your passport in Bogotá. Few countries have such a fast process. My first 2 visas I even went to Bogotá and got visas the same day I applied but not sure they do walk-ins like they did in the past.

        But to be eligible for a resident visa in Colombia is a long time (5 years) unless you have a Colombian child or invest sufficiently for an immediate resident visa or have a Migrant marriage (M-1) visa. They shorted the time if you are married to a Colombian from 3 years to 2 years with an M-1 visa to be eligible for a resident visa. Doubtful they will shorten this anymore.

        • Brock Canner December 6, 2017

          Thanks Jeff that’s not bad. Thanks for getting back so quickly.

    65. Thanks for this resident visa update. With the new visa changes if I have a TP-10 marriage visa can I now get a resident visa in 2 years instead of 3 years.

      • Hi Ken, unfortunately no. You will have to wait 3 years. If you have any of the previous TP visas you are stuck with the rules for that visa and they don’t automatically upgrade to the new Migrant (M) visas.

        • I’m still unclear about the R visa renewal rules. If it’s permanent but the stamp expires in five years, what does it matter if you get it renewed or not? Wouldn’t you still be allowed in/out of Colombia? Wouldn’t you still be able to stay legally? I just got approved for the R investment visa and I also found this rule very bizarre. Someone told me that you have to show fewer documents for the traspaso process? I was wondering what would happen if I sell my investment property but want to renew.

          • As it says in the article, some foreigners who have received a new cedula with an expired R visa have reported problems traveling internationally, as in foreign countries they don’t know that a Colombian R visa is valid indefinitely, even though the R visa stamp in a passport is only good for five years. I talked to one expat recently that had to get a return ticket to the U.S. when traveling to Colombia as if he was a tourist since the expired R visa in his passport was not recognized by the airline as a valid visa.

            If you sell your investment property, you possibly can’t use the traspaso process, as it requires some documents. You can ask the visa agency we partnered with about what documents are needed by clicking on one of the blue buttons in the article. This will take you to a page with a chat at the bottom right where you can chat directly with the visa agency.

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