How to Obtain a Colombian Visa - With Up-to-Date 2023 Info
Colombia has many different Colombian visa options, enabling you to stay in the country for a year or more. We provide 2023 updates to Colombia's visa rules.

How to Obtain a Colombian Visa – With Up-to-Date 2024 Info

Colombia offers many different categories of visas, which enable you to stay in the country for a year or more. We provide 2024 updates for Colombia’s visa rules.

In addition, Colombia changed its visa rules in late 2022. The new visa rules went into effect on October 20, 2022. So, it’s important to understand the new visa rules before applying for a Colombian visa.

Colombian Visa Types

Colombia previously had three types of visas: temporary (TP), resident (RE) and business visas. Most expats living in Colombia before the visa changes in late 2022 had TP or RE visas.

According to Resolución 5477 (Resolution 5477) that came to effect on October 20, 2022, Colombia officially changed its visa classifications and now has three types of visas:

Visitor (V)

Migrant (M)

Resident (R)

There are currently 25 different types of visitor visas, in addition to 4 courtesy visitor visas such as the international agreement visa. Moreover, there are 14 different types of migrant visas and finally 4 types of resident visas.

Has the visa process changed in Colombia due to the new Resolution 5477?

According to expatgroup.co, the visa agency we partnered with, tells us that with the new resolution, the government has introduced new application requirements, in addition to having eliminated some visas, such as the M student visa, and changed the category, for example, the R type visa for Colombian child, it is now M category.

The visa agency we partnered with has helped many foreigners to obtain visas, including retirement visasmarriage visasstudent visasinvestment visas and resident visas.

Medellin Guru Visa Service

The visa agency we partnered with has helped 1.377 Medellin Guru reader

Medellín, a top city to live. Photo by Jenny Bojinova
Medellín, a top city to live. Photo by Jenny Bojinova

The Migrant (M) Colombian Visa

The most popular migrant visas are retirement, marriage and investment visas, but according to Resolution 5477 you will be able to apply for 14 different activities shown below.

This visa legalizes the staying for foreign spouses, fostering family unity under Colombian law.

For foreigners who have a common-law relationship with Colombian citizens.

Be a Colombian national’s father, mother or son by adoption.

Be a Colombian national’s father or mother by birth granting foreign parents the opportunity to nurture their roots in Colombia.

Be a national of one of the States party to the “Agreement on Residence for nationals of Mercosur, Bolivia and Chile”

For nationals of any of the States party to the “Andean Migratory Statute”.

Be recognized as a refugee in Colombia according to the current regulations.

Have permanent employment in Colombia or long-term, by virtue of a labor relationship or contracting of services rendered with natural or legal person domiciled in Colombia.

Have constituted or acquired participation in the capital stock in a commercial company valued at least 100 times the minimum monthly wage in Colombia.

Have qualification or expertise to practice a profession independently. This is similar to the former TP-13 visa.

Receive a pension for retirement. A pension must be at least three times the minimum monthly wage in Colombia.

For foreigners with a master’s degree, doctorate or postdoctoral training in basic or applied sciences, engineering, mathematics and related fields, whose profiles are in line with the priorities required by the country in its internationalization plans.

Have registered foreign direct investment in real estate for at least 350 times the minimum monthly wage in Colombia (350 SMMLV, or  455.000.000 COP approximately) or have invested at least 650 times the minimum monthly wage in Colombia (650 SMMLV, or  845,000,000 COP approximately) in a colombian company.

For foreigners who the Colombian State has granted stateless status.

More Details about Colombia M Visas

Most of the migrant visas allow working in Colombia, except for the retirement, beneficiary and investor visas.

Also, the M work visa or practicing professional can work only for the position, entity or profession with which the visa was granted. And the M business investor visa can only work for the company in which the visa holder is a partner or shareholder.

Furthermore, the requirements for the new M visas are similar to the requirements for the corresponding former TP visa categories. 

Also, similar to the old TP visas, if you leave Colombia for more than six consecutive months with a M visa, the visa expires and is no longer valid. But this time counting for being outside of Colombia has been suspended during the quarantine with no flights available.

The Resident (R) Colombian Visa

The Colombia resident visa (R visa), which in Colombia is essentially the same as the previous RE (resident) visa. There are four categories of R visas according with the new Resolution 5477:

Returning Colombian – In some cases, Colombians living in other countries were required to renounce their Colombian citizenship when becoming citizens of their adopted countries.

Has held a M visa category continuously and uninterrupted for two, three, or five years, according to visa type. For example, if it is retirement needs five years, but if it is a marriage visa, only three.

For Venezuelan citizens under the Temporary Protection Status for Venezuelan Migrants.

For those foreigners who belong to the FARC-EP and who have completed the process of laying down their arms.

The previous rules for visas included those investments that exceeded 650 minimum wages, or for parents of Colombian children could obtain a resident visa directly, now these visas have changed category and are migrant visas.

In addition, if you leave Colombia for more than two years with an R visa, the visa expires and is no longer valid. But this time counting for being outside of Colombia has been suspended during the quarantine with no flights available.

2024 Income and Investment Requirements for Colombian Visas

Some of the Colombia visas have income and investment requirements. These income and investment requirements are based on a multiple of the Colombian minimum monthly salary.

The minimum salary in Colombia is 1,300,000 pesos per month in 2024. And the following are income and investment requirements in 2024 in pesos and USD using an exchange rate of 4,000 pesos per USD:

Most popular Colombian visas, 1089 Medellin Guru readers
Most popular Colombian visas, 1089 Medellin Guru readers

The Visitor (V) Colombian Visa

The Colombian visitor visa (V visa) can be granted for 25 different activities as follows:

Carry out direct transit in one of the airports of Colombia and destined for a third country.

Visit Colombia for leisure, tourism, or cultural interest purposes. 

Participate in an academic exchange program, advance training in art or trade, or undertake different studies such as Spanish classes or in a primary, secondary, or undergraduate higher education program. 

Conduct business management, including business negotiations, market studies, plans or procedures of direct investment and constitution of commercial society, negotiation, conclusion of contracts, or commercial representation.

Attend medical consultation, intervention, or treatment.

Carry out administrative and/or judicial proceedings before entities or authorities in Colombia. 

Enter and work in Colombian jurisdictional waters as a boat crew member or offshore platform. 

To carry out seasonal agricultural work under programs established by the government.

Participate in an event as a lecturer, exhibitor, artist, athlete, jury, contestant, or logistical staff.

To work in a religious ministry or as a missionary of a spiritual entity duly recognized by the Colombian State.

To enter and remain in the country as a volunteer or student in religious training or to conduct theological studies in an institute or church organization.

Volunteer in development cooperation projects or in the promotion and protection of human rights.

Perform audiovisual production or digital content.

Working remotely for foreign companies from Colombia.

Stay temporarily as a foreign media correspondent.

Perform journalistic coverage or stay temporarily as a foreign media correspondent.

To provide technical assistance to a legal entity in Colombia.

Hold a position in a Colombian branch of a company with a presence abroad, by virtue of inter-corporate transfer of personnel.

Coming as a foreign government official or foreign government trade representative, on a mission that does not imply accreditation to the Colombian government.

Visit Colombia under holiday-work programs agreed by Colombia with other States through treaties in force.

For internship activities in companies established in Colombia.

To work temporarily in Colombia under a contract to render services, work, or labor.

For productive, innovative, or research activities oriented to the adoption or adaptation of technologies that complement or develop products, processes, or services that contribute to strengthening the country’s competitiveness.

For foreigners who receive a periodic and variable income from a creditable legal source.

Cases and circumstances not provided for in Resolution 5477, on an exceptional basis and upon assessment by the Visa and Immigration Authority.

In addition, there are six additional categories of courtesy visas where a V visa may be issued. For example, one category of courtesy visa is for artistic, technical and foreign production personnel who enter Colombia for projects of production and filming of foreign cinematographic works.

A V visa’s validity duration takes into account the activity proposed by the foreigner.

Applying for a visa
Applying for a Colombia visa

How to Apply for a Colombian Visa

You can apply for a Colombian visa online. In addition, you can obtain Colombian visas at Colombian consulates around the world. In the U.S., Colombia has consulates located in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, Orlando, Newark, New York, San Francisco and Washington DC.

The Colombian visa process is fairly easy as it’s done online. You can apply for a Colombia visa online here. This application will require scans of all required documents in PDF files plus the photo in jpg format. In addition, a detailed guide for applying online is found here.

Visas in Colombia are issued by the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. Since the coronavirus, all visas are issued electronically, so you do not have to travel to Bogota for the stamp.

I successfully obtained three Colombian visas that I applied for my own in the past that were good for a total of five years. But the biggest challenge with doing a Colombian visa yourself is not benefiting from the experiences of a visa agency, which has processed hundreds of visas and knows exactly what is needed for each type of visa.

Also another big benefit of using a visa agency is that they help you gather all the information and documents necessary for the visa application. The cost of the service includes immigration advice, visa application, visa registration, and application for a foreigner identification card.

So, for my latest visa received in 2018, a Colombia resident visa, I used a visa agency. And I found the experience painless and now highly recommend using a visa service over doing a Colombia visa application yourself. The bottom line is with a visa agency you are less likely to run into problems and you can avoid a trip to Bogotá.

Medellin Guru Visa Service

The visa agency we partnered with has helped 1.377 Medellin Guru reader

Health Insurance is Now Required for Colombian Visas

Colombia requires health insurance when applying for Colombian visas, all visitor visas are mandatory, and some migrant visas, such as retirement visa.

Many Medellin Guru readers have asked about health insurance needed for visas. And the insurance agent we partnered offers a relatively inexpensive travel insurance policy from ASSIST CARD and Continental Assist that meets the health insurance requirement for Colombian visas.

Medellin Guru Insurance Service

Medellin Guru partnered with two insurance agents to offer Colombian insurance services to foreigners including health insurance, auto insurance, homeowners’ insurance, travel insurance and life insurance.​

Assist Card

Assist Card

Health Insurance for Expats in Colombia 🇨🇴
(39 Reviews)

Using a Visa Agency for a Colombian Visa

If you are in Colombia, you can use a visa agency to obtain a Colombia visa. A visa agency can handle the online application and ensure you have the required paperwork.

Medellin Guru has partnered with what we believe is the best visa agency in Medellín to offer Colombia visa services. Features of this service include:

  • Online chat – get visa questions answered fast.
  • Online quotes – get immediate visa quotes.
  • Office in El Poblado in Medellín.
  • Competitive price compared to other visa services.
medellin guru visa service

Successfully Aproved Visas

after launching our partnership with expatgroup.co


Through this service we have helped

Medellin Guru readers with their immigration processes

Digital Nomad






Permanent Partner

















American Passports Renewed
Tourism Stamp Extension

We reviewed all the Colombia visa agency services in Medellín and found one agency that offers a more efficient visa service with more features and more comprehensive communications including online chat, WhatsApp, videocall, email and phone plus a low price and a convenient office in El Poblado.

Our visa partnership is an affiliate relationship (like the Amazon affiliate program). If you use our visa partner, Medellin Guru receives a small commission and you support the website. This is at no additional cost to you. The price remains the same, whether you use a button or affiliate link on this website or not.

Furthermore, the visa agency we partnered with offers visa services anywhere in Colombia. So, if you are located in another city in Colombia you can use this service.

New entrance to Migracion Colombia in Medellín, on Calle 19A

Getting a Colombian Cedula

After you have successfully received your Colombian Visa you have a maximum of 15 calendar days to register your visa with Migración Colombia to get a Cedula de Extranjeria (Colombian ID for foreigners). Or if you received your visa at a consulate, you will have 15 calendar days after you arrive in Colombia to register your visa.

Due to being photographed and fingerprinted this must be done in-person at a Migración Colombia office.

Especially relevant, it is very important to register your Colombian visa within the allotted time frame. If not, you will be liable for a big fine of up to seven times the minimum monthly salary in Colombia. The minimum salary in Colombia is $1,300,000 COP per month in 2024. So, the fine is up to 9,100,000 COP pesos in 2024.

To register your visa and apply for a cedula this must be done at one of the Migración Colombia offices. You can find Migración Colombia offices in major cities in Colombia.

  • Barranquilla – Carrera 42 # 54-77, Barrio El Recreo
  • Bogotá – Calle 100 #11B-27
  • Cali – Avenida 3 norte # 50N-20
  • Cartagena – Carrera 20 B # 29-18, Barrio pie de la Popa
  • Medellín – Calle 19 #80A-40, Barrio Belén (the entrance is on the other side of the building on Calle 19A)

A complete list of the Migración Colombia offices is found here. In addition, we have a guide to applying for a Cedula Extranjeria in Colombia.

Dual citizenship is possible
Dual citizenship is possible

Dual Citizenship

After having an R visa for five years (or after having for two years if married to a Colombian) you can apply to become a citizen of Colombia. And you won’t have to give up your existing citizenship. Colombia permits dual-citizenship, as does the U.S. and many other countries.

Latin American and Caribbean nationals are eligible to apply for citizenship in Colombia after shorter time frames of only one year as a resident or two years if from Spain.

Once you become a dual citizen with Colombian citizenship, you will no longer need to deal with visas anymore. Also, you will be able to travel to a few countries as a Colombian citizen without a visa such as Russia, which require a visa for U.S. citizens.

To become a citizen, Colombia requires a citizenship test, just like the U.S. does. You will be required to pass a test related to Colombian history, geography and the constitution. Also, a basic Spanish oral test is required. Those who have a bachelor’s degree from a Colombian university or are over 65 years old are exempt from these tests.

Medellin Guru Guides

Download Safety Guide for US Citizens in Colombia we have created with helpful information about Medellín and Colombia.

Medellin Guru's Comprehensive Visa and Passport Series

The Colombian visa changes that went into effect in October 2022 were significant. So, on the Medellin Guru site, we have a comprehensive series of visa articles that are kept up-to-date and should answer most visa questions. These articles include:

We have looked in detail at the nine most popular Colombian visas used by foreigners:

  1. Digital Nomad Visa
  2. Retirement visa
  3. Marriage visa
  4. Investment visa
  5. Business Visa
  6. Resident visa
  7. Work visa
  8. Student visa
  9. Visitor visa

Also, we have looked in detail at three additional Colombian visas, which are less popular for foreigners:

In addition, we have a guide to Colombia tourist visas and how to extend a tourist visa. Also, we have a guide to renewing U.S. passports in Colombia and a guide to obtaining a Colombian passport.

Furthermore, we provide information about travel insurance that meets the insurance requirement for Colombian visas. And we have a guide to how apply for a cedula extranjeria in Colombia and a guide to using notaries in Medellín and Colombia. Finally, Medellin Guru has partnered with a visa agency to offer Colombia visa services.

All of our Colombia visa articles are up to date (2023) and constantly receive updates in 2024.

Obtaining a Colombian Visa
Obtaining a Colombian Visa

The Bottom Line: Obtaining a Colombian Visa

Colombia has many visa options for foreigners who wish to stay in Colombia for a longer period than the 180-day maximum per year as a tourist.

In addition, obtaining a Colombian visa is relatively easy with fewer documents required than many other countries. Also, the visa costs in Colombia are lower than in many other countries in Latin America. Furthermore, the Colombian visa process is streamlined with online applications and is relatively fast.

The visa agency we partnered with has helped 1084 Medellin Guru readers obtain Colombian visas and renew U.S. passports. 

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291 thoughts on “How to Obtain a Colombian Visa – With Up-to-Date 2024 Info”

    1. >>After you have successfully received your Colombian Visa you have a maximum of 15 calendar days to register your visa with Migración Colombia to get a Cedula de Extranjeria (Colombian ID for foreigners).

      What if I apply for a visa while abroad, onliine, and then get my application approved? I’ll have to go to the embassy of Colombia while abroad or not?

      Will I be able simply FIRST fly to Colombia with that approved application and then get it either in the airport, even though I can get 90 days anyway? Or will I be able to get 90 days stamp FIRST and THEN, while already in Colombia, in town, somehow convert my visa application into an actual visa?
      2) Will I be I won’t be able to Firs

    2. I think with the new and strict health insurance requirements of Colombia, I may be forced to return to the U.S. in early January 2022. It appears that Colombia wants us to pay 5% of our gross monthly income (including pensions) for EPS Health Insurance. I think that will kill my hopes of staying in Colombia with my Colombian spouse. I already pay $207/month for insurance in America. Won’t be able to afford paying another few hundred a month for insurance in Colombia. My government health insurance in America cannot be recovered again if I dropped paying it. At this rate I could end up paying over $500/month for health insurance….can’t do this. Are other expats having similar problems and thinking about leaving Colombia??

    3. Brian Caudy January 13, 2021

      I entered Colombia on November 5th, so my 90 day visa should be goo until February 2nd. can I get my visa renewed without exiting the country. I would like to stay until April 7th.

    4. Jeff:

      I am confused by this article. If I have had a Retirement Visa for 5 continuous years (Two one-year TP-7 visas and then a single three year M-11) then am I eligible to apply for a residence visa?

      I got my first TP-7 from the Colombian Consulate in San Francisco in October 2016, but didn’t actually move to Colombia until April 2018.

      Question: Do I need to have LIVED in Colombia for 5 continuous years or merely have possessed the Retirement Visa for 5 years?

      Your article mentions an investment requirement for the Residence Visa. But I don’t think that applies to someone who has held the Retirement Visa for 5 years. Your article is not clear on to whom the investment requirement applies for an R Visa.

      Lastly, my understanding was that a TOTAL of 7 years living in Colombia is required to apply for citizenship. So, 2 years on a TP-7, 3 years on an M-11, and then 2 years on an R visa will meet the requirement of applying for citizenship, getting a passport, and not having to deal with visas anymore. Your article seems to imply that the 7-year requirement starts upon receipt of the R Visa, which I do not believe is correct. Because that would mean a total of 12 years in Colombia is required to apply for citizenship.

      Can you please clear this up for me and if I am correct, can you update this article to be more specific? It would also be nice to see a single chart with the government fees for each type of visa.

      • See our article about the Colombia Resident visa, it answer your questions – https://medellinguru.com/resident-visa/

        Has continuously and uninterruptedly held for five years a M visa in category 4 to 11, which includes retirement, work and student visas

        Our article says “After having an R resident visa for five years (or two years if married to a Colombian you can apply to become a citizen of Colombia.

    5. Geoffrey January 8, 2021

      I just got approved for my 4th visa today. The new mandatory health insurance requirement made it a hideous nightmare but I figured it would be so I got an early start last October 1. Good thing I did because everything that could go wrong did go wrong and I made it just under the wire with one week to spare.

    6. Luc Herbert November 29, 2020

      ok thanks, i will…

    7. hi,i am canadian and would like to start a new life in colombia(permanent) but i dont fit in any type of visas
      Retirement visa…im not old enough
      Marriage visa…im single yet but i would marry a colombian eventually
      Investment visa…im not rich
      Resident visa…im not a refugee
      Work visa…theres no jobs and nobody will hire me,spanish not sufficient
      Student visa…i dont come to study
      Visitor visa…i guess max is 6 month+3 months renewal max

      What could be my options?
      The Colombia is open or closed due to covid now?

    8. I have recently obtained a new M visa at my local consulate and am due to return to Colombia at the beginning of December. I have been trying for some time online to get an appointment with Migracion in Bogota but there have always been none available. I have just now found an appointment for about three and a half weeks after I arrive. Someone has told me that the 15 day limit for registering the visa and renewing my cedula is not in force at the moment so that this appointment will be OK. Is that right?

    9. Mary Ann Guerra November 12, 2020

      Hello: Thank you for the thorough, detailed article. My husband and I are USA born and in our mid-50’s and currently applying for a Resident Visa. We hope to qualify for at least one of the categories that allows us to do so. But, more importantly, my daughter and her husband and our two grandchildren are considering moving to Medellin and raising their children in Colombia. They are U.S.A. citizens, no immediate family members are Colombian. They have an aunt and uncle that are Residents of Colombia. They plan to work USA online jobs/teaching English, etc. They are saving money to purchase a property, which they plan to build a house on. Does this count as a qualifying investment for a longer term visa? The property value is 60,000 more or less and the cost of the house is more. They are also considering Student Visas to study Spanish the first year to allow time to work towards a more permanent, Resident visa. How difficult and how long does it usually take to go from Student Visa to Resident? Also trying to confirm if Student Visa applications allow adult students to also apply and obtain a visa for their children while they are studying abroad and what that looks like. We are consulting next week with local attorney as recommended by your site for all options. Understandably, if you are unable to answer these questions here, can you guide us on where we can seek some additional guidance? Thank you.

    10. Raman – de nada!

      So with that travel example: Nov – stay for 5 months.

      Leave March 2022, then to keep visa active, come back no later than end of Aug

      but don’t stay more than 1 month – leave by end of Sept

      and REPEAT

      Keep a calendar with days marked out of country (plus total of days in country too)

      I’ve been doing June-December for 3 years now on Investor visa. 2 more years can get R Visa (Qualifying time is shorter for Marriage Visa) then can’t be out of country for more than 2 years (1 if want to naturalize)

      Jeff has good article about Marriage visa – be careful with documentation requirements – probably best to work with agency even though language won’t be a barrier (I did successfully apply for M investor visa online myself)


    11. Raman, that won’t work. You can get a spouse M1 visa. I just renewed mine. But if you are back the USA for 7 months without a break, your visa will automatically be cancelled.

    12. Jeff: I have a different question? I understand that if I am in Colombia for more than 180 days – I am liable for income taxes and the tax rates are much higher in Colombia than USA, so, even if I get the benefit of just paying to Colombia and not to USA, I would still pay a lot more taxes. I want to be in Colombia for less than 6 months a year and in USA for more than 6months, but if I want to use my family’s health plan I need a Cedula de Extranjeria. So, am I right that I can not get a Cedula de Extranjeria, if I only plan to be in Colombia less than 6 months a year? ANd the flllow up, am I correct that I do have to pay taxes on my income (Retirement income from USA) if I am there for more than 6 months?

      • We recommend asking experts.

        Ask our insurance broker partner about health insurance – https://angelaberrioseguros.com/landing/

        Ask a tax accountant about taxes – https://usatax.co/

      • The VISA rules are clear – you must register your visa upon first entry into Colombia, and therefore you get the Cedula. There is major penalty for not doing it within a specified timeframe. (See article) That is nothing to do with whether you actually live or time spent in the country.

        There are maximum time limits that you can be OUT of the country and it depends on the visa type, and this also affect naturalization (for R visa)

        As Jeff would say, consultant an appropriate professional regarding Medical and Taxes.

      • I can confirm from personal experience that it is possible to get a cedula without staying in Colombia for more than 182 days in any 365 day period. If you can get a visa, such as a spouse M1 visa, you will then be required to obtain a cedula when you are next in Colombia and then you can join an EPS. I don’t believe a tourist visa will work.

        • The issue I have is, I do not want to stay in Colombia for 6 months in any year, I would just like to be there 5/5.5 months a year and the rest in USA. Reading about visas, all of them become void if you stay out of Colombia for more thn 6 months – and that’s what I am trying to confirm. No matter what visa I have, If I stay out of Colobia for more than 6 months, it’s void. CORECT?

          • Two different things about Visa and Tax Resident:

            To maintain your visa, you can’t be out of Colombia for more than 180 days.

            Simply visit Colombia every six months. And total stays not more than 180 days per year to avoid tax resident.

            • Perfect, Thanks Gato. That finally clarifies my misunderstanding. So, I can go ahead and apply for a visa and then I can avoid being in the country for more than 6 months (and thus avoid taxable status).

              So, when should I apply for a visa – our plan is to visit in November 2021 (for 5 months). My wife is a Colombian citizen and has registered her marriage through the Colombian consulate. I am retired and do not plan to work. She plans to stop working next October and we can then do this 5 months in Colombia and 7 months in USA. So, I can apply for M11 I guess. We have an apartment in Barranquilla, oould we still work through your agency? Thanks

          • Rereading your comment. the tax resident rule is Staying **IN** (days present in country, not out.

            Lets illustrate with example:

            I come to Colombia every six months to maintain visa.

            and only stay for 2 weeks at a time. thats total 4 weeks a year so not a tax resident.

            is that clearer?

          • If it’s more than 6 months in one go, then yes. The visa is cancelled. But not for separate periods totaling more than 6 months eg 3 months out, 3 months in, 4 months out.

      • Hi Jeff,

        I entered Colombia 29th of January as a tourist. I left the 8th of September but due to the covid pandemic the days stopped counting. Therefore, I stayed less than 90 days in Colombia. Is it possible for me to return the 28th of December as a tourist again?


    13. Buenos días, podrían informarme como puede mi esposo canadiense solicitar su visa M desde Canada? y otra pregunta existe una comunidad canadiense en Bogotá? Mil gracias!!

      (in English)

      Good morning, could you inform me how my Canadian husband can apply for his M visa from Canada? And another question is there a Canadian community in Bogotá? Thank you!!

      • Se puede hacer en un consulado de Colombia en Canadá. Hay canadienses en Bogotá pero dudan que haya una comunidad. Están esparcidos por la gran ciudad.

        (in English)

        Can be done at a Colombian consulate in Canada. There are Canadians in Bogotá but doubt there is a community. They are spread out in the huge city.

    14. Jesus July 6, 2020

      Excelente blog, me ha sido de mucha ayuda. Muchas gracias!!

    15. Edward H. Kramer June 3, 2020

      I read that for a spouse visa that International Health Insurance is required. I have insurance right now with NUEVA EPS. Would this be acceptable?

    16. Greetings. I´m an American, arrived as a tourist with my Colombian girlfriend to Medellin. I will be a father to a Colombian baby in late July. I heard there was a Visa I could apply for, being the father of a Colombian. From what I heard I will need to provide a copy of my passport, medical insurance, and bank records for the past 6 months. One thing I am unclear on, how much do I need to show income wise coming into my account on a monthly basis? Also, I was issued the Prorruga recently, giving me an additional 90 days in the country. Baby´s due date is a month after the Prorruga expires. Will this present a problem, and/or will I be fined? I appreciate your time and expertise.

    17. Hi I just got approved for a M-11Colombian Visa with the help of your website. Thank you for all your good advice and information. Now im trying to Register it here at the Migracion office in Bogota. When I went it was closed. Due to the Coronavirus situation. They say I have 15 days but I dont think the office will be opened. Will they still try to charge me a penalty? Also is the Migracion office on calle 100 where I would register my visa and apply for the cedula? I already applied for it online now I have to go up to the office with all the required documents etc. But they are closed now unfortunately. Also another question in your article it said that the M-11 visa is good for 3 years. But on my temporary electronic visa it says that my visa expires in one year?? Is that a mistake? If so where do I go to correct this? It also says permite estudiar pensionado-rentista. The pensionado-rentista part is correct but im not here for studies or as a student? Let me know how and where I can correct this please. Thank you.

      • M-11 visa are now generally for a shorter duration than 3 years – see our article about retirement visas – https://medellinguru.com/retirement-visa/

        Before you register your visa and apply for a cedula, first you have to get the visa stamped in your passport at the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores office in Bogotá – Avenida 19 # 98-03, Torre 100 Building, 3rd Floor.

        After getting the visa stamped in your passport you register your visa and apply for a cedula at Calle 100 #11B-27 in Bogotá, see: https://medellinguru.com/cedula/

        Because of the quarantine due to coronavirus, it is doubtful they will enforce the 15 day rule and charge a penalty.

    18. Estela March 8, 2020

      Thank you Jeff, I’ll contact them.

    19. Estela z March 8, 2020

      Hi Jeff,

      Thank you very much for updating the information related to the visa application and life in Medellin.

      I have a question I don’t know if you know the answer or you know anyone that knows the answer:

      We have obtained the M visa for 2 years in early February at the Colombia Consulate in Chile (the visa is printed and in our passports). However, due to some regulations in Chile, we have difficulty leaving the country and we need to get some documents issued, which may take 40-75 days (or even longer considering the situation of coronavirus around the world).

      I am wondering if there is a deadline for entering Colombia after receiving your visa? For example, in Chile, you have to arrive within 90 days after you receive the visa, otherwise, the visa is invalid. How about in Colombia?

      Thanks in adavance

      • Hi Estela, I recommend asking the visa agency we partnered with. Click on the blue “Use the Medellin Guru Visa Service” button in the above article and this will bring up a page of the visa agency with a chat at the bottom right.

    20. Hi Jeff

      I currently have a 3 year TP10 visa, due to expire in October this year. I am not a fiscal resident of Colombia but have had advice that it is safe to apply for an R visa, instead of a new M visa. An R visa will not make me a fiscal resident of itself.

      You mention that a person may apply for an R visa who

      ‘Has held a M visa category 1 to 3 above continuously and uninterrupted for two years.’

      As you say, under the old rules, you had to wait 3 years before applying for an RE visa.

      Do you know whether I can apply for an R visa now? I have had a TP10 for more than 2 years, not an M cat 1.

      If it is 3 years for me, do I have to wait until my current 3 year TP10 has expired or can I apply in advance?



      • Hi Norman, with a TP-10 visa you have to wait for 3 years until you are eligible to apply for a R visa. But you can apply before the TP-10 visa expires. I had a TP-10 visa and applied about a month before it expired and received the R visa a few days before the TP-10 visa expired. So, I would recommend starting a bit earlier than I did, perhaps six weeks before it expires.

    21. I have family in colombia. And I was thinking about getting a tourist visa. But my cousin that in Colombia says I’m not required to have a visa that I can stay up to 6 months. Is that true? Or should I just apply for the tourist visa? I just don’t want any complications.
      Or could it be just easier to go over there & get there visa while I’m in colombia?

      • There are over 90 countries, whose citizens can enter Colombia without a visa and receive a “tourist visa” stamp that isn’t a formal visa. The countries include Australia, Brazil, Canada Chile, Ecuador, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Peru, Russia, South Korea, United Kingdom, United States plus over 80 more countries. With this tourist visa stamp you can stay for up to 180 days – see – https://medellinguru.com/tourist-visa/

        • So would you just recommend I ask for the tourist stamp while I’m there to make things easier. I’m from the United States & I would like to know in advance before I leave. Thank you so much!

    22. Hi Jeff

      Great blog! A question: I am sponsoring a Ugandan woman to go to a workshop in Colombia. We have gone through the visa application with your help and are all set. However, she would like to bring her newborn baby (who already has a passport) which we are good with. However, we cannot find out information on how to apply. Is it a separate application to the mother, do we revise the letter of invitation to include the daughter and apply in one application. What kind of letter should we extend the baby if no? Thank you! Billie

    23. Sander Bennink January 10, 2020

      Hello, quick question: I am about to renew my visa type V for temporary services to a natural or legal person in Colombia. This will be my 3th in 3 years time, but would it be possible to apply for one that is for a longer period based on temporary services to a natural or legal person in Colombia? Or is a type M visa possible with a contract based on temporary services?


    24. Frederick Osterhagen November 21, 2019

      What are the allowances, if any, for the bringing of personal posessions when entering the country with a retirement visa?


    25. Joseph Mancini November 10, 2019

      I have a monthly income in excess of 8,000,000 pesos guaranteed by my previous employer in the states. I seek a rentista visa. I live in Barranquilla, Can anyone direct me to where I need to go to get help Thank you

    26. thanks Jeff!

    27. Hi Jeff:

      I’m a Canadian citizen, retired. I’m planning on spending 160 days in Medellin to avoid the winter in Canada I purchased a round trip ticket for my 160 day stay. Will I have a problem entering the Country? Should I have purchased a ticket for 90 days?

      • You may or may not have a problem. It really depends on the airline. But you could always buy a refundable return ticket.

    28. geoffrey November 1, 2019

      I just saw a blog post by how To Expat in which Sam says that startling changes have been officially proposed in Bogota to the visa and residency requirements. Could you look into this Jeff?

      • Don’t trust that site that posts many inaccurate things. There are some proposed visa changes. But these are just proposals and I have heard from reliable sources that it’s unlikely there will be many changes. We are monitoring this and will keep all our visa articles up-to-date. We will update all our visa articles in late 2019 or early 2020 with any changes.

        • geoffrey November 1, 2019

          Thank you so much Jeff. My Aussie friend is beside himself because he has made careful plans to obtain a residency visa and according to How To Expat he would no longer qualify under the proposed changes. He arrives Monday but can’t make his application for residency at the present time so any delay could have unfortunate consequences if the rules of the game change.

    29. Hi, I am American by birth and I live in Ecuador for the last two years and I am Ecuadorian by my parents. I want to apply to live and work in Colombia? What is the easiest way to apply for a Colombian visa?
      (in Spanish) Hola, soy americano de nacimiento y vivo en Ecuador por los ultomos dos años y soy exuatorianos por mis padres. Quiero aplicar para vivir y trabajar en Colombia ? Cual es la manera mas facil de aplica para visa colombiana?

      • Hola, recomendamos ponerse en contacto con la agencia de visas con la que nos asociamos con – https://visasincolombia.com/. Hay un chat en la parte inferior derecha si esta página donde puede hacer preguntas.

        (in English), Hi, we recommend contacting the visa agency we partnered with – https://visasincolombia.com/. There is a chat at the bottom right of this page where you can ask questions.

    30. Hey All,

      I have a question about the Colombian 90 day visa entry. I heard that you could come into the country for 180 days per calender year if you extend your visa before your first 90 days expire.

      i came to colombia on july 30th and have extended my visa for 180 days which is till end of jan 28th 2020.

      Colombia allows 180 day stay within a calender year.

      That means if i leave colombia on lets say 2nd of jan 2020 ( next year )and come back do I get a fresh 90 days right ?

      • Yes, if you leave on Jan 2, the clock resets and when you come back you have a total of 180 days as a tourist in 2020. And normally the tourist permit stamp is marked for 90 days.

    31. Hi

      I am applying for Colombian Visitot visa (tourism) from Canada. I need it as I am Indian citizen and do not have US B1/B2 visa. On application I stuck on Visa section under emplyment info where it asks Host. I am a solo traveller without any agency or person in contact. Also, since I will be booking hotel after visa approval, can I just put any hotel address in expected place of residence in Colombia. Thanks

      • I recommend asking the visa agency we partnered with. If you click on the blue “Use the Medellin Guru Visa Service” button in the above article it will bring up a page with a chat at the bottom right.

    32. Claire July 4, 2019

      Hey Jeff,

      This blog really helps me a lot. Actually, I want to apply for a student visa in Colombia but, I did not aware of all this stuff. Thanks for sharing this detailed guide.

    33. My wife (Colombian National) of 24 years and I are considering retiring to Colombia in a few years. In preparation, we are looking at resident VISA requirements. Since we have grown children who are dual nationals (USA/Colombia), do I have to get a M visa or can I get a R visa directly. Love reading the articles. Thanks.

      • Hi Roger, you should be able to get a R visa directly if you are a father of a Colombian national by birth. See our article about the resident visa for more details – https://medellinguru.com/resident-visa/. And you can ask a visa agency directly about the docs required by clicking on the “Use the Medellin Guru Visa Service” blue button. This will bring up a screen with a chat at the bottom right where you can chat directly with the visa agency.

    34. I had a TP pensionist visa approved june 2017. But as my plans to settle in Colombia were cancelled, I did not proceed paying this.

      In that stage I had not yet met my cute Colombiana, but now we are after 2 yrs in Civil Union.

      Our plan is to complete this later on this year, when returning to Colombia from Peru, to a real marriage, internationally valid.

      As we return to Colombia, I will also apply again visa, but now a M marriage type.

      Do I get problems of not proceeding my TP visa of year 2017?

      • You likely won’t have problems. But to be sure you can ask the visa agency we partnered with by clicking the blue “Use the Medellin Guru Visa Service” button in the article and on the screen that comes up there is a chat box on the bottom right where you can chat directly with the visa agency.

    35. Do you know if I buy a piece of property and have an architect build a house on the property does it qualify for the R VISA or through property investments or does only the lot count towards the qualifications?

      • I recommend asking a visa agency. If you click on the blue “Use the Medellin Guru Visa Service” button it will bring up a page with a chat box on the bottom right where you can ask questions directly to the visa agency we have partnered with.

    36. Dear sir,

      Thank you so much for the assistance


    37. Hello sir, thank you for the very helpful articles.

      I received my tourist visa today from the embassy in san jose, costa rica and they stamped it on my passport.
      valid from 29 may – 15 aug, my question is do i still need to register my visa with Migracion Colombia when i arrive? i’m planning to travel around mid june.


      • I assume your visa is a visitor visa since you said you got it from the embassy, so yes you need to register it with Migracion Colombia within 15 days after you arrive but no need to get a cedula if your visa is valid for less than 3 months.

        • Thank you for the reply sir, Can i do it online only or i also have to show up in person

          • The visa application is done online. After the visa is approved you need to travel to Bogotá to get the visa stamped in your passport. But you can use a visa agency if you aren’t in Bogotá to avoid the trip to Bogotá and it can be cheaper than traveling yourself as it says in our article about the Visitor visa – https://medellinguru.com/visitor-visa/

            • I’m sorry i got a little confused, The current visa that i have is already stamped On my passport, what should i do exactly when i arrive to colombia? My arrival city is medellin.

              Apologies for the trouble

            • When you arrive in Medellín, make sure within 15 days you go to Migración Colombia to register your visa. See our cedula guide – https://medellinguru.com/cedula/. Only visas of greater than a three-month duration need a cedula. Shorter duration visas still need to be registered with Migración Colombia but don’t require a Colombian cedula ID.

    38. Hi! Great article. This surely isn’t uncommon… I’m looking to move to Colombia and start an online business. Unknown what exactly the type of biz. Could be products in US or Colombia, or service based with global access. What type of visa is for me?

      • Hi, could I have a reply, please. Would love to know what you think, Jeff. Look forward to hearing back, thanks!

        • I recommend asking a visa agency. If you click on the blue “Use the Medellin Guru Visa Service” button in the article it will bring up a screen with a chat box at the bottom right where you can ask questions directly to the visa agency. Note if you ask questions when they are not working they will respond when they return to work.

    39. Chris May 28, 2019

      Hi Jeff, I have a visa type M, I left the country for the first time since I obtained this visa last week to visit home and was just curious do you know if there is a process I should follow when re-entering? Do I have to still fill out the immigration form and show the visa in my passport to immigration or can I follow the line in immigration for Nationals and show my visa? Also just out of curiosity when I left the immigration officer asked me What I do for work, which I replied what I do, I work for a foreign company remotely which I did not need to go into. But having a legal work visa for Colombia have you had any experience if this is acceptable to say that you work for a company that is not based in Colombia / remotely? Many Thanks

      • Yes, you have to fill out the immigration form. And you don’t use a line for nationals, that is for citizens – you are a foreigner living in Colombia with a visa. And yes, fine to say you work remotely if asked, this is a grey area.

    40. Hi Jeff,
      I have a question regarding Colombia Visitor Visa. The new rules has just applied to Malaysian (myself) since Dec 2018. In the application form:
      1.what does it mean by “last address date.?” I live in Canada and now i am traveling in Panama and would like to apply my visa in Panama. Should I use Panama address?
      2.Employment info: What does it mean by “host?”
      3. I have never been to Columbia and have never applied for Colombia Visa. Does it mean a copy of my passport would be sufficient for the application?

      Thank you in advanced for your time and help.

      • You are asking pretty detailed questions. See our visitor visa article – https://medellinguru.com/visitor-visa/ and you can click on the blue “Use the Medellin Guru Visa Service” button and you can chat directly with a visa agency using the chat at the bottom right of the screen that comes up.

    41. Hey Jeff, great write up on the visa process! I have a question about demonstrating periodic income for a rentista visa. What would the Colombian government expect to see for someone like myself who generates income from rental properties? I have the titles, leases, but my tenants pay me in mostly cash with the occasional check.


      • Hi Nick, thanks we have a separate article about the rentista visa – https://medellinguru.com/rentista-visa/. I recommend clicking on the blue “Use the Medellin Guru Visa Service” button in the article and this will bring up a screen where you can chat directly with a visa agency on the bottom right of the screen. They will be able to answer your questions.

      • Charlie May 28, 2019

        Nick, we just went through the process of getting a rentista visa and were called to Bogota to the immigration office for an interview. In the interview, they asked us for bank statemtents to prove that our regular monthly income met the threshhold. Fortunately we had our computer with us and could provide that information. Our attorneys told us that in the following week two more of their clients were called to Bogota and were not able to show bank statements and so returned home empty handed, with no visa.

        So long story short, it looks like the government needs documentation that you rentista income meets their minimum.

    42. Dear Jeff

      Thank you for all the info.
      I am married to a Colombian woman, I currently hold my first M visa and it is valid for one year. I would like to apply for R visa later on then make my way to citizenship. For the time being, with my M visa, for how long can I stay outside of Colombia without needing to enter the country, 6 months or one year?
      Thanks in advance.


      • It is six months. With any Migrant (M) visas if you leave Colombia for more than six months without returning to Colombia your visa loses its validity.

    43. Hi Jeff,

      Excellent info, thanks a lot! I do special types of coaching and advice, and I would therefore work independently over there. I also work internationally. Would this allow for an M7 visa?

      • Hi Tom, thanks. The M-7 expertise visa is one of the more difficult visas to get. We have a separate more detailed article about the expertise visa, see: https://medellinguru.com/expertise-visa/.

        And if you click on the blue “Use the Medellin Guru visa service” button in that article you can ask questions about the visa directly to a visa agency on the bottom right of the screen.

    44. Nice guide to all the visas in Colombia, how much time does it take to get a Colombian visa?

      • Hi Matt, thanks. Most Colombian visas take less than a month the obtain. The online approval once you have all your required docs takes about a week. The most difficult is probably the Expertise visa that reportedly can take months to obtain.

    45. Hi Jeff – I’m a freelance art director and motion designer/animator with Canadian clients of whom I work remotely for, along with freelance agencies who supplement me with extra work. Would this qualify for point 7 above?: “Have qualification or expertise to practice a profession independently. This is similar to the former TP-13 visa.” What would the cost be for my case? I know an American who runs his own company in Envigado and all his clientelle are American, so money is coming into the country from there. But he had to get a business visa which he said was about $25,000USD.

      • Hi Mike, see our separate article about the Expertise visa – https://medellinguru.com/expertise-visa/. In that article you can click on the blue “Use the Medellin Guru visa service” and at the bottom of that screen is a chat box where you can chat direction with the visa agency that can answer your questions.

    46. Hi Jeff and the Medellin Guru community. To clarify, can I go to the Migracion office located in Medellin or do I have to travel to Bogota to apply for an M-7 Visa. Also if anyone has had direct experience with applying for and getting approved do you have any advice tips?

      • Hi Leigh, you have to apply online. The Migracion office in Medellín only handles tourist visa extensions and cedulas. The M-7 expertise visa is challenging to get – see our article about the expertise visa – https://medellinguru.com/expertise-visa/ and we recommend using a visa agency as you can avoid a trip to Bogotá.

      • Michael Ahart April 3, 2019

        You can actually apply online. They have the applications online and in English

    47. Aviva Thal March 25, 2019

      Hi. I have a question. I am currently in Colombia on a V visa (permite estudiar) which expires on July 15th. If I leave the country for a few days, can I come back as a tourist? Or does the 180 days per calendar year limit apply?

      Thank you!

    48. Hey Jeff,

      question. I would like to get visa and I was thinking about a solution to create company and employ myself, is it possible? What would be approximate total cost of this?

      I would like to start doing business here but with lower capital than the 25k USD.

      Thank you very much

      • I recommend clicking on the blue “Use the Medellin Guru Visa Service” button in the above article and use the online chat at the bottom right to ask your questions directly to the visa agency.

    49. Under the M10 real estate investment visa, is it possible to purchase 2 properties whose total sum purchase value is 350 times the minimum wage and qualify? Or must it be only one property?

      How long after the purchase of the property(ies) do you have to apply for the M10 visa? Or can you purchase the property now, and even apply for the visa 2 years later (or more) and still qualify for the visa?

      Thank you!

    50. Jeff,

      Do you know that the new M6 visa is still an investment of 25k uS dollars?

      Can I just buy Bancocolombia stock to get it?

      Also do you have an attorneys name that is experienced in this visa? Thank You!

      • Hi Dan, the M6 visa requires an investment of 82,811,600 pesos or $26,755 USD at the current exchange rate. And no you can’t buy stock in a public company to get a business investment visa. See our investment visa article for more details. https://medellinguru.com/investment-visa/

        Also, all the visa agencies and law firms listed in that investment visa article are experienced with this visa.

    51. FRANK Walter CZUPRYNSKI February 25, 2019

      I tried to apply for an M Visa since I just married a Colombian woman using the on-line application. However, the on-line app requires 2 power of attorney documents, but I noticed the apply in person does have these documents are a requirement or am I missing something?

      • Hi Frank, I understand there is a requirement for a “Poder especial otorgado por el cónyuge o compañero permanente colombiano al extranjero para solicitar dicha visa”, which is basically a notarized letter from your wife addressed to the Cancilleria giving you “Poder Legal” to apply for the marriage visa and be allowed to stay in the country as your wife’s husband. I haven’t heard of a second power of attorney except one for a visa service from an agency for permission to take your passport to Bogotá to get the visa in your passport on your behalf.

        If you come to our Medellin Guru meetup on March 12, a visa agency will be there to answer all types of visa questions – https://medellinguru.com/march-medellin-guru-meetup/

    52. Hi Jeff,

      I am thinking of R visa and then I would like to apply for Colombia citizenship. I have three questions: 1) how much money I have to invest in the property to obtain R visa? I am aware of 650 x minimal monthly wage (mmw) but on Cancilleria they say about usd 200,000 which is higher than 650 x mmw, 2) how long am I allowed to stay out of Colombia over 5 years period – two years or one year (I found two contradictory information), 3) assuming that 2 years is a correct information shall I understand that I may visit Colombia only one time per two years or should I stay in Colombia at least 3 years.
      I will be grateful for any information.

      kind regards,

      • Hi Darek, see our article about the Resident (R) visa it answers your questions. https://medellinguru.com/resident-visa/ The $200,000 on the Cancilleria website is likely out of date with an old exchange rate. And if you leave Colombia for more than two years with an R visa, the visa expires and is no longer valid.

    53. Lynda Dawson February 5, 2019

      Hi Jeff. I am so grateful to have found your site, as this process can be overwhelming. I am a Canadian and I am going to apply for an M1 visa, via a Union Marital de Hecho. My question is; right now I pay 201,000 pesos for every entry. Once I obtain my M1 visa, would you by chance know if I still have to pay this entry fee every time? Thank you in advance.

      • Hi Lynda, good question. I will try to find out at our next Medellin Guru meetup on Feb. 19 when I will have a Colombian lawyer and visa agency to ask and I will let you know.

      • Hi Lynda, the Colombia entry fee for Canadians is being eliminated on May 1, 2019 for tourists. And if you have a visa there was no entry fee for Canadians.

    54. Hi Jeff, I’m trying to learn if having a M visa will enable me to rent residential or commercial property without a fiador. Do you know?

      Thank you!


      • No, regardless of having a visa or even being Colombian, most rental agencies will want you to have one or more fiadors. See our apartment rental guide for ways to avoid a fiador: https://medellinguru.com/apartment-rental-guide/

      • Michael ahart January 15, 2019


        I was in Medellin over the Thanksgiving Holiday searching for apartments for my family. I have an M visa as well. In Medellin most of the landlords now require rent insurance. The only way around it is to find a landlord that is not using a rental agency. I spoke in length with my real estate agent and one of her friends who owns an agency. Bad news is 75% of the apartments for rent in Medellin are through one of the agencies. I was told that the initial deposit would most likely be 3 to 6 months of the rental rate. I have been searching ever since then for a landlord not using an agency. If you would like I can get you the contact info for my agent. She is very professional an attentive to your needs.

        • Thanks for the insight Michael. I would like to be introduced to your agent. Thank you for the offer to help!

        • Michael, my email address is charliegcummings at gmail dot com

        • THibault January 31, 2019

          Thanks Jeff for the article, that’s so clear.

          Being in Paris and looking for a visa to stay in Colombia I get a bit quite confused with all the information.
          Do you have any advice that could help me figure out which visa would be most convenient for me.
          Do you think one of the agency you listed could do that? even being overseas?
          Or it’s a work that one has to do oneself and spend time on it?
          I’m a digital nomad (math online teacher) but my income doesn’t reach the bottom line of 10 minimum wage’s income. I coudl combinate a visitor visa with a student visa as you wrote, but I would have to study 10 hours a week,

    55. Hello, Jeff. Do you know the web page where I can get PTP extension (tourist visa from 3 months to 6 months)? Thank you

    56. Michael ahart December 20, 2018

      Thanks Jeff. I will call the Colombian consulate here in Atlanta, luckily my wife is from Venezuela so the language barrier is not there.

    57. Michael Ahart December 20, 2018

      I have recently acquired a type M work visa. I need to apply for beneficiary visas for my wife and son. The online application first asks for what type I am applying for. I assume it is type M. Once I select type M, the next data field provides a drop down menu with various activities for the visa. I am not seeing a selection for a beneficiary of someone with a work Visa. Depending on which activity you select, there are various required documents.

      Am I selecting the correct visa type for my wife and son to enter as beneficiaries of mine? If so, which activity should I select in order to finish the online application?

      • Hi Michael, I recommend calling Migracion to ask and they have a toll free number at 018000-510454 and some English speaking staff. Hours are 8:00 a.m to noon and 2:00 p.m to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday.

    58. What happens when the passport renewed or replaced? Need to get a new sticker? Or just keep the electronic copy with the new passport? (or carry the old passport) Also need to go back to Migracion office to restamp the cedula? (that is, register again)

    59. Hi Jeff,

      This year I’ve made a few entries into Colombia. My most recent entry was Oct 2, by which point I had already stayed around 70 days in Colombia in 2018 (from previous entries in May and July).

      I would like to stay from Oct 2 – late March without leaving the country. This would mean in 2018 I will spend around 160 days in Colombia, and in 2019 just under 90. This means, from my perspective, I’m not overstaying the calendar year limit (160 days in 2018) or the consecutive days limit (Oct 2 – late March being just less than 180 days).

      In early Oct I went to Migracion in person and after one officer told me my plan wasn’t okay, one of her colleagues sat down and agreed with me that it would be fine.

      I’ve applied for the extension online and it was approved, though they’ve said I need to leave the country by Jan 15, because (it seems) from that agent’s perspective the counter doesn’t reset on Jan 1. Is that because one needs to leave the country in order for the calendar count to reset? Or can I stay through to March because I haven’t broken either of the consecutive days or calendar days limits?

      • You should be able to stay through March because you haven’t broken either of the consecutive days or calendar days limits. But since you are getting conflicting answers from Migracion you may want to ask a visa agency like Intercol to be sure – http://inter-col.com/

        • Terrific, thanks for the quick response Jeff, I’ve written them now. Will they expect to be paid for that sort of advice?


    60. Guillerme December 6, 2018

      Jeff, will they give you a visa if you adopt a Colombian child?

      • Not to my knowledge can you get a visa for adopting a Colombian child or there would be many foreigners using this method to get a visa. Contact one of the visa agencies in the article for all the visa options.

    61. Elizabeth pope December 2, 2018

      Hello Jeff ~ I have been on a TP10 visa for over two years now (continuously and uninterrupted). My understanding from your information is that I am now eligible to apply for an R visa ~ new resident. Is that correct? The difficulty for me is this: my Colombian husband died a few months ago, suddenly from a heart attack. He has left me alone. I own property here in Colombia and cannot just pick up and return to Canada immediately ~ I am now planning on selling and leaving, but that will take time. My current visa is completed Nov. 2019. Could you please advise me? Thank you.

      • Hi Elizabeth, sorry to hear about your husband. I recommend you talk to a visa agency listed in the article. My understanding is your TP-10 visa is no longer valid.

    62. Hey, not sure if you got my previous comment? Basically i was asking about ‘calendar year’ for tourist visa.

      i.e.: I stayed in colombia from 4th week of May to 3rd week of November (I extended my stay with PTP from 3 months to 6 months)

      If I want to go back to colombia next January with tourist visa, can I do it? and can I extend it again with another PTP after April? Because you said 180 days every ‘calendar year’

      • Yes, resets to a new 180 days each year as a tourist. But you have to leave the country for it to reset. Another limit is 180 days consecutively across 2 years. For example, 180 days October through March assuming an extension while in Colombia. But you could leave in March and come back for 90 more days for a total of 180 days in the second year.

        • that sounds awesome! I guess all good for my case!

          I was in colombia from late May until 3rd week of November. currently I am not in colombia, but i do plan to go back to colombia early January next year and plan to stay for another 180 days

    63. hey Jeff, what does ‘per calendar year’ mean? Does it mean, the tourist visa will be ‘reset’ every 1 January? For example, I stayed in Colombia from 4th week of May to 3rd week of November this year. Does it mean next January I can live for another 3 months with just a tourist visa (and potentially extend it to 6 months with PTP)?

    64. Hi Jeff,

      Thanks for the amazing article.

      I was looking for a specific piece of information in it, but didn’t find it whether in the article or in the replies .. so, I would very appreciate it if you would answer it for me.

      Are study years in Colombia counted from the required years for the permanent residence permit ?.

      Thanks in Advance !.

      • Thanks. There is no permanent resident visa – the R resident visa is good for 5 years, I recently received one. And there is now two types of student visas – Migrant (M) and Visitor (V). The V student visa would be for something like studying Spanish and won’t count towards a R visa. See our student visa article for more info – https://medellinguru.com/student-visa/

        • Hello Mr Jeff is it possible for my friend a colombian citizen to process a visiting or M/visa for me to be in Colombia?

          Please i need your advice on the procedures

    65. I have had multiple visas since entering Colombia as a tourist in Januay 2016. I have had 4 visas total: 3,volunteer visas all issued from the same Colombian government organization and 1 work visa from a private institute.

      The volunteer visas were 5 month durations each and the work visa was 1 year (though it was canceled after four months when I left my job to travel abroad for a few weeks).

      So since January 2016 I have lived in Colombia either on visa or tourist stamp between visas (save for one month vacation in Ecuador in December 2016 and 3 week vacation abroad in March 2017). A migracion officer told me to go to the Colombian consulate in Ecuador to apply for a resident visa (I was already at the border crossing to visit a friend in Quito). I went there in July of this year and the guy counted two years of visas and said I needed 5 years. That seemed wrong compared to the migracion office info.

      So my question is: should I just apply online to Bogota and see what they say? Will I need to pay fo the visa before they make a decision?

      Also, another option may be the partner option. I have been in a relationship with the same person the entire time, but we are both guys. How does that affect a partner visa application? (We’d really rather not do that but if we have to … we might).

      Thanks for any info you can give.

      • To receive a resident visa you need 5 years of TP or M visas (or 2 years with the new M marriage visa or 3 years with the old TP marriage visa). See our article about resident visas – https://medellinguru.com/resident-visa/.

        So, your best bet is likely a civil partnership visa – https://medellinguru.com/marriage-visa/.

        You should talk to a visa agency – there are several listed in the article and InterCol is responsive in my experience.

        • Thank you , Jeff. Guess I just misunderstood a lot. I did read the about the civil partnership. I was just wondering if they are approved as easily as straight relationships or if there is more scrutiny or bias. Thanks again!

          • That is a better question for a visa agency that has experience with many visas.

    66. Robert sisler October 7, 2018

      I am in Bogota getting my Proof of Income for United States Social Security legalized. I have all documents prepared except the application. Can I get it at the Cancilleria? Or, is it printable online. I can not find it. The online application to renew a tp7 has no category for pentioner. Thanks.

    67. Hello Jeff, I just payed the visa payment two days ago, and i have not heard anything from the consulate.
      What do you think I have to do next ?

      I’m an international student living in USA, and going there only to visit.

      • Ali, I’m in the USA and successfully got the visa. Which consulate are you working with? They only take money order (unless you or someone has a Colombian bank account) Did you send the money order using US mail with Tracking? Are you actually making STUDY FEE payment (the first step) or you are already approved and then need to pay the VISA FEE (then you will be sent electronic PDF of the VISA)

    68. cypruspermanentresidence September 17, 2018

      Hello, Jeff thanks for sharing the meaningful information.

    69. shahzad August 25, 2018

      Dear Jeff
      How can i apply from Pakistan and there are some problems to paying the visa fees from Pakistan

    70. Seth Gordon August 3, 2018

      Hello. I have been in Colombia since August 2014 on TP-4 visas. My last visa just expired on 31 July, and I am currently in Colombia on a Salveconducto until 30 August. I am trying for an investor’s visa and will be registering my proposed company with the Camera de Comercio tomorrow. My problem is the following — I only have 1 full page open in my passport and 8 assorted open boxes here and there. I will be going to New York to visit my folks this August, and don’t plan on coming back to Colombia until October. Due to the limited space in my passport, I need to get a new one, but I’m wondering what will happen if the investor’s visa is issued to one passport and then a month later I get a new passport. Will the visa be valid, or should I wait until I get the new passport in New York and then apply for the investor’s visa on the new passport? Also, I believe that when you get the visa you have 15 days to pick it up in Bogota so I’m not sure how that would affect me if I am in New York until October.
      I know that was a lot, but if anyone has any advice I would appreciate it very much.

      • Hi Seth, I recommend contacting one of the visa agencies about your questions. There are visa agencies listed in the article like http://inter-col.com/, which is responsive in my experience. Colombia may require more than a single open page in your passport for a visa So, you may have to get a new passport before you can get a new visa. And if you are issued a new passport, a visa in the old passport is still valid. You will have to carry two passports. Once you get a visa if you are in the country you have 15 days to register it and apply for a cedula or there is a big fine. See: https://medellinguru.com/cedula/

    71. Hi I have recently got M- TITULAR PRINCIPAL visa for 3 years & I am at Bogota.
      Now I have to apply for my wife & kid visa.Pl confirm the category to be taken .Our advisor is saying ,it is M-PENSIONADO O RENTISTA.He has filed applications also.Is this the right catergory of application.Please provide your guidance on the same.

    72. Jeff : You are wonderful – i recently recieved residence and cedula card thru Inter-col — they wonderful – and have do great job in managing the project from start to end – highly recommend them.

    73. Hi Jeff,

      I’m a young man wanting to move to Colombia for good. I am hoping to obtain a TP-7 Visa. However, it is not from retirement, It’s from my disability during my time in the US Army. I receive a nice amount of money every month for the rest of my life tax free. I can certainly live more than comfortably with this income. My Question is, Am I able to obtain a TP-7 With this a disability income and not retirement?

    74. Tomi Pontynen July 11, 2018

      Hello Jeff!

      What is the PRESENT ADDRESS of that office of Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, to where the passports are left for attachment of Visas in Bogota? There are at least 3 different addresses in the internet

      i have my M-visa application approved and need to go there not later than 25th of July 2018.

      • The address is in the article – Avenida 19 # 98-03, Torre 100 Building, 3rd Floor. It’s open from 7:30am until noon.

    75. Michael July 6, 2018

      Hey Jeff, thank you so much for the well made and informational blog post.
      I have a question that maybe you could help me out with. I’m currently in Colombia with a simple stamp in my passport and the online “permiso temporal de permanencia” extention (the same as I had for the latter 5 months of last year). After the 180 day annual limit do you think it’s possible to use a V visa for cultural interest for the remainder of the year??? I realise that with a visitor visa I’d have to leave the country and return this coming August but I can use that time to visit family. My girlfriend is from Colombia and we’re moving to my home country of Canada next year so I have no interest in starting down the road towards residency here. But perhaps a couple’s M visa is the only way.

      Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! 🙂

      • Hi Michael, when the new visas first came out a visa agency told me they though that tourist stamp/permit could be combined with a V visa. I recommend asking the http://inter-col.com/ visa agency as they now have experience with the new visas.

    76. luc hébert June 10, 2018

      So, starting on December 15, 2017, a Colombia marriage visa will change and be known as a Migrant (M) visa of category 1 (an M-1 visa). The major change of the M-1 marriage visa compared to the TP-10 visa, is that with a M-1 visa you are eligible to apply for a resident visa after only two years…

      im very confused now,let say i go to colombia next week to marry my girlfriend in colombia and few days later i make an application for a visa m and finally approved, i will not be able to stay more then 180 days because i have to wait 2 years after reception of my visa to be able to stay permanently?

      • No, a Migrant M-1 visa is good for multiple years and you don’t have to leave. Only as a tourist are you limited to 180 days. Once you have a M visa you can stay full time.

    77. luc hébert June 10, 2018

      4. Letter from the Colombian spouse or permanent partner requesting the issuance of the visa…
      so if we dont get married,just my girlfriend can i still apply for visa?

      • Yes, you don’t need to get married but would need to register a civil partnership that is like a common-law marriage.

        See Civil Partnership in: https://medellinguru.com/marriage-visa/

        “Documenting this type of relationship requires a declaration in front of a notary. This is called a declaracion union marital de hecho and should be documented in a public escritura and this document can be be used to get a visa. Technically a couple should be living together under the same roof and the relationship is reportedly supposed to have been for two years. But I have met some expats that received this declaration with shorter relationships.”

    78. luc hebert June 9, 2018

      If I marry a Colombian and speak very little Spanish will the government accept my request of visa?

      • Your ability to speak Spanish isn’t considered for a marriage visa in Colombia.

    79. luc héberT June 9, 2018

      hi jeff
      the steps for tp-10 is
      1)3×4 cm photo (visa photo on white background)
      2)Passport main page
      3)Passport page with latest entry stamp to Colombia.
      4(Certificed copy of your marriage certificate from notariá (no older than 3 months).
      5)Your wife’s or husband’s cédula (front and back).
      6)A letter from your wife or husband stating that you are married and she/he supports your visa application notarized at notario.
      i dont understandthe step 4,how can get a certificate before the day of wedding?
      how much it cost for step 6 and how long it takes?
      thank you

      • Hi Luc, there is no more TP-10 visa and the visa photo is now digital and submitted with an online application. The marriage visa is now a Migrant (M) visa of category 1 and was covered on this site in detail: https://medellinguru.com/marriage-visa/ with requirements listed:

        1. Photocopy of the first page of your valid passport where your personal data is displayed.
        2. Photocopy of the page of your passport with the last stamp of entry or departure of Colombia is located.
        3. If you’ve had a previous Colombian visa, a photocopy of this visa.
        4. Letter from the Colombian spouse or permanent partner requesting the issuance of the visa.
        5. Genuine Colombian marriage certificate or a Notarized copy of marriage certificate or . Must be issued within three months prior to the visa application.
        6. Passport style face photo with a white background, sized at 3 cm width X 4 cm height, maximum size of 300 kb jpg file for online application.

        And you can’t apply for the marriage visa until after the marriage as obviously you can’t get a marriage certificate until after the marriage. And the cost for a notarized letter is minimal.

    80. Brock Canner May 7, 2018

      Thanks Jeff, guess Lief was right. Usually is.

    81. Brock Canner May 7, 2018

      Jeff sorry. I was talking monthly income. I thought it was in the vicinity of $750 an month.

      • Hi Brock, the Colombia retirement (pensionado visa) has a monthly income requirement that must exceed three times the minimum wage in Colombia. The minimum salary in Colombia is 781,242 pesos per month in 2018. So, you would need an income of only 2,343,726 pesos per month, which is $832.35 at the current exchange rate. See: https://medellinguru.com/retirement-visa/

    82. Kelly May 4, 2018

      Thanks so much for your prompt reply. I still don’t understand why a non-resident would have to pay anything.

    83. Rawan Alghamdi May 4, 2018


      I really appreciate if you can help me, I am a citizen of Saudi Arabia and studying here in the US. I applied to volunteer in Colombia in the summer through an organization. The problem is am in Omaha and I can not pay online as they require Colombian banks and I can not go to the embassy as it is in Chicago.

      • I recommend contacting one of the visa agencies listed in the article.

      • Right, paying online require Colombian bank. Kind of catch-22 because we need visa/cedula first before can have bank account.
        Anyway, typically in the USA, when Consulates or Embassies don’t accept debit/credit cards, then they get paid with MONEY ORDER. You can purchase them at any US Post Office. Its like a guaranteed check. CONTACT the Chicago consulate to verify you can mail them a money order. Be sure to include your application # and passport copy so they can match the payment.

    84. Kelly May 4, 2018

      So sorry if this is redundant. How strict are they with the 6 consecutive month requirement (calendar months or days)? We were planning to split our time between Medellin and Barcelona, as well as additional travel. Is tax free living a myth? It seems these countries are trying to prevent people from staying under the minimum for tax obligations. We own property in Medellin. Are we automatic tax residents?
      Thank you so much for your newsletter. I have really enjoyed it as well as finding it very useful.

      • They are very strict with the 6 consecutive month requirement. if you are gone longer than that you lose your visa. But you can come for a day or more and leave again.

        You are considered a tax resident in Colombia if you stay in the country for more than 183 total days during a year, whether this time is continuous or not. In addition, a year for determining tax residence is any 365-day period. It’s not necessarily a calendar year. And it can even straddle two years. For example, if you were in Colombia 90 days in the last six months of 2015. And if you were in Colombia 94 days in the first six months of 2016, you would be considered a Colombian tax resident for 2016. Non-residents are taxed only on Colombia-sourced income.

        See our income tax article for more details and it has a contact for a Colombian tax accountant for your tax questions – https://medellinguru.com/income-taxes/

    85. luc hébert April 25, 2018

      hi jeff again,i heard cost of life in colombia is 3x times cheaper then canada,usa,a 3 and half PPARTMENT IN Canada is around 600$ cdn and the appartments i saw in colombia are around the same price 500,600,700$ cdn,so its not true its 3x cheaper then north america?

      • Unfurnished apartments can be much cheaper in Medellín if you look outside of expensive neighborhoods like El Poblado – see our unfurnished rental price survey – https://medellinguru.com/apartment-rental-costs-medellin/. I have seen some nice 3-bedroom apartments rent for about $350 USD in Sabaneta and Belén.

        • James M Campbell April 26, 2018

          I live in a quiet safe middle class neighborhood in Itagui. 2nd. floor, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, large living/dining room combo and nice kitchen. About Us$285/month. El Poblado is the expat ghetto with prices for everything accordingly.

    86. I’m prior United States military. I am dating a woman from Colombia can I get a cohabitation visa for three years if I am just dating and living with her?

    87. Hi Jeff,

      Thanks so much for all the info!!! We’re currently in Ecuador struggling with horrible disorganised visa processes and planning to head to Colombia after. I really appreciate you taking the time to make this process easier for people 🙂

      I had a specific question, wondering if you know this. My boyfriend and me would like to apply for a V visa. We are doing a big project travelling around the world and filming and publishing this. So, the “Perform audiovisual production or digital content.” visa would fit us well.

      Some questions:

      – This visa offers a maximum of 180days in a year. But will this be counted from the moment the visa is given, or from the moment we enter Colombia. For example, if we stay the first 60 days on a tourist stamp, and then get this visa, do we get 180 days from the moment we get the V visa, or would this be only 120 days?

      – In case we get the V visa, are we aloud to leave Colombia? And do you know if there is a maximum amount of days we would be aloud to leave?

      – Any more tips for this visa in particular? Would it be rather easy/hard to receive? And you know the best (government) sources to find out more specific info about requirements for this visa?

      Thank you so much!! Really appreciate your help. And very excited to enter Colombia soon and enjoy & explore it like you do 🙂

      • Hi Tamera, I asked one of the visa agencies before the new visas were being issued in Colombia and they said they thought you could combine a tourist stamp with a V visa. Since you have several detailed questions, I recommend contacting the visa agency http://inter-col.com/. They have two office in Medellín so they are experienced with all types of visas.

    88. geoffrey March 29, 2018

      Hello Jeff, Today a guy told me that even though I have the new 3 year M visa I must be in Colombia at least 180 days per calender year. Do you have any information about that.

      • Hi Geoffrey, I haven’t heard that so I recommend talking to one of the visa agencies listed in the article to confirm. The only 180-day rule I have heard is that you lose a M visa if you are out of the country for over 180 consecutive days.

    89. Thank you for your articles, they have been very useful and informative both for when I first traveled to Colombia and now as someone planning to obtain a visa and move to Medellin (from the UK). I will be studying Spanish at EAFIT, so if you are still enrolled there and I happen to spot you I will be sure to say hello!

    90. Leon Cosgrove March 19, 2018

      I am an Australian travelling to Colombia to do a mine technical assessment for 5 days. I am paid a salary by my employer so will not be getting paid directly for the services by the Colombian based Mining company. My employer is based in India and has office in Bogota. Can I come in on the Australian passport without getting the visa or should I get an M visa?

      • You can come as a tourist from Australia. No need for a visa for only 5 days.

    91. hi jeff,let say i want to move in colombia(im from canada) for 5-10 years,just for a new life and because i love colombians and the country,wich visa should i choose? i dont fit in any category,i dont have colombian spouse,its not for study,its not for investement and not refugee im not in danger
      wich one i should choose?

      • If one of the visas doesn’t fit you now, you will be limited to 180-days in the country as a tourist. I recommend coming first as a tourist as a trial. And perhaps you’ll meet someone here and will qualify for a marriage visa or decide to pursue one of the other visas.

        • luc hébert March 17, 2018

          thanks and as a tourist do i need a visa for the 180 days? im from canada

          • No visa required for Canadians as you can enter as a tourist but will need to pay a reciprocity fee when entering the country – see: https://medellinguru.com/tourist-visa/. And the tourist stamp is normally good for 90 days but can be extended as it says in that article.

    92. I’m an amateur boxer in the USA, I know there is an Arts and Sports visa, how difficult is it to obtain?

      • Under visitor (V) visa above there is #1 participate in an event as an athlete and #4 “advance training in art or trade”. But a V visa is limited to a maximum of 180 continuous (or discontinuous days) per year in the country.

        But since you are from the U.S. you can just come as a tourist without a visa for up to 180 days per year.

        You should contact one of the visa agencies in the article if you have more questions.

    93. Hello Jeff. Nice blog. Very informative. Have you published on how a resident visa holder goes about acquiring health insurance?

      • Hi Charles, thanks. We haven´t yet published an article about health insurance but plan to. It is a somewhat complicated topic with several options. So, it takes time to research.

        • Thanks for your fast reply. Yes, it is complicated, especially if you cannot speak spanish! Looking forward to your findings.

    94. Charlie Barrett February 26, 2018

      Hi Jeff. Very informative article and simplifies things nicely. Would you know if it is possible to apply for a cedula on a V visa? Am looking an buying some classic vw beetles and exporting them to Europe so will need to register them in my name in Colombia. For this it looks like a cedula is necessary. Thanks. Charlie

    95. Summer Kim February 9, 2018

      Hola! It is a great article that gives me better understanding about the new visa system.
      I have a question about the date of visa application.
      I am with a student visa expired March 1st now and I am preparing for the new visa tipo M this month. Till when I should apply for the new one? It is okay as long as I do before March 1 the date my current student visa expired?

      • Yes, you should apply before your old visa expires. When I had student visas for two years, I applied for the second one about a month before the first one expired. I did this in case I encountered issues so I would have time to resolve them before the first visa expired.

        • Summer Kim February 9, 2018

          Thank you for such a quick reply. I will do with at least 10days to spare. Muchas gracias!

    96. Just an update, the Canadian reciprocity fee is now COP 191,000, when I entered at Bogota last week.

    97. Hi Jeff, this article is really helpfull since am doing on my research to live longer in Colombia.

      My situation is am dating a guy with RE visa. We’ve been together for more than 5 years. Do you think I can apply for M-1 visa or do the beneficiary RE visa? Or do you have any other suggestions?

      Thank you.

      • Hi Eve, my understanding is that beneficiary visas are only available for children less than age 25 and also spouses for anyone with a M or R visa, I recommend talking with one of the visa agencies listed in the article.

    98. Hi Jeff, thanks for writing this excellent article.
      I do have a question, my current TP-10 expires on 14 Jan 2018. Is there any information as to how many days in advance one should apply for a new visa? I don’t want to leave everything to the last minute as I might end up being in Colombia without a visa! I would like to apply 30 days before my TP-10 expires so that would give me a date of 15th December 2017 – the exact date that the resolution comes into effect! So theoretically I would not have completed the 3 years uninterrupted for the TP-10. How far in advance have you and/or others applied for their new visas? Many thanks, Mark

      • Hi Mark, thanks. I recommend talking to one of the visa agencies listed in the article. In the past, I have applied for new visas about a month before the previous one expired to be safe.

        We’ll see on December 15 if Colombia stays on schedule with the new visas.

      • I strongly recommend you to wait until January 10 and then ask for a solvo conducto(visa extension) for a month and after that apply for a permanent residence permit. Sorry Jeff, please correct me if I am wrong.
        I have a question too
        How can I find out if the new M visa started on December 15th? For now I have a salvo conducto which expires on December 29th, so I have enough time to get a M temporary visa (they told me the process will take 5 working days if everything goes well)
        I waited till now according to your advice which was very helpful because now I can get a permanent residence permit after two years instead of three years
        Looking forward to hearing from you
        Thanks for your permanent support Jeff

        • If the new visas start on December 15, I expect the visa rules listed on http://www.cancilleria.gov.co/ should change as they need to update the documentation. Also when you apply online it should show the new visas. We’ll see what happens…

    99. Hi,

      I need to reapply for my work visa this week as my other one runs out next Sunday. How does the changes in visas affect this? If I apply for the TP4 visa now, will I have to get a different one when they change it the week after?


      • Hi Alice, good question. Once you get any TP visa it will be valid for the normal duration. And you won’t have to get one of the new visas that reportedly start on December 15 until renewal time for your TP visa.

    100. Elroy Fahie November 26, 2017

      I apply for my cedula in the medellin office , my question is how do i find out when it is ready and do i have to return to the office to pick it up. I was told to check the migracion web in 3-5 days. CAN ANYONE CLARIFY THE PROCESS. THANKS!

    101. You can ignore the previous question. …. I had not read all the details. Thanks

    102. Am I correct in understanding that that the new type V visa will allow one year, possibly 2 as a tourist? If so what are the requirements for this?

      • No, the new V visa is a visitor visa granted for 16 different activities that is limited to a maximum of 180 continuous (or discontinuous days) per year that cannot be extended for every 365 days. So, a V visa is not of much benefit for a citizen from a country like Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States that do not need a visa to enter Colombia as a tourist and can extend a tourist visa to 180 days.

        I am meeting with a visa agency tomorrow and will ask if the V visa for 180 days can be combined with a tourist visa.

        • Great it would be interesting to know

        • Thanks for all your great information,
          Could you please ask if it’s necessary to notarized Colombian spouse Cédula and also original certificate of marriage that issued in a Notaría in Colombia when it comes to online registration, if not then what “certified Colombian marriage certificate” means while I have my original certificate issued by a Notaría in Colombia or where should I certified the original copy?

    103. Sandra Xyone November 16, 2017

      I just got my TP-7 Visa for pension. It is dated Nov 9 2017. When I renew it I understand it will be a M visa Cat 11. And it will be good for 3 years. What my question is, is how much will it cost? Will it be 3 times as much or some other amount? I need to plan for such things. If you don’t know now could you tell me when it might be known?

      • Hi Sandra, the government hasn’t disclosed the new visa prices yet according to a visa agency I talked to. I’ll update the article when they do in December. I doubt the new visa will be 3 times as expensive.

        • Sandra Xyone November 17, 2017

          Thank you. I find you information to be 1st class. I have really enjoyed your article.

    104. Rob earp November 5, 2017


      Wonderful article! I have pasted passages to guide me along the route to citizenship that I am investigating.
      If you would, please clarify something for me: Let’s say you start with an M – Category 4 to 11 for 5 years, qualifying you for an R. Now that you have the R do you have to wait another 5 years to apply for Colombian Citizenship? Or do your 5 years with the M visa put you in a position to transition to citizenship?

      Thank you!

      Best, Rob

      • After you get the R visa you have to wait another 5 years before you can apply for Colombian Citizenship.

    105. Thanks for your wonderful information, it helps a lot,
      According to the new rules, after two years you can apply for the permanent residency, I’m wondering if someone already has a TP10 visa and by December will be a full two years, as a result of the new rules is that possible to apply for the permanent residency?
      If the answer is no, then it is wise for those who are planning to apply for a TP10 visa now, to wait for new regulations to begin
      Thanks in advance for your answer

      • Hi Jose, very good question as I have a TP-10 visa. I’ll try to find out the answer.

        • That’s my concern now, should I apply for the TP10 visa now or it’s better to wait until December 15th (you never know if they will keep their words or not, they already posponed it several times) to apply for the new M visa?
          Please let me know if you find it out somehow
          You will be my life saver
          Also I have two more questions
          1- do I need to apostillado the Colombian Cédula or a normal copy will be fine (for online registration)
          2- is it necessary for Colombian partner to go to Bogotá as well or not?

          • Hi José, sure if I find out the effective date slips I’ll update the article. For the Colombian cédula for a TP-10 or M visa you don’t need an Apostille since this is a Colombian document. When I got my TP-10 visa I got a notarized copy of my wife’s cédula. And if you are selected for an interview your Colombian partner will need to go to Bogotá for an interview. One visa agency told me about 25% were being selected for interviews for TP-10 visas.

      • Hi Jose, I talked to two visa agencies today and they both said if you get a TP-10 visa you are stuck with the old three years till resident visa. The new 2-year rule till resident visa only applies for the new M – marriage visa that should start on December 15.

      • Javier July 20, 2021

        Hello Jeff,

        I’m awaiting the renewal of my ecuadorian passport in order to apply for the Mercosur Visa. I’m a natural born ecuadorian citizen and also American citizen.
        I’m currently unemployed but have a pretty big savings, will they deny my visa because I’m unemployed? I plan to live and work in colombia.

    106. For the effective date of new visa rules I have seen conflicting info on various websites (not surprising of course!). Does anyone have a definitive answer?

      I’ve seen both Nov 1 and Nov 2 on some sites, but these are mostly just blogs and news type websites. What I believe is more credible is what I’ve seen on legal / immigration type sites. They list the effective date as Dec 14, 2017. They state the effective date is 90 business days after initial resolution/publication. Since Resolution 6045 was published on Aug 2, then Dec 14 is spot on (after subtracting the numerous Colombian holidays).

      Perhaps the web sites stating Nov 1 or 2 were not reading the law carefully? Just thinking 90 calendar days? Or maybe just they just added 3 calendar months to the Aug 2 date?

      Here’s the places where I saw it shown as 90 BUSINESS days:

      If nobody knows for sure, I guess we’ll find out later next week! Thanks.

      • The official government resolution dated August 2 and seen here http://www.alcaldiabogota.gov.co/sisjur/normas/Norma1.jsp?i=70275 says at the end “La presente Resolución empezará a regir noventa (90) días después de su publicación”. So, it said 90 days after publication and didn’t say 90 business days. But this is Colombia and such things tend to take longer than planned. I have a meeting with a visa agency next week and will find out for sure and update the article.

        • Thanks Jeff. That helps me make a choice. My current TP-7 visa expires on Saturday Nov 4. I was considering waiting until Nov 1 or 2 to submit my new application. But that is cutting it so very short. And if immigration doesn’t approve me by Friday, mine expires. Then I must start all over again towards accumulating my 5 years of temporary residency. Like you say, Colombia doesn’t implement things like clockwork with no glitches, so that puts me at a risk that is probably not worth it.

          I am now leaning towards just submitting it all tomorrow and being content with the old 1-year TP-7. Then by NEXT year when it’s time for me to repeat the visa process, there’s a much better chance for immigration to be running smoothly with the new law.
          Thanks again, Suzann

          • If I was in your situation, I would likely submit tomorrow to be safe. I suspect that they won’t have the bugs in their systems and processes worked out for the new visa rules until early next year.

            So, I’m happy my visa doesn’t expires until next year.

    107. Lindsay chandler October 25, 2017

      There has been some buzz that the tourist visa (I am American) is changing from 180 days per calendar year to 180 days a year from point of entry for 2017? Is this true?
      I currently volunteer for an NGO – A volunteer visa would only get me 180 days per calendar year – could I get this in addition to a tourist visa?

      Thank you! Great article!!

      • No, very doubtful that Colombia’s tourist visa is changing from 180 days per calendar year to 180 days a year from point of entry for 2017. I just asked one of the visa agencies and they said they haven’t heard of this.

        And yes, you could combine a visitor visa – V visa – (or other visa) with a tourist visa. I previously combined a student visa with a tourist visa to stay an entire year.

        • Hi Jeff,

          Does this mean I’d be able to stay 6 months on a tourist visa and then get a job or start studying in Colmbia to stay the second half of the year?


          • Hi Tom, yes you could come as a tourist for 6 months and then get a visa for studying or work for the second half.

    108. Brock Canner October 10, 2017

      Jeff, just to let you know. My WI FI has been down for quite a while., so haven’t been able to comment lately. They are putting in a new system that will be much better.
      When, not sure.
      Cheers Brock

    109. Frank Davis October 10, 2017

      Medical visas are only allowed 180 days a year? What if my medical treatment requires more than that!?

      • Hi Frank, yes, that appears to be a problem. In addition, the new medical visa is pretty worthless, as you can come as a tourist and also stay for 180 days.

    110. Brock Canner September 18, 2017

      Have a wonderful night Jeff. Heading out for a while.
      Cheers, Brock

    111. Brock Canner September 18, 2017

      Thanks Jeff, All in all I think this is one of your best.
      Cheers, Brock

    112. Jeff, Colombia Legal Partners at http://www.colombialegalpartners.com does a great job for visas and are the legal group that we send our visa clients to.

      • Hi Rich, thanks I added Colombia Legal Partners in the article.

        • Dennis July 22, 2020

          Both of my parents are Colombian Nationals. they move to the United States in the 60s. I was born in United States. I’m 49 I want to live in Colombia,but my parents forbid me and do not want to hand over their documentation so I can receive residency!! Can the Colombian consulate help me and show proof that my parents are Colombian without them being present. HELP it’s the only way I can receive my Visa I have no pension I can live off my savings. Thanks.

    113. Thanks Jeff, this is a great article that will help so many people. Good to know that many of the new M visas will be valid for three years so no need to renew each year.

    114. Stuart Oswald September 8, 2017

      Really nice article and will answer pretty much the basics of everything for anyone needing visas. I wrote something along these lines on my RE visa and Cedula tribulations in Bogotá.

    115. For the R visa : “Has continuously and uninterrupted held for five years a M visa category 4 to 11 above”.

      My interpretation is I cannot leave Colombia for five years after receiving the R visa. Correct?


      • Hi Don, no, you can leave Colombia with either a R visa or M visa. All these visas permit multiple entries into Colombia. “Uninterrupted” means you don’t leave the country for more than six consecutive months with a M visa. Per Article 66 of Resolution 6045, you lose a M visa if out of the country for more than six continuous months, which is the same as a TP visa. And you lose the new R visa if you are out of the country for two continuous years – this is the same as the existing resident visa. I updated the article to add this information.

    116. Brock Canner September 7, 2017

      Thanks Jeff, What a wealth of information. Have chatted with Juan Dario a few times, so I’m not worried. That’s probably who I’ll discuss this with. Other than that. Everything appears to be pretty straight forward. As I intend on starting a farm in Colombia, and need some workers. I guess it will be a bit more involved. Also need an medical operation, before I can move forward. Any advice is always welcomed. Going out for a few hrs. hope to hear back.
      Cheers, Brock

    117. James M Campbell September 7, 2017

      Thanks for the information. My TP7 visa expires on 17 November. When do the new visas actually come into effect–first of November? Has the price changed?

      • Hi James, good questions. Resolution 6045 with the new visa rules was issued on August 2 and is supposed to go into effect in 90 days, so that would be early November. But this is Colombia, so I wouldn’t be surprised to see a delay.

        Resolution 6045 doesn’t mention pricing, so not sure if pricing has changed. I will try to find out and update the article.

        • James M Campbell September 7, 2017

          Thanks for the quick reply. Hope more info is available as we approach November.
          All the best, Jim

          • Hi Jim,

            The new visas will reportedly be available on December 15.

            • James M Campbell November 15, 2017

              Given the uncertainty about the implementation date of the new visa categories I went ahead and got my visa renewed in October. After doing it myself for four years I used an agency this year. I used InterCol which was on your list of recommended agencies. They were excellent and I thought the price was reasonable. Thanks for the helpful information and recommendations .

    118. Sandi Jaramillo September 7, 2017

      Do you know what the senario is for this example : I am married to a National , Have my ‘spouse visa’ My adult son was 16 when he moved here with us, so is a Beneficiary under my visa, up until he turns 25 (in 2 years). He studies full time and has been living here since 2010. If he for example is no longer enrolled in University in 2 years and has to get his ‘own visa’ what would that look like?

      • Once your son turns 25, he would no longer be eligible for a beneficiary visa. So he’d have to get his own visa like a student, work, etc. visa. You could talk to one of the visa agencies listed in the article to explore all options.

    119. by & mariah edgington September 7, 2017

      Jeff: Good stuff, and matches our recent experience. We were not aware of the upcoming extension of our TP-7 retirement visa to three years, that’s good news. The only comment I have on the application process is that applicants should assume that every piece of paper they submit must be Apostilled. This may not be mentioned at an office, or at any time, but if a document is copied from an on line source, for example a Social Security source of income statement, the office may demand an Apostille for it. This happened to us in Medellin, and it cost us almost two weeks and quite a bit of $$$ to get it done. My advice is to Apostille everything!

      • Thanks, we plan to cover the specifics for each individual visa popular with expats with details like Apostilles and translations for required documents.

        It was too much to cover in one article the detailed requirements of each individual visa category.

        • Jeff, For the TP 7 Investor visa the renewal periods will be every three years beginning Dec 15, 2017, correct? Then after five years the investor can apply for a permanent visa, correct? What is not clear is the in-country requirement that the investor must spend a least one day every six months to keep his visa intact. Has that changed or is it still the six month requirement?

          • Hi Rich, yes for the new investor visa (M category 6 or 10) the renewal period will be 3 years and after 5 years with a M visa you can apply for a R resident visa.

            And yes, I understand the new M visa will be like previous TP visas where you lose the visa if you are out of the country for more than 180 consecutive days. So, you need be be in the country at least 1 day every 180 days.

            The R visa you only lose of you are out of the country for more than 2 consecutive years.

        • GREAT INFO! Thank you! Your detailed instructions are great! However it got even easier because now they’re all in English online. One thing they don’t all your documents must be combined into one.pdf file. Don’t make the mistake I didn’t upload them wanted it done. The system will except them wanted to time but will review it and kick it back to you. It won’t cost you anything, you won’t have to pay again, but it’s a pain. Yeah the thing is that sometimes when you upload your photo it will corrupt your document package. You won’t notice but you’ll get an email from them that says the documents are illegible. They’re probably not illegible but you’ll have to do the upload everything again or do what I did and go to their office in person and that literally issue the visa on the spot

          • BLAINE BROWNLOW April 6, 2018


            I can’t reach any Colombian consulates by phone outside of Colombia to ask my question. I am in Colombia on a TP-10 visa that expires in three months. I would prefer to just go to Miami for a M1 visa, instead of running the gamut of issues of trying to do everything online here, and still have to go later to Bogota. I have heard that everything now has to be done online, while your website states that visas can be obtained, as always, at consulates outside Colombia. I’m confused. Help!

            • Hi Baine, yes if you apply in Colombia you must apply online but you could use a visa agency they would file for you and courier your passport for the visa in Bogotá. So that would get rid of the hassle. That is probably less costly than a trip to Miami (when you factor in airfare, hotel, taxis and other expenses) There are several visa agencies listed in the article.

      • I used Visas and Tramites to obtain my retirement visa and cedula. When I brought up the subject of apostille they told me not to worry about that. The process went smoothly and I’ve since “renewed” without a hitch. I don’t understand why by using this firm the apostilles weren’t required. I’d previously spent many weeks obtaining apostilles for an Argentine visa and it was an arduous task to say the least.

    120. Great information, thank you. Do you know if the Resident visa’s are indefinite, or like currently ”indefinite” however require a traspaso every 5 years to confirm you have adhered to the requirements?

      • Per article 22 of Resolution 6045 “The “R” type visa will be valid indefinitely.” I suspect will also require a traspaso every 5 years to confirm you have adhered to the requirements – I’ll see if I can confirm.

        • Kenneth A Miller January 19, 2019


          With the new rules in effect is it correct to assume that when you renew your RE-VISA all you need to do is go online to renew your cedula extranjeria ($190.000 COP) , get the tramites # and then go to a Migracion Colombia office location to finish the process ? You no longer need the pasted into your U.S. passport the RE-VISA as we have done in the past that is no longer being done ? You simply need the Resident cedula extranjeria and nothing else , am i correct in asuming that ?

          • It is now known as an R (resident) visa, see: https://medellinguru.com/resident-visa/. I received an R visa in September last year and it is valid for 5 years. So, when I get a new R visa when it expires will need to get a new cedula following the process outlined here: https://medellinguru.com/cedula/. You will still need a copy of the visa from your passport. And the cedula will have the same validity dates as the visa.

            • Hi Jeff, My RE visa expires in a couple of months. In response to Kenneth A Miller when he asked about renewing his RE visa (January 19, 2019), you stated “It is now known as an R (resident) visa, see: https://medellinguru.com/resident-visa/.” Do you mean that existing RE visas are actually R visas?

              This appears to say that when an R (and an RE?) visa expires, the applicant only needs to apply for a new cedula with Migracion, not a new visa: https://medellinguru.com/resident-visa/, it states “… there is no need to apply for a new R visa at the end of five years. Instead, the visa agency said the process to renew is done at Migracion and is essentially like getting a new cedula.”

              But at your January 19 reply to Kenneth, you continued: “I received an R visa in September last year and it is valid for 5 years. ‘So, when I get a new R visa when it expires’ will need to get a new cedula following the process outlined here: https://medellinguru.com/cedula/. You will still need a copy of the visa from your passport. And the cedula will have the same validity dates as the visa.”

              That seems to conflict with the earlier statement, as if the holder of an R visa will need to get a new R visa, then a new cedula which will have the new dates of the new R visa. How could it have new dates on a cedula, the same as a visa unless you apply for and get a new visa?).

            • See our guide to the resident visa – https://medellinguru.com/resident-visa/

              “According to Resolution 6045, Article 22, the “R” visa is valid indefinitely. However, according to Article 25, the validity period of the “R” visa label (“visa stamp” in a passport) is five years. At the request of its owner, this document may be renewed for equal periods by a “visa transfer procedure. I asked a visa agency about this, as this isn’t clear. The “R” visa is supposed to be valid indefinitely but the “R” visa stamp in your passport is only good for five years. The visa agency said there is no need to apply for a new R visa at the end of five years.Instead, the visa agency said the process to renew is done at Migracion and is essentially like getting a new cedula.”

              I haven’t been through this process and haven’t talked to a foreigner who has either. So I recommend contacting the visa agency we partnered with at https://visasincolombia.com/. There is a chat at the bottom right where you can chat during business hours.

      • I just received my R visa today, and the answer to your question is Yes. The R is valid permanently *unless* you leave the country for more than Two years, which will void it. Also, you need a new ‘sticker, (that’s what they called it) traspaso every Five years.

        • Kenneth A Miller January 19, 2019


          Thanks for the info but i want to follow up with so when i get my new Cedula which will now say R-visa not RESIDENCE along with my ID # the will issue me office of Migracion Colombia will issue me a sticker to place on my Colombian Visa which expires in mid-April of this year , correct . So when traveling on airlines etc., you still must present your expired Colombian Visa ?

          • The cedula will say “Residente” with the same five year validity dates as the R (resident) visa. You will need to renew your resident visa.

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