Buy Medellin Guru a Coffee: Support Medellin Guru
Readers you can now buy Medellin Guru a coffee to support Medellin Guru. Medellin Guru needs the help of readers to remain ad free with no sponsors.

Buy Medellin Guru a Coffee: Support Medellin Guru

Readers you now can “Buy Medellin Guru a Coffee” to support Medellin Guru. Medellin Guru needs the help of readers to remain ad free with no sponsors.

For over three years, the Medellin Guru website has been ad free with no sponsors or advertisements. Medellin Guru is on Patreon, which permits donations via monthly subscriptions to support the site.

However, many readers have asked for the ability to make a one-time donation instead of Patreon. So, we have added a way for readers to make one-time donations.

Readers you can now “Buy Medellin Guru a Coffee” to support Medellin Guru.  Medellin Guru needs the help of readers to remain ad free with no sponsors.

Jeff, the founder of Medellin Guru

Jeff, the founder of Medellin Guru

Hey ?  I am Jeff the Founder of the MedellinGuru travel blog. I’m an expat originally from the U.S. currently living in Medellín, Colombia, which is known as the “city of eternal spring”. I have lived here in Medellín for well over eight years.

Our MedellinGuru website is a labor of love started in July 2017. If you love what we’re doing, we hope you’ll consider supporting our work — for just the cost of a cup of coffee.

We cover not just Medellín, we also cover the rest of Colombia.

If you liked something on MedellinGuru, consider buying us a coffee!

Buy me a coffeeBuy me a coffee

You can buy just one coffee for only $3 USD (or you can buy more then one coffee, you can enter how many coffees at $3 each).

Also, on every page on Medellin Guru, there is now a small orange circle with a coffee cup at the bottom right that you can click on to “Buy Medellin Guru a Coffee”.

Feria de las Flores in Medellín: November 2 to 8 – Not Cancelled

Feria de las Flores in Medellín: November 2 to 8 – Not Cancelled

Medellin Guru is Also on Patreon

By asking for help from our readers to remain ad free, we already have over 570 subscribers (patrons) on Patreon. Thanks everyone!

The coronavirus pandemic in Colombia hit Medellin Guru hard. We now have much more to cover and update with constant changes due to coronavirus. But no tourists are currently visiting Colombia due to restrictions on international flights.

So, we are receiving fewer commissions from our partnerships for visasreal estate salesapartment rentals and insurance. We now depend much more on reader contributions for Medellin Guru to survive.

Medellin Guru moved to a partial subscription model. Previously all the content on Medellin Guru was totally free (560+ articles with over 1.1 million words).

But now over 20 percent of the articles on Medellin Guru are patron-only, for example:

It only costs as little as $2 per month to subscribe via Patreon and have access to everything.

But many readers wanted an alternative to a monthly subscription on Patreon. So, we have added one-time donations with the ability to “Buy Medellin Guru a Coffee“.

Buy me a coffeeBuy me a coffee

Has Medellin Guru helped you? We are asking for the help of readers.  I believe that Medellin Guru is important and if you do also, please consider buying us a coffee!

I really want the Medellin Guru site to remain ad free and totally independent.

Medellin Guru has helped thousands of foreigners over the past three years. And I would absolutely hate to add advertising. Also, we would like to add staff to help with the growing site.

The bottom line is we need the help of readers for Medellin Guru to remain ad free.

Please consider simply “buying Medellin Guru a Coffee“.

Sign up for the Free Medellin Guru Newsletter – You can see all of the previous Medellin Guru weekly email newsletters and sign up here.

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4 thoughts on “Buy Medellin Guru a Coffee: Support Medellin Guru”

    1. Dennis Heidenis September 5, 2020

      Jeff…..why not just charge people to get in and view the content. A lot of the “followers” are just nosy and will never visit Medellin. The serious folks will pay to support the site because it helps the expats tremendously. To get the ball rolling, I will increase my donation from $5 to$10 per month and my friend will do the same. Sad to say but everybody wants everything for nothing.
      Another take is to have the recommended places like restaurants that appear in the Guru pay something for the free advertisement they are now getting. Just my 2 pesos worth….. Dennis

      • Thanks for the suggestions. Already over 20 percent of content on Medellin Guru is locked to Patreon subscribers and this will increase.

        But several readers asked for a way to donate without Patreon, so now giving them an option.

        In my experience, pretty impossible to get restaurants to pay, as most have no budget and use free Facebook and don’t even have a website.

        • Dennis Heidenis September 5, 2020

          If I donate a coffee, does that circumvent being locked out of some content such as Patreon does now to non-donators?

          • Patreon currently controls access to locked content on Medellin Guru. So, need to be a subscriber on Patreon to get access to locked content on Medellin Guru – https://medellinguru.com/patreon-medellin-guru/

            But we are looking into the possibility of also having some locked content under “Buy Me Coffee”, possibly Ebooks.

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