Colombian Drivers License - How to Get a Drivers License in Medellín and Colombia - Medellin Guru
We provide a guide to obtaining a Colombian drivers license in Medellín or other cities in Colombia. The rules changed and you are required to take classes.

How to Get a Colombian Drivers License in Medellín and Colombia

We provide a guide to obtaining a Colombian drivers license in Medellín or other cities in Colombia. The rules changed in Colombia in 2017 and even if you know how to drive you are now required to take classes to get a driver’s license in Colombia.

I obtained a Colombian drivers license early last year without having to take classes. But since I received my license, the rules changed and you are required to take classes. So, it is now more difficult and more expensive for a foreigner to get a drivers license in Colombia.

To research this article, I recently talked to three drivers’ schools and also two Tránsito offices. Several Medellin Guru readers asked for up-to-date information about getting a Colombian drivers license. So, we are providing this article.

Also, be careful about posts in English on the Internet about Colombian drivers licenses, as every article I have seen looks to be out-of-date or incomplete.

Note the above photo of a Colombian drivers license is courtesy of Colombia’s Ministerio de Transporte.

Do You Need a Colombian Drivers License as a Foreigner Tourist?

If you are a tourist visiting Colombia without a visa you can use your valid driver’s license from your home country along with your passport to drive in Colombia. So, there is no need for getting a Colombian drivers license. But this is now reportedly limited to a maximum of three months.

When driving as a tourist, you should carry a copy of your passport and the page with your entry stamp. This will provide proof that you are a tourist and not required to have a local driving license.

If you have a visa and a cedula extranjería like I do, you cannot drive legally in Colombia with a driver’s license from another country. However, I have met some expats living in Colombia with visas who still drive with their foreign drivers license. But technically this is not legal.

According to managers I recently talked to at Tránsito de Sabaneta and Tránsito de Medellín, if you have a visa and cedula you need to get a Colombian drivers license to be legal to drive in Colombia.

Requirements for Colombian Drivers Licenses

According to the National Traffic Code in Colombia the requirements for having a Colombian drivers license include:

  • Minimum of 16 years old or 18 years old if a commercial driver (i.e. taxi driver).
  • Pass a theoretical and practical exam in a driver’s school that has been approved by the Ministerio de Transporte.
  • Receive a certificate of physical, mental and motor driving coordination from a Centro de Reconocimiento del Conductor (CRC).This is essentially a medical exam that is more in-depth than the eye exam required in the U.S. for a license.

Types of Colombian Drivers Licenses

Colombia has eight different categories of driver’s licenses. Of most interest to foreigners are the A1 and A2 for motorcycles and the B1 for cars, SUVs and vans.

  • A1 category: for motorcycles of 125 c.c. or less.
  • A2 category: for motorcycles and moto tricycles of more than 125 c.c.
  • B1 category: for cars, SUVs, vans and minibuses.
  • B2 category: for trucks, vans and buses.
  • B3 category: for tractor-trailers or articulated vehicles.
  • C1 category: (Commercial) for cars, three wheelers, quad, SUV’s, vans and minibuses for public service.
  • C2 category: (Commercial) for trucks (rigid) and buses.
  • C3 category: (Commercial) for articulated vehicles.

A category A or category B Colombian drivers license is good for 10 years (or five years if aged 60 to 80, or one year if over 80). And category C licenses are good for three years. Furthermore, at expiration, licenses can be relatively easily renewed.

Process to Obtain a Colombian Drivers License in Medellín or Other Cities

You are now required to take classes to receive a driver’s license in Colombia. And they actually verify you are taking classes with fingerprints to ensure nobody is taking classes for you.

To get a Colombian drivers license, the process involves:

  1. Register in Colombia’s RUNT system
  2. Find a driver’s school
  3. Pay for classes and take classes
  4. Pass theory and practice exams
  5. Pass a medical exam
  6. Go to a Tránsito office to get your license

When I received my Colombian drivers license in early 2017, I didn’t have to take classes. I just had to pass the written exam and medical exam. This has now changed and taking classes to obtain a Colombian drivers license is now compulsory.

 Sabaneta Tránsito where I went to get in the RUNT system

Sabaneta Tránsito where I went to get in the RUNT system

Step 1: Register in Colombia’s RUNT System

The RUNT system is a national database used throughout Colombia. This database is used to manage information about drivers and their driving history as well as information about cars and owners of cars.

Also, there used to be no cost involved in getting registered in the RUNT system. I asked at the Sabaneta Tránsito and they said the cost is currently 13,000 pesos to sign up. But I have seen online in several places that the official cost for 2018 to sign up in the RUNT system is 13,700 pesos.

The RUNT records information about your Colombia driver’s license including type and class license, date of issue, expiration date and any temporary or partial suspensions. Also, information about driver’s classes and medical exams are included.

In addition, the RUNT system keeps track of fines, subpoenas and traffic violations committed by drivers. The system also keeps track of a number of other things including whether tax payments by owners of vehicles are up to date.

When I was registered in the RUNT system last year, I went to the Sabaneta Tránsito. When I entered the Tránsito office I needed to get a number and wait for my number to be called on a monitor. This only took me about 10 minutes.

All I had to do was provide my cedula and they scanned my fingerprints and took my photo and I was done. This was a very simple process. You can also use a passport to get in the RUNT system.

Autoescuela Educar in Sabaneta

Autoescuela Educar in Sabaneta

Step 2: Find a Driver’s School

Every city in Colombia has driver’s training schools. For example, Medellín has many that you can find in the Yellow pages under Educación Escuelas de Automovilismo or on the Internet.

The prices vary by school. I checked with three different schools and here are the current prices that include everything needed for a driver’s license including classes and exams:

This is much higher than the 370,000 pesos I paid in Sabaneta in early 2017. And my Colombian wife who got her license in late 2016 took driving classes in El Poblado and she paid only 530,000 pesos.

Step 3: Pay for Classes and Take Classes

When I obtained by Colombian license last year I didn’t have to take any driving classes. But I talked to an expat recently who took classes and they were in Spanish. All the driving schools I talked to only offer classes in Spanish.

In the past, some driving schools issued the driving aptitude certificates for payment, with no actual classes. So, the Ministry of Transport introduced the requirement for fingerprints to prove you take the classes.

The driving schools now use biometric security (your fingerprint) to ensure you are taking the classes and nobody is taking the classes for you.

The classes include 25 hours in class and 20 classes of driving practice for a car license or 15 classes for a motorcycle license.

Step 4: Pass Theory and Practice Exams

After you complete your driving classes, you need to take a written exam and pass a driving test.

When I took the written exam early last year at the driver’s school, the exam was available in English or Spanish. Also, the driver’s school provided me a book (in Spanish) with Colombian driving regulations that you can use while taking the test.

My exam last year had 40 questions about several topics including possible fines, road signs and the regulations of Colombia’s National Highway Code. I didn’t find the exam very difficult, as much of it was common sense for anyone who has driven before. But I had to look up a few things in the book.

When you pass the theory and practice exams the driving school will provide you with a driving aptitude certificate (Certificado de Aptitud en Conducción) and will upload a copy into the RUNT system.

In addition, the Ministry of Transport is reportedly planning to introduce a new driving and theory test, which will be conducted at Centros de Apoyo Logístic de Evaluación (CALE). So, in the future it looks like step 4 will not be done at the driver’s training schools, as it is done now.

Step 5: Pass the Medical Exam for a Colombian Drivers License

The medical exam is only good for 30 days. So, it should be done after your driving classes and passing the written exam and driving test. Medical exams are done at a Centro de Reconocimiento de Conductores (CRC). And a list of CRC locations in Colombia is found here.

Instead of a simple eye test used in the U.S. for driver’s licenses, Colombia has a much more comprehensive medical exam, which is required for driver’s licenses.

Before going to the CRC for the medical exam I had to stop at a Colombia notary. Since my cedula doesn’t have my fingerprint on it I had to get a statement from a notary with my fingerprints notarized before I went for the medical exam.

The cost for getting a notarized statement last year with my fingerprints was 5,700 pesos. I didn’t have to pay anything at the CRC as the fee I paid at the auto school included the medical exam.

The CRCs use biometrics and took my fingerprint digitally and also took my photo. After this, I had to wait for about one hour as there was a queue of about six people in front of me.

The Four-Step Medical Exam

Next was a four-step medical exam. For each step in the medical exam your fingerprint will be scanned digitally as they use biometric security to ensure nobody takes the medical exam for someone else.

The medical exam only required a limited number of basic Spanish words for the first three steps. This included numbers; right and left; and some colors (red, green, yellow, blue). I speak Spanish at the intermediate level. So, this was no problem.

First was the vision test. This is similar to a vision test in the U.S. and used a testing machine.

Second was the hearing test. For this test you are placed in a soundproof booth with headphones. And you need to quickly raise your right or left hand when you hear a sound on each side.

Third was the motor driving coordination test. This tests your manual dexterity with several tests. For example, for one of the tests you follow instructions to push buttons with your hands or press pedals with your feet depending on what you see and hear and this was very time sensitive.

And the fourth step was a short medical exam by a doctor who asked several questions. He also checked a few things including my blood pressure, height, weight and heart and lungs with a stethoscope. This doctor spoke English, as he previously lived in the U.S.

Finally, another doctor who spoke some English summed up the exam results and printed out an approval certificate. This is for your records; as they also upload the Certificado Médico de Aptitud Física approval certificate into the RUNT system.

This entire process for the medical exam needed for a Colombian drivers license took me about two hours.

Step 6: Go to a Tránsito Office to Get Your Colombian Drivers License

The final step in getting your Colombian drivers license is going to a Tránsito office to get your license. You can only do this after your approval certificates from the drivers school and medical exam have been uploaded in the RUNT system. And there was a time lag involved when I got my Colombian drivers license.

I passed the written text at the driver’s school on January 18 and passed the medical exam on January 20. And I received a call on January 28 from the driver’s school that everything was ready. So, I could get my license.

When I went to get my drivers license in Sabaneta, I returned to the driver’s school and walked across the street to the Tránsito office. In the Tránsito office I was photographed and finally received my license.

Renewing a Colombian Drivers License

Renewing a Colombian drivers license is very easy. There is no need for classes and you only have to take the medical exam.

Not all driving schools offer drivers license renewals. Only two of the three schools I talked to offer drivers license renewals and here are the current renewal costs:

  • School Center in El Poblado, Laureles and Guayabal: 200,000 pesos
  • Centro de Enseñanza Automovilística in Belén: 175,000 pesos
Medellín's Metro

Medellín’s Metro

Do You Need a Car in Medellín?

It is very possible to live in Medellín without a car due to the low-cost Medellín Metro and buses as well as low cost taxis. I have lived in Medellín for over eight years without a car. Not needing a car is one of the benefits of living in the city and is one of 27 reasons I ending up choosing Medellín as a great place to live.

Most expats living in Medellín don’t have a car. In addition, reportedly over 80 percent of expats living in Medellín do not have a car.

Chevrolet Spark - the most popular car sold in Colombia, photo by IFCAR

Chevrolet Spark – the most popular car sold in Colombia, photo by IFCAR

Also, cars can be quite expensive in Colombia due to import duties of up to 35 percent. Reportedly over 60 percent of the vehicles sold in Colombia are imported. So, many models of cars sold in Colombia can be more expensive than in the U.S. Cars are one of 9 expensive things for expats in Medellín.

Traffic, one of the downsides of living in Medellín

Traffic, one of the downsides of living in Medellín

Finally, traffic is a problem in Medellín and is one of 11 downsides to living in Medellín. Colombia was ranked as one of the world’s worst places to drive in terms of driver satisfaction based on a study done by Waze. Colombia had several cities in that study that ranked as some of the worst in terms of traffic, including Bogotá (7th worst) and Medellín (8th worst).

Waze is a very helpful mobile app that permits to to find alternate routes to avoid traffic. We included Waze as one of the 20 best mobile apps to use in Medellín and Colombia.

The Bottom Line: Getting a Colombian Drivers License in Medellín and Colombia

Colombia now requires foreigners to take driving classes to get a drivers license even you are an experienced driver and know how to drive. So, the process to get a Colombian drivers license now takes much more time and costs more than it did in the past.

Now that I have a Colombian drivers license, I can legally drive in Colombia and many other countries including the U.S. And a Colombian drivers license for a car or motorcycle is good for 10 years and is easy to renew.

I haven’t used my Colombian drivers license in Colombia, as I haven’t found a need yet. But I got a Colombian drivers license mainly because my U.S. driver’s license was expiring. And I can’t renew it, as I no longer have a residence in the U.S. So, when I travel to the U.S. I can now drive with my Colombian drivers license.

In addition, “How to get a Colombian drivers license?” is a common question asked by expats. So, we included this question in our list of Medellín frequently asked questions (FAQ).

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Editors note: updated on September 24, 2018 to add the cost to sign up in Colombia’s RUNT system.

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46 thoughts on “How to Get a Colombian Drivers License in Medellín and Colombia”

    1. Bill Trigeiro June 2, 2021

      Thank you Jeff.

    2. Bill Trigeiro June 1, 2021

      I live in Bogota, and would like to know if there is any source of information similar to what this article describes , that would help me to identify a driving school here in Bogota. FYI, thank you for your article about drivers license requirements … until I saw it a couple of days ago, I didn’t realize that I can’t continue to use my international drivers license now that I have a cedula.
      Also, since I live in Bogota (and possibly in Cartagena in a year or two), can anybody point me to similar sources of information like Medellin Guru offers, but for other parts of Colombia? Thanks.

    3. Could you please respond to my questions immediately above this one? Thank you!!
      – Dani

    4. Stuart March 9, 2021

      Is it true you can drive on your foreign license up to 3 months after you recieve your cedula?

      Also do you know if the rules are rules are different if you have a spanish driving license (i.e you can exchange a spanish license, without the need for lessons?).

      • Once you have a cedula you are required to get a Colombian driver’s license. And can’t exchanges licenses from another country and everyone is required to take driving lessons.

    5. Hi, I am a pregnant woman expected to have my baby ~August 1st in Colombia and only have a tourist visa at this time, thus I have been driving with my foreign US driver’s license. When the baby arrives I will be able to get my resident visa and then will be required to get a cedula and thus my Colombian driver’s license ASAP. However, I will not be able to take in class or practical driving lessons with my newborn child accompanying me and nursing… so I feel stuck as to what my options are. I thought maybe I could do all of the classes in May when I will be just 6 months pregnant and it is still safe, but someone made a comment that led me to believe that the classes would only be valid for 3 months to apply for the license? Also, I’m not sure if I could even sign up and attend classes if I don’t have my cedula already? Any ideas/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


    6. Mark A Knight May 19, 2020

      How does one go about get a Colombian DL during this pandemic?

      • The driving schools are most likely closed. There are some driving schools listed in the article that you can contact to find out. Also, the Tránsito offices that issue drivers licenses may be closed as well.

        • Correct. There is NO WAY at this time. Government has virtually come to a standstill. Visas Cedulas, Drivers licenses will have to wait for another day. Stay tuned to Medellin Guru for update and breaking news. We are all doing the Limbo together.

    7. I received my Colombian drivers license a few days ago and I can confirm that everything in this article is accurate. I took my medical exams during the same time as the driving lessons (it was not required to take them after the driving exam). I also received my physical license from the same school where I took my classes, I did not have to go to another office to pick it up.

      Recommendation: if you want a motorcycle and car license, I highly recommend you do it at the same time. If you wait more than 3 months between applying for them, you will have to attend to ~30 hours of in class room classes all over again. The same exact classes.

      I can also confirm that there is no way to avoid the classroom classes or driving classes or the exams because they take your fingerprint before and every every single class. I probably had to provide my fingerprint at least 75 times throughout the whole process.

    8. Dear Jeff,

      I wonder what kind of documents the Police officers check. I am planing to rent or buy a motorcycle or a scooter. I am at two months stay in Medellín on touristic visa. Can I afford to drive a motorcycle (under 125 ccm) if I have only the B licence from my domestic country? In some webs is stated that police will check only passport, insurance etc., but not licence when they stop foreigners. Or that any foreign licence is ok.
      So if I have only passport (or copy) and motorcycle documents, how risky is this approach?
      Thank you.

      • Foreign driver’s license with a copy of your passport should be sufficient when you are a tourist.

    9. So it sounds like if you don’t speak Spanish fluently you’re sol for getting your license? On top of it I’m guessing there is no written english material?

      • Where I took the test they didn’t have English teaching materials and none of the other schools we called had English materials or classes in English. There are many schools but not yet aware of one that teaches in English.

        When I took the written test it could be taken in English or Spanish but the driver’s school provided me a book (in Spanish) with Colombian driving regulations that you could use while taking the test.

        • Thanks Jeff. My main worry is that I’m dyslexic which makes things even harder. Are you aware of any accommodations for people with disabilities like use of a translator (person or program)? Is there a time limit to the test? If you don’t pass do you have to retake the entire course at full cost?

      • I Have used Andina here in Laureles. TOP RATED and there is an english speaking agent. It helps to speak Spanish but there is more than one way to skin a cat. Andina is wonderful. The laws have changed over the years. No buying a license here

    10. How long does a Colombian driver’s license last before needing to renew it? And do you have to take classes again in order to renew?

      • As it says in the article, a Colombian category A (motorcycles) or category B (cars) drivers license is good for 10 years (or five years if aged 60 to 80, or one year if over 80). And category C (commercial) licenses are good for three years. And no, you don’t have to take classes again to renew.

    11. Mark knight October 22, 2019

      Good article. Sounds like it would be very difficult for someone that does not live near a major city in Colombia to get a Colombian DL.

    12. David P Bingham October 20, 2018

      Great Article, but one simple questions. Will Colombia accept an International Drivers License. You can get a international license for either 1 or 3 years. It is your current license just printed in Spanish. Most countries accept them since road signs and signals are universal throughout the world.

      • Two managers at two different Tránsito offices told me you need a Colombian drivers license once you have a visa and cedula and that no other drivers license would be valid. But enforcement is a different thing as I have met some expats that still use their U.S. drivers license after getting a cedula, which isn’t wise IMHO as you are tempting fate.

        • Best for us expats to obey local laws. I would not advise tempting fate or risk losing my visa.

          • Yes, not very wise IMHO to get a cedula and continue to drive with a foreign driver’s license. As you say, it’s tempting fate.

            • We are guests here life here is sweet. The red tape here can appear insurmountable but really everything is possible here. Many locals totally disregard the law because enforcement is so lax and many of us feel we could bribe our way out of trouble. I would not bet the farm on that erroneous assumption. Don’t be fooled into thinking we can get away with everything and anything here. The times they are a changing, not long ago our USA drivers licenses helped us avoid most of the red tape or attending driving school here. NO LONGER. The government got hip to the old tricks and clamped down hard. To get a Colombian DL today one needs to EARN it. I got my DL 2 years ago before the new system came into effect and I know after talking to my friend who owns Andina driving school in Laureles there is no way to bypass the new rules. I never drive here, ever. The driving here is so risky and dangerous. Its virtually guaranteed you will get into a crash or get your car or moto stolen sooner than later. I use UBER and other car services. Driving here is no joke. I DROVE a taxi New York City for 5 years and can tell you Medellin is too darn dangerous even for the most saavy US driver or European driver. Have fun, stay safe.

    13. Cayla Rosenbaum October 11, 2018

      Thanks, Jeff, for this good article. Hope you doing well. This article will help people to get Colombian drivers license easily.

    14. Everyone needs to attend school and pass government tests. New law strictly enforced requiring fingerprint sign in for each class.

    15. Brian Cosier September 29, 2018

      Another good article Jeff !
      Do you know if A2 and B1 licenses (or
      any similar combo) would have to be passed and paid for separately or is there some overlap allowed to avoid duplicating written tests, driving schools, medicals etc., ?
      I have a Canadian driving license with both motorcycle and car endorsements.
      From what I’ve seen in the short time I’ve been here, rules enforcement, particularly operating vehicles safely, is grossly lacking.

      • Hi Brian, thanks. I didn’t ask but I’m sure there is some overlap for the A2 motorcycle and B1 car licenses, particularly the medical. One of the driving schools listed in the article will be able to answer. The places are closed now but I’ll check next week.

    16. I apologize for any and all typos in my.comment. wish I could go in and edit them out.

      • No worries, I edited your typos. Unfortunately the commenting system doesn’t permit editing by those who make comments.

    17. Hi Jeff

      An update for you. I just got back from registering in the RUNT system for the first time and I was charged 15,600 COP for doing so. I had to go first to the banco inside the SIM Toberin office to pay and then join the line for Informacion where they registered me. It seems the charge is new.

      • Thanks, I will verify with the local Tránsito office and update the article. Things change all the time in Colombia.

        • Is English version of test allowed?

          • Yes, I had the option to take the written test in English or Spanish. You would have to check at other schools to see if they have the test in English.

            • Do you know name of school that was able to take test in English and was it in Medellin? Thanks you very much for the info Jeff ??

            • I went to Autoescuela Educar in Sabaneta, it’s in the article.

            • I’ll contact that Sabianato school to see if English test still option. Thank you again Jeff

      • Hi Norman, thanks I updated the article. There used to be no cost involved in getting registered in the RUNT system. I asked at the Sabaneta Tránsito today and they said the cost is currently 13,000 pesos to sign up. But I also have found online in several places that the official cost for 2018 to sign up in the RUNT system is 13,700 pesos.

        Plus there is a 1,900 pesos fee for modification of data. So, perhaps you were charged the sign-up fee of 13,700 pesos plus the modification fee of 1,900 pesos, which equals the 15,600 COP you paid.

        • That ties in. I’ve just checked the receipt I received. It has 1,900 pesos for Costo de recaudo – IPN and 13,700 pesos for Runt.

        • So there is no way of taking drivers test in English if I move to Medellin? It’s 100% Spanish is that correct!??!?

          • Actually the place I went in Sabaneta had the drivers test available in English or Spanish. But classes were in Spanish and the drivers rule book they give you to use during the test is in Spanish.

    18. Great article! I may be going through all this soon. Only comment is that I was told when I enquired at a school in Bogota that by about now there should be no delay in obtaining the licence after you have completed all the other steps. Apparently, the results are uploaded immediately and the licence will be available at the Tránsito office right away. I hope I will be able to find out soon.

    19. Good Article. All true. I like Jeff got my Colombian DL before the law changed. Best to get one if you are a resident and have been here for longer than 90 days. I used Andina here in Laureles. They are suoerb and the instructors are very good. Considering how dangerous our roads are it pays to learn from the best. Defensive driving is a must here. I do not own a car or Moto here. This place is too dangerous for me, and I grew up on the mean streets of NYC and drove a taxi in Manhattan. Rules are not obeyed here and law enforcement is very sporadic at best. Cameras at SOME lights deter total Mayhem. At night red lights are ignored.I enjoy renting a car now and then. AVIS is good here. Always take full coverage including accident and theft and always call police and Transito who will determine who was at fault on the spot. The rental company will inspect every square inch of their cars before and after. GPS maps are outdated do not entirely trust them even if you have updates installed. Streets here crazy and buses and Motos are all driven by Evil Knievel. Survival of the fittest here. 20 moto deaths PER DAY reportedly here in the Medellin Metro. Not surprising if you observe the behavior of these Moto drivers here.

      WAZE is the best GPS I have used here. UBER uses that app but that too is spotty. Stop signs are scarce and PARE signs at many intersections are ignored by many locals. Be careful and look out for speed bumps. I prefer Taxis and Uber here. I would not own a car here if it were given to me. Unless if it was armor plated with 22mm bullet proof windows as many people in Caracas are not having installed.

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