Colombia Needs to Ramp up COVID-19 Vaccinations - Medellin Guru
Colombia plans to vaccinate 35 million in Colombia for COVID19 this year. To meet this goal, Colombia needs to ramp up COVID-19 vaccinations.

Colombia Needs to Ramp up COVID-19 Vaccinations

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13 thoughts on “Colombia Needs to Ramp up COVID-19 Vaccinations”

    1. I am now a Patreon member, but am unable to view content.

    2. Dan Harris August 16, 2021

      Haven’t seen an update here in a while, where are they now age-wise in the vaccination schedule? Finally convinced my somewhat needle phobic girlfriend in Medellin, who’s turning 23 next week, to get vaccinated as soon as she can, but realistically how soon might that be?

      • They are now vaccinating ages between 20 to 24 – see – https://twitter.com/MinSaludCol/status/1426644797641609223

        • Dan Harris August 17, 2021

          Good news! Thanks Jeff! I will copy this info to her and hope that they can schedule her soon at some location, she is currently in Bello but of course can travel locally to wherever will have the clinics dispensing. I am hoping that it will be with either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, as most others are not being accepted for entry by many international travel destinations, and I know that some clinics in Colombia have also been using the Astra Zeneca & the Sinovac. I think the Jannsen/Johnson & Jonson single dose vaccine is still not recomended for women of child bearing ages, so that would also be a factor.

    3. Thanks for the update on vaccinations in Colombia. Look like successful in helping cases go down.

    4. Good to see they are increasing vaccinations in Colombia.

    5. Richard June 29, 2021

      Nice to see they are ramping up the vaccinations in Colombia.

    6. Frank Lee hammette May 24, 2021

      can anyone give me advice on where to get the Covid test to r eturn to the USA, and specificaly, what test is needed????? I have read on the US embassy website that only a rapid test is needed. But who can believe our government? this is what they said:
      “”A: Rapid tests are acceptable as long as they are a viral test acceptable under the Order.””
      what the heck are they saying? The rapid test is ok, as long as we say it is?
      I am in Laureles. The testing site I was to use, has been closed, as many businesses here. I will need the results within 48 h hours exactly, not 49 hours.
      I have been vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine in the USA, but I guess the CDC doesnt care.

      • See our popular article about where to get a COVID-19 test in Medellín – https://medellinguru.com/pcr-test-covid-19-test/

        As it says in our article, you need a test within 3 days for travel to the U.s. Does not matter if you are vaccinated, need a test.

      • I returned from Colombia to US with just a rapid test result. No problems. That was in june.

    7. CtgDave May 22, 2021

      The 3 main producing areas (Western perspective) for Vaccines are India, Europe & USA.

      Once the latter two have more people vaccinated (USA is pretty close now), more vaccines will flow to other Countries, presuming they can pay for it.

      Better off Countries more likely to get more, than very poor ones first.

      More will also flow into COVAX as well.

    8. Colombia’s health care system ranked higher than the US system? Maybe if you are wealthy in Colombia…Colombians that have lived in both places would laugh at this notion.

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