Colombia has a number of Colombia Blogs by expats, as the country continues to attract foreigners. So, we provide a guide to the top Colombia Blogs by foreigners updated for February 2022.
We look at a total of 27 Colombia Blogs comprehensively including the 6 top Colombia Blogs by expats in English that are still actively publishing, 3 Colombia Blogs in other languages and 18 Colombia Blogs that are no longer active (no longer publishing). Also, we identify 11 Colombia Blogs by expats that have been taken offline.
In Colombia, the expat community is still relatively small. And the expat Colombia blogging community in Colombia is tiny. But the Colombia Blogs by expats now cover several different cities in Colombia and also provide different expat perspectives. We all experience Colombia differently and may have different interests and different ages.
If you read the articles on this site, you see that we cover both the benefits of living in Colombia as well as the downsides. But to me the benefits greatly outweigh the downsides.
However, if you are interested in seeing what other expats have to say about Colombia, here is a comprehensive guide to the Colombia Blogs by expats.
Colombia was under a nationwide quarantine due to the coronavirus pandemic from late March 2020 until June . Only 3 of the active blogs in Colombia published new content in February 2022. Since the coronavirus pandemic started several expat blogs went inactive.
Top 6 Colombia Blogs in English by Expats – Active Blogs
This list of 6 Top Colombia Blogs in English by expats only includes established blogs focused on Colombia that are actively publishing.
So, general global travel blogs with several country sections that also happen to include a Colombia section are not included. And actively publishing means having published at least one post in the last six months.
These top Colombia Blogs by expats are ranked in order by Facebook followers on January 1, 2022,

Medellin Guru’s website
1. Medellin Guru – 17,000+ Facebook Followers
City focus: Medellín
Launched: July 2017
Average posts per month: 12.4 (694 posts in 56 months from July 2017 to February 2022)
New posts in February 2022: 2
Last new post: February 23, 2022
Medellin Guru (this site) was launched more than three years ago. In this short time, it has grown to become the most popular English language active blog about Colombia in terms of Facebook likes and followers.
On this Medellin Guru site, I and additional writers share entertaining stories; cover the best places; provide useful travel tips, living tips; offer amazing photos and sometimes fun-filled adventures in Medellín and the rest of Colombia.
The site covers everything from expat tips, daily life, restaurants, things to do, pueblos, visas, city comparisons, transportation and much more. Also, the site provides a curated list of weekly Medellín events.
I am originally from Dallas, Texas in the U.S. but I have lived in Medellín for over eight years. You can see my story about how I discovered Colombia and moved to Medellín. In addition, I recruited 18 additional writers who have published articles on Medellín Guru. So, you can get a wide perspective of several expats’ experiences in Medellín.
Also, all the content on the Medellin Guru website is being kept up-to-date. At March 2, 2022, in a period of over 155 weeks we updated a total of over 2,357 articles on this site due to things that have changed or to address reader comments. Many articles have been updated multiple times due to frequent changes.

The Bogotivo website
2. Bogotivo – 4,492 Facebook Followers
City focus: Bogotá
Launched: April 2018
Average posts per month: 1.5 (67 posts in 46 months from April 2018 to February 2022)
New posts in February 2022: 0
Last new post: January 18, 2022
Bogotivo was launched by Joey Bonura in April 2018. Joey is from Kentucky in the U.S. He packed up and studied abroad in Panama at the age of 20 and hasn’t moved back since. What started as a semester trip to Panama has turned into over seven years of living in the Isthmus and exploring nearby Latin American destinations.
One of Joey’s favorite destinations is Bogotá in Colombia so he started the Bogotivo blog. Joey also has a Panama blog:

Richard McColl’s website
3. Richard McColl – 2,600+ Colombia Calling Facebook Followers
City focus: Bogotá and Mompos
Launched: December 2011
Average posts per month: 1.0 (52 posts in 56 months from July 2017 to February 2022)
New posts in February 2022: 1
Last new post: February 6 , 2022
Richard McColl launched his blog back in December 2011. His blog has posts discussing many Colombia issues from his perspective of a journalist. In addition, Richard also hosts a popular Colombia Calling podcast weekly. McColl’s blog isn’t very active, averaging less than one post per month.
Originally from London, England, Richard spent a large part of his formative childhood years moving from house to house to several cities including London, Portugal, France, Mexico and the U.S.
Richard embarked on a career in journalism, cutting his teeth in the industry in Costa Rica before returning to the UK. He then became an expedition guide, social projects coordinator and freelance journalist dividing his time between Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador and Peru.
Richard eventually settled in Colombia. He spends his time now between the La Casa Amarilla guesthouse he opened in Mompos in 2008 with his wife and Bogotá where he works as a journalist.

Cartagena Explorer website
4. Cartagena Explorer – 1,256 Facebook Followers
City focus: Cartagena
Launched: July 2018
Average posts per month: 3.3 (192 posts in 50 months from July 2018 to February 2022)
New posts in February 2022: 2
Last new post: February 25, 2022
Cartagena Explorer is the newest blog in Colombia. It was launched by Adam McConnaughhay in July 2018 and is the only active expat Colombia Blog focused on Cartagena. The site has many posts about Cartagena including things to do, culture and much more. Also, the site covers some other locations in Colombia.
Adam originally came to Colombia as a volunteer teacher in 2011 and married his wife Susana in Colombia. His blog is about life in Cartagena and Colombia. His goal with this blog is to help out foreigner tourists and expat residents.

Colombia Travel Reporter’s website
5. Colombia Travel Reporter – No Facebook
City focus: All of Colombia
Launched: July 2017
Average posts per month: 1.2 (67 posts in 56 months from July 2018 to February 2022)
New posts in February 2022: 0
Last new post: December 18, 2021
Colombia Travel Reporter is a blog by expat Jon McInnes who is a snowbird from Detroit, Michigan in the U.S. And he spends his winters in Colombia.
This is a blog site that doesn’t have a Facebook page I could find. And this blog averages only about 1.4 posts per month. And a few posts on the site are about Ecuador and Panama.
Colombia Personal Blogs by Expats
There is one Colombia blog by an expat that is more a personal blog that is also an older style blog.

A Gringo in Medellin’s website
6. A Gringo in Medellin, Colombia – No Facebook
City focus: Medellín
Launched: January 2013
Average posts per month: 30.8 (1,722 posts in 56 months from July 2017 to February 2022)
New posts in February 2022: 28
Last new post: February 27, 2022
A Gringo in Medellin, Colombia is a personal blog by expat Terry Andresen who posts daily about his experiences living in Medellín.
This is a blog site that doesn’t have a Facebook page. In addition, this is an older style blog with few photos hosted on that hasn’t been updated to newer blog technologies and styles.
Other Colombia Blogs by Expats – Not Active
The following are 14 Colombia blogs in English by expats that are no longer active, as there has been no recent activity with no new posts published in the past six months or even longer. And nine of these blogs haven’t had any new posts in a year or much longer.
These not active blogs are in order, starting with the blog that most recently stopped publishing posts. If any of these blogs become active again it will be moved to the above active Colombia Blog list.
Note that it takes a lot of work to manage a travel blog. And some expats leave Colombia or get involved in other work, which is why their blogs may become inactive or eventually get taken offline. The latest to be taken offline is, which was a v-blog that stopped publishing new videos in October 2017.

Medellin Living’s website
Not Active #2. Medellin Living – 9,762 Facebook Followers
City focus: Medellín
Launched: February 2009
Last post: January 2, 2021
Medellin Living is the Granddaddy of the expat Colombia blogs since it has been around the longest. It was launched in 2009 by backpacker David Lee as he was traveling the World for his GoBackpacking blog.
David discovered Medellín and was enamored with the city and wanted to help get the word out about the misunderstood city. The Medellin Living site grew over the years to hundreds of posts covering restaurants and nightlife and much more.
Medellin Living stopped publishing in March 2020 before the start of the quarantine in Colombia and only published two posts since March 2020.
But since most of the posts on this site are now very old beware that they are completely out-of-date. I would estimate that now over 95 percent of the posts on this site are out-of-date, as there are well over 1,000 posts on the site with less than 114 new posts published in the last 41 months.
Medellin Living is a major contributor to the Internet being full of out-of-date information about Colombia. Also, Medellin Living is full of hundreds of dead links, as it is not being maintained. In addition, the site is now re-publishing a few old posts each month with some updates but is not even disclosing these posts are updates and not new posts.
David was a victim of cyber-stalking in late 2015 and he left Medellín and sold the Medellin Living site. David is no longer involved with Medellin Living and the new owners have chosen to remain hidden from the public. But the owners still use David’s name to solicit donations from readers, even though David is long gone.
Full disclosure: I used to be the main writer for Medellin Living for three years and the editor of that site for six months. But I quit writing for that site and decided to launch the Medellin Guru website in July 2017, as I felt that Medellin Living was quickly becoming out-of-date with over 1,000 posts from years ago that are never being updated.

Cali Adventurer’s website
Not Active #2. Cali Adventurer – 1,016 Facebook Followers
City focus: Cali
Launched: January 2021
Last post: January 2021
Cali Adventurer was launched by Patrick in May 2015 and is the only active expat Colombia Blog focused just on Cali. The site has many posts about Cali including things to do, where to stay, culture and much more.
Patrick is Danish and has lived in Cali since August 2013. His blog is about life in Cali and Colombia, seen from the eyes of an expat and investor. His goal with his blog is to help out fellow tourists, residents, investors and digital nomads.

Medellin Buzz’s website
Not Active #3. Medellin Buzz – 2,868 Facebook Followers
City focus: Medellín
Launched: December 2016
Last post: August 2020
Medellin Buzz was started by Andrew Macia a few years ago as a way to offer information in English about Medellín so his English students could practice reading at home.
Medellin Buzz covers a variety of topics about living in Medellín with a focus on dating, nightlife, holidays, festivals and more.
Andrew as born in Colombia but was raised in southern California and moved back to Colombia in 2010. He is the founder of a local Digital Marketing Agency and no longer teaches English. But he still likes to find out more about Medellín and write about it on his blog but has not published anything in over six months.

How to Bogotá website
Not Active #4. How to Bogotá – 864 Facebook Followers
City focus: Bogotá
Launched: December 2013
Last post: October 2019
How to Bogotá was launched by Naomi in December 2013. Naomi is a freelance writer and translator originally from south-east London, UK. She moved to Bogotá in October 2013 for reasons of the heart. This blog was inactive for one year but became active again in July 2019.
During her first month or so in Bogotá, she felt disorientated and overwhelmed. She felt she really could have done with a “Bogotá handbook.” So, once she settled in, she decided to start her own blog about life in Bogotá.
On her blog, she offers tips which she feels would have helped her in the beginning during her move to Bogotá. Topics covered on the blog include life in Bogotá, accommodations, work, money, food, safety and much more.

Catalyst Weekly’s website
Not Active #5. Catalyst Weekly – 1,701 Facebook Followers
City focus: Medellín
Launched: November 2016
Last post: August 2019
Catalyst Weekly was launched in November 2016 with a goal to offer the latest information on local events in Medellín and places to go.
The site offered a weekly newsletter that had local events in Medellín. But in August 2019 it stopped publishing new posts. Also, in October 2019 this site stopped publishing its weekly events calendar.
The site had a growing Medellín directory with lists of restaurants, doctors, co-working sites, Spanish schools and Spanish tutors, Salsa schools and more. But much of the content is now out-of-date.
Catalyst Weekly was started by Ximena and Anton. Ximena is a Colombian who was raised in Kansas City. Ximena has been living in Medellín for over six years and was a former writer for the Medellin Living site. Anton is an Australian who has been living in Medellín since February 2016.

Flavors of Bogotá website
Not Active #6. Flavors of Bogotá – 965 Facebook Followers
City focus: Bogotá
Launched: 2013
Last post: July 2019
Flavors of Bogotá is a blog launched by Karen Attman, a woman from the U.S., and Peter Corredor, a guy from Colombia. Both have a love for food and the restaurant scene in Bogotá.
Almost twenty years ago Karen left her hometown of Philadelphia to pursue expat life and she now lives in Bogotá. She teaches a university coffee course at Universidad La Sabana in Bogotá. And she even published a book about specialty coffee in Colombia available on Amazon:
Flavors of Bogotá is a different blog than all the other Colombia blogs as its focus is on food and coffee. Flavors of Bogotá is essentially a food blog dedicated to discovering the best of Colombian cuisine. It covers food events, Colombia ingredients, coffee and coffee shops, chef interviews, restaurants and street food and more.
They also offer specialty coffee shop tours in Bogotá, Medellín and Cartagena.

Tom Plan My Trip website
Not Active #7. Tom Plan My Trip – 1,033 Facebook Followers
City focus: Covers all of Colombia
Launched: March 2016
Last post: May 2019
Tom Plan My Trip was launched by an expat named Tom in March 2016. Tom is a French guy with a French accent. He lived all around the Mediterranean sea, from Prades to Beausoleil and worked in Monaco.
Then Tom decided to travel. A need for adventures had always been inside of Tom. Two years of backpacking later, he discovered different parts of his personality that he didn’t know about before.
With his blog, Tom helps people to travel to Colombia, a country that stole his heart forever.

Pereira City Guide’s website
Not Active #8. Pereira City Guide – 2,171 Facebook Followers
City focus: Pereira
Launched: June 2016
Last post: February 2019
Pereira City Guide was launched by Erin Donaldson with a goal to provide information about what Pereira has to offer visitors. The site also has a free eBook “Pereira City Guide: La Ciudad Sin Puertas” available when you sign up for the site newsletter.
The site is the only English-language blog about Periera and it has published 57 posts since it was launched. But this blog is not longer active with nothing new published in seven months.
Erin is originally from the U.S. She quit a boring sales job and moved to Colombia. According to her site, Erin had faced the challenge of limited jobs and opportunities in the U.S. – especially in agriculture.

Mike’s Bogotá Blog’s website
Not Active #9. Mike’s Bogotá Blog – No Facebook
City focus: Bogotá
Launched: April 2010
Last post: December 2018
Mike’s Bogotá Blog is a personal blog covering all types of things related to Bogotá. This is one of the oldest English-language Colombia Blogs by an expat.
Mike also runs the popular Bogotá Bike Tours, which offer tours of Bogotá via bicycles as well as bicycle rentals in Bogotá.
Unfortunately, this blog site doesn’t have a Facebook page. And it’s an older style blog hosted on that hasn’t been updated to newer blog technologies and styles.

Bogotastic website
Not Active #10. Bogotastic – 1,778 Facebook Followers
City focus: Bogotá
Launched: January 2015
Last post: November 2018
Bogotastic was started by Jade in January 2015 as an expat Colombia Blog with a goal to share cultural insights from her expat point of view. She is not a tourist and is planning to stay in Colombia long-term. And she says that she doesn’t “see Colombia through rose-tinted glasses” but tries to see the bright side of things.
Bogotastic has posts about a number of topics including living in Bogotá, Colombian food, weekend getaways, traveling in Colombia and several others.
After working a couple years in Luxembourg, Jade thought it was a boring city but with nice salaries and steady jobs. However, she didn’t want the house and babies her friends were planning on having. So, she moved to Bogotá with her Colombian partner looking for a change of pace.

Grupo Amos on Colombia’s website
Not Active #11. Grupo Amos on Colombia – No Facebook
City focus: Medellín and Manizales
Launched: June 2017
Last post: November 2018
Grupo Amos on Colombia is a blog by expat Greg Amos who previously lived in Manizales and moved to Medellín.
This is a blog site that doesn’t have a Facebook page I could find. Also, this site wasn’t very active and averaged only about 1.2 posts per month.

Sarepa website
Not Active #12. Sarepa – 3,249 Facebook Followers
City focus: Covers many parts of Colombia
Launched: April 2012
Last post: September 2018
Sarepa was launched in 2012 by Australian Sarah Duncan. She studied journalism at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. And Sarah began working for local magazines and newspapers before deciding blogging was her natural fit.
Also, she works as a freelance writer for several publications including lifestyle magazines, business blogs and travel publications.
Her blog Sarepa documents her love affair with Colombia and is her way of saying thank you to a country and a people that has given her so many wonderful memories. This blog was not very active averaging less than one post per month before becoming inactive in September 2018.

Barranquilla or Bust’s website
Not Active #13. Barranquilla or Bust – 291 Facebook Likes
City focus: Initially Barranquilla
Launched: July 2012
Last post: February 2018
Barranquilla or Bust was launched by Courtney in July 2012. Courtney moved from Miami to Barranquilla in July 2012 and then to Medellín in July 2014.
Courtney’s goal with her blog is to share her experience living in Colombia with content that is entertaining and insightful. Since the site was launched it has published 80 posts. Also, this is an older style blog that is hosted on

A Little Cameo website
Not Active #14. A Little Cameo – No Facebook
City focus: Santa Marta and Bogotá
Launched: December 2010
Last post: January 2018
A Little Cameo is a personal blog originally launched in December 2010 by Australian Camile starting with a stint in Los Angeles when she discovered she didn’t have the passion she thought for the film industry.
She had a long-distance relationship with a Colombian and moved to Colombia to live with her Colombian boyfriend in Santa Marta. And seven month later she moved with him to Bogotá.
Her blog covers her experiences in Colombia living first in Santa Marta and then in Bogotá over a period of more than five years in Colombia. But in January 2018, she posted that she is moving back to Australia with her Colombian significant other. And there have been no more blog posts.
Also, this is an older style blog that is hosted on

Banana Skin Flip Flops website
Not Active #15. Banana Skin Flip Flops – 2,375 Facebook Followers
City focus: Bogotá
Launched: April 2010
Last post: August 2017
Banana Skin Flip Flops is a blog started in 2010 by British writer Victoria Kellaway who lives in Bogotá. I followed this blog after I moved to Colombia. Victoria writes some thought-provoking posts.
Since its launch, this blog published over 270 posts. But in 2017, it published only seven posts and the last post was published in August 2017.

Off2Colombia website
Note Active #16. Off2Colombia – No Facebook
City focus: all of Colombia
Last post: October 2016
Off2Colombia is an expat blog that was started in 2011 by Josian and Michael, reportedly from France. This blog has posts about many regions of Colombia but the information is dated from several years ago and hasn’t been updated.

Honestly Cali website
Not Active #17. Honestly Cali – No Facebook
City focus: Cali
Launched: November 2014
Last post: February 2016
Honestly Cali is an expat Colombia blog that was started by Marie from London, UK in 2014. This blog is a mixture of her life experience as an expat in Cali, Colombia and the challenges she encountered with regards to job hunting.
This site stopped publishing new content in February 2016. This is an older style blog that is hosted on Weebly.

The Tall Gringo website
Not Active #18. The Tall Gringo – No Facebook
City focus: Bogotá
Launched: November 2010
Last post: December 2011
The Tall Gringo is a personal blog that was started by Mike Hower, an expat from California in the U.S. This blog documents Mike’s experiences while living in Colombia for a year in Bogotá and teaching English in Bogotá’s southern slums as part of Harvard’s WorldTeach program.
This site stop publishing new content in December 2011. And this is an older style blog that is hosted on
Non-English Blogs
There are a few non-English Colombia Blogs I am aware of that are worth following if you speak the languages or Google translate is your friend.

Colombia Travel Blog website
Colombia Travel Blog
Language: Spanish (and some older English posts)
Colombia Travel Blog is popular as it is in Spanish and covers all of Colombia. It has over 32,000 likes on Facebook. This blog was founded in 2010 by Colombian Marcela Mariscal who works with her husband JL Paster on the blog. But this blog doesn’t have many recent posts. The last post in Spanish was in February 2018.
This blog used to have Chris Bell as an expat contributor in English. But Chris posted his last post on August 30, 2017, which indicated he was leaving Colombia after three years of contributing to this blog. And the English posts on this site stopped after that. So, the posts in English on this site are dated.

Colombia de Una website
Colombia de Una
Language: Spanish
Colombia de Una is another blog in Spanish by Toya, who is an expat originally from Spain. Her goal with her blog is to travel Colombia to tell the world how Colombia really is, beyond the typical topics and what the media tells us. website
Language: Italian was started by Sardinian Roberta Padroni. This blog was born after her first trip to Colombia in 2015. And in January 2016, she left London permanently to follow one of her dreams: traveling.
She has traveled many months as a single woman in Colombia. And she discovered a country with an immense cultural richness that has nothing to do with the stereotypes that the mass media and the Hollywood TV series portray.
Dead Colombia Blogs by Expats
The following is a list of 11 Colombia Blogs in English by expats that I am aware used to be active. But they are no longer found online.
So, these Colombia Blogs were shut down by their owners for one reason or another. There may be others that I’m not aware of.
- – no longer online and now is a blog on the Lifafar real estate firm website.
Blogs and Websites by Medellin Guru Authors
Several of the authors on the Medellin Guru website have blogs and websites but they aren’t necessarily focused just on Colombia. So, several are not included in the above Colombia Blogs list.
Here are the blogs and websites of the Medellin Guru authors:
- Gwendolyn DeSilva –
- Alice Ko –
- Roisin Mulligan –
- Greggo Amos –
- Steve Dillon –
- Paul Drecksler –
- Amanda O’Brien –
The Bottom Line: Top Colombia Blogs by Expats
When I originally moved to Colombia over eight years ago, most of these Colombia Blogs by expats didn’t exist and it was difficult to find accurate information about living in Colombia as an expat. So, I had to learn many things on my own.
But now there are some Colombia Blogs by expats with valuable information about expat experiences about living and visiting Colombia. However, still be careful as a number of these blogs aren’t updated as things change. Also, the quality and features of these blogs vary widely. Warning, be careful as the Internet is full of out-of-date information about Medellín and Colombia.
Furthermore, the Colombia Blogs by expats change from year to year. New blogs may get launched, while others may get turned off or go inactive.
Things are constantly changing in Colombia. So, like all other articles on the Medellin Guru site, which are kept up-to-date. We plan to update monthly the above list of Colombia Blogs by expats.
If you happen to know of any Colombia Blogs by expats missing from this list please let us know in the comments and we’ll update the list.
Also, we have looked at top Colombia books by expats that can help travelers visiting Colombia or considering moving to Colombia better understand the complex country.
In addition, “What are the top Colombia blogs?” is a question asked by some expats who are looking to find out more about Colombia. So, we included this question in our list of Medellín frequently asked questions (FAQ).
Sign up for the Free Medellin Guru Newsletter – You can see all of the previous Medellin Guru weekly email newsletters and sign up here.
Editors note: updated on June 30, 2021 to update published posts information for each blog and reorder list with updated Facebook followers.
Editors note: updated on August 31, 2021 to update published posts information for each blog and reorder list with updated Facebook followers.
Editors note: updated on October 1, 2021 to update published posts information for each blog and reorder list with updated Facebook followers.
Editors note: updated on October 31, 2021 to update published posts information for each blog and reorder list with updated Facebook followers.
Editors note: updated on December 1, 2021 to update published posts information for each blog and reorder list with updated Facebook followers.
Editors note: updated on January 1, 2021 to update published posts information for each blog and reorder list with updated Facebook followers.
Editors note: updated on February 1, 2022 to update published posts information for each blog and reorder list with updated Facebook followers.
Editors note: updated on March 2, 2022 to update published posts information for each blog and reorder list with updated Facebook followers.