Becoming an Airbnb host in Colombia is an exciting and rewarding venture, but there are important things to consider. Before diving in, it’s crucial to understand new Airbnb policies in Colombia with some measures to preserve human dignity and avoid crimes, especially against minors and women.

Whether you’re a seasoned host or new to Airbnb, it’s important to address the issue of the exploitation of children and adolescents in Medellín, due to the authorities have strengthened measures and requirements for places related to tourism, and Airbnb has become an essential ally in avoiding these unfortunate situations in the city. In the same way, at Medellin Guru, we’re committed to providing you with the knowledge you need to excel as an Airbnb host in Colombia while upholding the care of all human life.

If you’re an investor looking for properties to start in the Colombian short-rental business market, use the Medellin Guru Real Estate service, where our reliable partner Real Estate by will help you to find the best property. Click on the green button below to access the service.

New Policies to Combat Exploitation Crimes in Medellín

In the first week of September 2024, Airbnb announced that it would be taking three specific actions to help combat child exploitation and human trafficking. These measures were developed in consultation with the Mayor’s Office of Medellin. As a result, the city made this issue a priority and has taken various actions, including strengthening penalties for exploiters and increasing street tours to rescue underage victims.

Under those circumstances, focusing on the tourism sector is crucial for addressing these crimes. Additionally, Airbnb is taking action by training police, improving user policies, and collaborating with law enforcement. These efforts are pivotal in combating these crimes.

People in Medellin protesting against sexual and commercial exploitations of minors
People in Medellin protesting against sexual and commercial exploitations of minors.

1. Training Sessions with Metropolitan Police Members

The platform announced that it organized a series of training sessions with members of the Metropolitan Police on its communication portal. The goal is to establish a direct and secure channel with local authorities so that they can send legal and valid requests for information to Airbnb.

Consequently, the government has significantly strengthened the fight against sexual exploitation through international cooperation, such as programs like “Angel Watch” from the United States, which have a crucial role in preventing and capturing individuals involved in this illegal activity.

In August, 65 minors at risk of exploitation were rescued from the streets of Medellin
In August, 65 minors at risk of exploitation were rescued from the streets of Medellin. Photo by Alcaldía de Medellin

Also, General William Rene Salamanca, Director General of the National Police, announced on Sunday, September 8, during his visit to Medellin, where he met with Mayor Federico Gutierrez, that Medellin will soon have a headquarters of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol).

This exciting development will provide the city with intelligence, personnel, and logistical capabilities to combat criminal activities effectively.

Indeed, along with the things you should know before investing and becoming an Airbnb host, communication policies between the platform and the police authorities will become stricter. Every request will be closely monitored to promptly address any irregularities found.

There will be soon a Interpol Office in Medellin - Photo by El Espectador
There will be soon a Interpol Office in Medellin – Photo by El Espectador
Salamanca General in Medellin - Photo by El Tiempo
Salamanca General in Medellin – Photo by El Tiempo

2. All guests from anywhere in the world must attest that they understand the platform’s policies.

Secondly, starting this September 2024, the booking will require that every guest from anywhere in the world who wants to book accommodation in Medellin attest that they understand Airbnb’s policies that strictly prohibit the use of all accommodations for sex work and misnamed sex tourism.

In this case, travelers will need to confirm that they understand this policy in order to complete the booking. Understanding it implies knowing that Airbnb will support local criminal investigations if a crime such as children exploitation is ever filed and that users who engage in these or violate the policy may be removed from the platform.

Every Airbnb host in Colombia is expected to adhere to this agreement policy
Every Airbnb host in Colombia is expected to adhere to this agreement policy

3. Eliminate Advertisements Including Sexual Themes

Likewise, the platform has removed any ads containing sexual themes. To date, Airbnb has successfully taken down more than 150 accommodations in Medellin, including several that violated the strict ban on promoting illegal activities.

Equally important, it’s crucial to emphasize that this action is in addition to the ongoing educational and inspection work in hotels, commercial establishments, transport terminals, and public roads to prevent and address exploitation crime cases. Furthermore, the government will take into consideration background checks for foreigners seeking entry into Medellin.

After all, thanks to these three measures, offers and reservations through Airbnb can continue to be made in the healthiest possible way. This creates an environment that aims to eradicate illegal activities in the city and transform it into a worldwide reference for preserving the dignity of children, adolescents, and women.

Airbnb has removed ads with sexual nature
Airbnb has removed ads with sexual nature

Additional Airbnb Host Policies

Besides, according to Airbnb’s policies for hosts in Colombia, the following safety guidelines, which go hand in hand with the new measures for the protection of infants and women, should be considered to ensure safe stays, experiences, and interactions.

  • 1. Threats or abuse:</h4 >

    Threats, violence, and abuse toward others, including partners, children, animals, and sick or disabled people, have no place in Airbnb community. Any unwanted physical contact, suggestive or sexual behavior, conversations about personal relationships, or sexual preferences are not acceptable. Likewise, explosive devices, incendiary devices, and assault weapons are not allowed, and it is mandatory to report the presence of legally owned guns and save them properly.

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    2. Failure to comply with public health guidelines:</h4 >

    All guests and hosts must follow social distancing guidelines and wear appropriate safety clothing in accordance with public health guidelines for infectious diseases (for instance, COVID-19) when in common areas or in the presence of people who are not part of their traveling party. In addition, hosts must follow Airbnb’s five-step advanced cleaning process.

  • 3. Illegal and Prohibited Activities</h4 >

    Sexual exploitation of minors, whether in person or online, as well as human trafficking and smuggling, is prohibited. In addition, travelers are not permitted to solicit paid sexual services, nor are hosts permitted to promote or offer them. Similarly, the use of pornographic photos or videos for commercial purposes is unacceptable, along with the production, cultivation, processing, distribution, or consumption of drugs and illegal substances.

  • 4. Dangerous Animals</h4 >

    A dangerous animal is one capable of causing severe harm to humans or other animals in the housing. Therefore, hosts must not allow dangerous animals in an accommodation if they are within a safe and secure place. In fact, if a dangerous animal is in the accommodation, hosts must warn of its presence in the house rules.
    Likewise, guests must also message the host to warn them that they are traveling with a dangerou

  • 5. Protecting Children from Sexual Exploitation</h4 >

    Particularly, we strongly recommend that you report suspected cases of child sexual exploitation to the CyberTipline. In addition, if you have cameras around your accommodation, you must comply with Airbnb’s policy on using cameras and recording devices. By all means, as the policy states, the devices cannot monitor the inside of the accommodation, and if there is any outside, you will have to mention it in the description of the listing.

  • 6. Helping to Stop Human Trafficking</h4 >

    If you suspect any situation that could be considered human trafficking or taking advantage of people in vulnerable situations, contact the national emergency line (123).

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Download Emergency Directory Colombia

Are you looking to buy or sell Real Estate in Colombia?

Medellin Guru has partnered with Real Estate by to provide real estate services to foreigners and locals interested in buying and selling properties in Medellin and across Colombia.

Recognizing our readers’ demand for real estate guidance, this partnership with Real Estate by, desires to deliver trustworthy and comprehensive real estate services to our audience.

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We chose to collaborate with Real Estate by for buying and selling real estate services for several reasons:

  • Real Estate by is recognized globally and is a familiar brand for foreigners.
  • As one of Colombia’s largest realtor companies, Real Estate by has extensive coverage throughout the country, enabling it to serve various locations in Colombia.
  • They boast a robust team of agents, many of whom are bilingual in English and Spanish.
  • Real Estate by ensures fair pricing through a thorough Comparative Market Analysis (ACM).

To access this real estate partner service from Real Estate by, click the button below, complete a brief form, and receive a complimentary consultation offering insights into the local market, current pricing, and tips for buying or selling properties.

Medellin Guru’s Airbnb Series

Medellin Guru now has a series of several articles about Airbnb in Colombia:

  1. 9 Strategies to Find Killer Deals on Airbnb in Colombia
  2. 15 Things to Know Before Investing to Become an Airbnb Host in Colombia
  3. 10 Airbnb Best Practices for Airbnb Hosting in Colombia
  4. 9 Tips to Attract Long-Term Airbnb Guests in Colombia
  5. 7 Strategies for Airbnb Slow Season in Colombia
  6. How to Identify Problem Airbnb Guests in Colombia Before They Book
  7. 15 Ways to Increase Your Airbnb Search Rank In Colombia
  8. How Safe is Airbnb in Colombia? Is it Safe to Use Airbnb in Colombia?
  9. Airbnb Travel Itinerary for Your Airbnb Guests in Colombia
  10. How to Get Started on Airbnb in Colombia: A Guide

Medellin Guru’s guide to buying, selling and renting apartments and choosing a neighborhood

On the Medellin Guru website, we have a comprehensive and up-to-date guide to buying, selling, and renting apartments and choosing a neighborhood in Medellin found in several articles, including:

Buying and Selling Apartments

Renting Unfurnished Apartments:

Renting Furnished Apartments:

Choosing a Neighborhood in Medellin:

Also, we have several articles that can be used to help foreigners choose a neighborhood in Medellin:

The Bottom Line: New Measures to Become an Airbnb Host in Colombia

The partnership between Airbnb and the Mayor’s Office of Medellín is a game-changer in the effort to combat tourism and sexual exploitation. This collaboration is a powerful step towards ensuring a safer and more responsible environment for both visitors and residents of the city. It’s exciting to see how technology and public policy are coming together to tackle complex and sensitive community issues.

By taking proactive steps, both parties show dedication to creating a tourism environment that upholds ethical and human values. This means promoting economically beneficial, respectful, and safe tourism for everyone involved. Whether you’re a visitor or someone offering a service through the platform, it’s vital to consider, respect, honor, and champion ethical and respectful behavior. This partnership is truly paving the way for a brighter, more mindful future in tourism.